Today, Explained
Today, Explained is Vox's daily news explainer podcast. Hosts Sean Rameswaram and Noel King will guide you through the most important stories of the day. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.
1738 episodes transcribedWhen your president acts like a dictator
Episode Date: June 5, 2018Nicaragua is spiraling into a state of national catastrophe, as clashes between police and student protesters over the past two months have left more...
You can't have your cake
Episode Date: June 4, 2018Today the Supreme Court issued a decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, or as it’s colloquially known, the “gay c...
2 Big 2 Fail
Episode Date: June 1, 2018Congress is rolling back the bank regulations implemented after the 2008 financial crisis. Vox’s Matthew Yglesias explains why, and what it means for...
Why does everyone hate George Soros?
Episode Date: May 31, 2018There are three things you need to know about George Soros: 1) You’re pronouncing his name wrong. 2) He’s richer than rich. 3) He’s one of the most ha...
Roseanne gets canned
Episode Date: May 30, 2018ABC canceled the popular reboot of Roseanne after its star likened President Obama’s former advisor, an African-American woman, to an ape on Twitter....
We've updated our privacy policy
Episode Date: May 29, 2018You know those privacy policy emails flooding your inbox lately? Turns out those are thanks to the European Union’s crackdown on websites that collect...
The poorest rich country in the world
Episode Date: May 25, 2018Venezuela has been crippled by poverty, starvation, five-figure inflation, and on Sunday, an election that many countries didn’t recognize as legit. B...
We'll never have Singapore
Episode Date: May 24, 2018President Trump cancelled his historic Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un today. The announcement comes after a North Korean offici...
Episode Date: May 23, 2018Today the National Football League released a statement saying players will be fined if they kneel during the national anthem. It’s the ultimate respo...
Arbitration Nation
Episode Date: May 22, 2018The Supreme Court may have taken away your ability to file a class action lawsuit against your employer. In a 5-4 decision yesterday, the Court decide...
Ireland's great divide
Episode Date: May 21, 2018This Friday, Ireland holds a historic vote that could overturn one of the strictest abortion policies in the world. The race is razor-tight: Facebook...
A cynic's guide to the royal wedding
Episode Date: May 18, 2018Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you might have heard that there’s a royal wedding happening this Saturday. (Even Sean’s mom is tuning in!) Eng...
Go ahead. Legalize it.
Episode Date: May 17, 2018This week, the Supreme Court of the United States fundamentally changed... sports. It struck down a 1992 law that prevented states from legalizing spo...
Hawaii versus the volcano
Episode Date: May 16, 2018Explosions are ramping up on Hawaii’s Big Island this week, as the Kilauea volcano continues to spew lava and blow a 12,000-foot plume of ash into the...
What you need to know about Gaza
Episode Date: May 15, 2018Sixty Palestinians were killed at the Israel-Gaza border yesterday, the day the U.S. moved its embassy to Jerusalem. Vox’s Yochi Dreazen breaks down t...
Jordan Peterson explains himself
Episode Date: May 14, 2018Jordan Peterson has gone from being an obscure Canadian academic to a kind of political rock star for the right. Overnight. Vox’s Zack Beauchamp unpac...
#MeToo's big betrayal
Episode Date: May 11, 2018New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigned Monday after four women accused him of physical assault. The news was a rough blow to the #MeToo...
Dial C for Cohen
Episode Date: May 10, 2018Stormy D, AT&T, and nine Fabergé eggs. The investigation into the president’s personal lawyer keeps getting more colorful. This week, it was confirmed...