Love, Patience and Suffering
Episode Date: March 24, 2025When the Greeks and Romans met the early Christians, one of the first things that surprised them was how Christians handled suffering. Christianity b...
Sermons by Tim Keller, founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC and NY Times best-selling author of ”The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.” For more sermons and resources, visit
360 episodes transcribedWhen the Greeks and Romans met the early Christians, one of the first things that surprised them was how Christians handled suffering. Christianity b...
What are the characteristics of a supernaturally changed heart? You can be very moral and active in church and still be an incredibly impatient, bitte...
Most of us know how to restrain a life. We start to get in trouble, so we change. But when the consequences go away, we snap back the way we were. Hu...
There is nothing that beggars your own sense of wisdom than to study what the Bible says about divine wisdom. Ephesians 5 tells us a lot about wisdom....
Ephesians 5 talks about light and wisdom. Paul says that because you once were darkness and now are light, you should now expose works of darkness and...
The essence of Christianity is arguing with yourself. What makes you an effective Christian is that you’re continually arguing with yourself, and you’...
Christianity is never a mechanical thing. And the church is not a morality agency—it’s a regenerating agency. The real goal of the do’s and the don’ts...
Whenever God turns to you, if you believe in him, all he sees when he looks at you is complete beauty and sweetness. Jesus Christ offered himself up a...
If you look at the particulars Christian teachings, the particulars don’t look that different from many other ethical systems. The difference is that...
Christianity has an amazing approach to lying and to anger that almost nobody else has. For truth-telling, it says truth must always be told with love...
A good test shows you what you really are, what’s really in you. If you’re in denial, the tests are devastating. If you’re dropping the ball, the test...
In this passage, we finally get to a particular kind of prayer in which people are very interested: to the place where Jesus says prayer is a way to c...
I’ll say it consciously: this is our worst nightmare. More than anyone else in history, modern people believe we ought to have a good life and we ough...
What does it mean to hallow? It’s a word virtually never used anymore in everyday English, but we don’t quite have an equivalent. To hallow something...
Jesus doesn’t just point the way to God—rather, he is the way to God because he’s risen. And that means that for Christians, prayer is a unique, radic...
The Psalms is the divinely inspired prayer book, but when you open this prayer book, the first page is not a prayer. It’s a meditation on meditation....
The Lord’s Prayer is quite a workout. You’re asking for a lot of things: daily bread, deliver us from evil. But at the end, you rest in God. The last...
We don’t see that envy is as terrible as it really is. Envy is wanting somebody else’s life. Do you know what that does? It sucks the joy out of the l...
What if I told you there was a process and no matter how much you blew up your life, if you used this process, there would be a way to come out the ot...
We need every bit of help we can get to learn to pray, “Thy will be done,” because we’re going right into the teeth of our culture. The essence of Am...