What's New Podcast - LIVE From SeaWorld San Diego!

Episode Date: March 24, 2025

The crew does a special podcast recording LIVE from SeaWorld San Diego :)...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody, it's Menace. Thank you so much for checking out What's New Pod and this special episode that we recorded at SeaWorld. We had an incredible day and so much to share with you. But I just want to let you know, if you'd like to hang out with me, coming up this Sunday, March 30th, I'll be at Citadel Outlets at the Polo Ralph Lauren store from 11am to 1pm. I'm gonna have a ton of giveaways for special Woody show events if you know what I'm saying. So I'd love to see you there. Citadel outlets in the city
Starting point is 00:00:29 of commerce 11am to 1pm. I'll see you there. Now let's check out this podcast. What's new? What's new with Menace? What's up everybody and welcome to another edition of What's New Pod. I am Menace, I'm joined by Julianne, Randy, Tyler, and Eric and we are coming to you live today from SeaWorld San Diego. Now we might sound a little bit weird, we're actually, and you might hear a lot of background noise, we are beneath the pool of the orcas Is that right? Oh, there's the viewing area of all the orcas. Yes, and it's I got an amazing photo already of Tyler
Starting point is 00:01:16 I got to get a photo of everybody and all of our setup here as we're talking Gigantic whales are swimming by and it's an incredible view. So if you come to SeaWorld San Diego, you'll see this. Walk down below and just check out the viewing of the orcas. But I mean, SeaWorld has so many different things. And Tyler and Randy, you guys got here a little bit earlier than all of us, of course, and got to jump on the park. What did you do before Eric and Julianne and myself got here? So the game plan was to get here early and check out the roller coasters first.
Starting point is 00:01:48 5-in-8 was a blast to get on. One of them was the craziest thing I've been on in a long time. It was the first time I got off a roller coaster and I was like I just I couldn't have... Which one? He's looking at the food festival thing. It was the Electro-Beat. I know it was! Because that's the one I want to go thing. It was the Electra-V. I know it was. Because that's the one I want to go on. It's my little calendar.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's been a minute since I've been on a roller coaster that really honestly shook me to my core. Yeah. Well, it's something when you ride roller coasters for the first time. So when you ride something for the first time, you don't know what to expect. And it really hits you. But then coming into this I always get reminded about when we go out to these events and we do stuff together I always am reminded about Tyler that he won't ride roller coasters with us. I will not ride a roller coaster. Menace rolls out the red carpet for us, we get the SeaWorld, we eat lunch with the Orcas, we get all these passes and you
Starting point is 00:02:44 won't ride one roller coaster to pay off anything I know I'm gonna get flack for this because the last time we were in Vegas menace is like I will pay you This roller coaster he started at 100. He got all the way up to 300 I was like no and he's like I can't I can't no way Yeah, and to back up Randy a little bit this roller coaster is actually pretty good This does a corkscrew like at the top top and I'm like, no thank you. It looks like it's plummeting into Earth.
Starting point is 00:03:13 If you remember in our group chat, our text group chat, Tyler sent a photo of me with just a bewildered look on my face. That was the image of me on the electric field. Yeah. After that one, I made my way over to Arctic Rescue, which is really cool. Yeah, that's one of their newest coasters.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yeah, it's the, from what I read, it's the fastest sitting roller coaster on the West Coast. And that name lives up to it. It's fast, it's a lot of fun. That's the perfect roller coaster for Tyler, because it's not too crazy, no loops or anything. It's cool. And one of my favorite parts about it
Starting point is 00:03:44 is it's right next to the some more like exhibits so the walruses the beluga whales the otters it's all there I tried tricking Tyler I was like yo dude I know you want to see the otters but the only way to get into the otters is you gotta ride the roller coaster yeah that's how you get into no just kidding but you guys bring up a good point though when people think SeaWorld they just think the sea life, which is amazing, by the way. We'll get to that. But there is so many coasters at SeaWorld.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I've gone to SeaWorld in Orlando, but here in San Diego, definitely one of my favorites when it comes to all the different coasters and rides that they have available here at the park. I think that's people's like number one problem. They think about SeaWorld when they were little kids, especially if they're, you know, millennials. Because I know the first time that I attended SeaWorld again
Starting point is 00:04:30 after being a child, I came here in 2019. And I mean, what a difference. Yeah, for sure. And all the rides, I didn't know that there was beer and, you know, drinks here. I had no idea. Yeah, adults can have fun. Yes, it was paradise. And I had my kids with me, I had no idea. And it was paradise. Adults can have fun. Yes, it was paradise.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And I had my kids with me, so it was awesome. This podcast was delayed a little bit because we sent Julianne and Randy on a beer run. I know. And we were like, hey, we're gonna sit down and have a good time. We need some refreshments. And coffee.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Like Julianne just mentioned about all the really cool things this park has, Tyler was able to chicken out of the roller coaster and still found something fun to do because he made his way over to the Penguin exhibit. Yes. Which was, which led to a really funny moment of me walking in and it's just Tyler in this massive like amphitheater area, going around just taking photos and looking at Ember penguins. These penguins might be the beefiest birds I've ever seen in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:05:21 There's that one penguin that looks like he's 300 pounds. Dude, I took a picture. So they're standing on top of like this really high perch and one of the big ones had one of the little ones in front of it. And I took a picture and the size difference in these things is ginormous. And I'm not even joking. I saw these big emperor penguins try to waddle. It's like getting a Coke machine and like trying to move it.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah. But as you put one leg in front of the other and you just like keep slowly going. I mean, who's gonna say the joke? I was gonna say... Yeah. I was gonna say... I was gonna jump in and be like, you know you have to move like a big piece of furniture or something? You're just kinda like waddling it.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I was gonna say, is it kinda like watching you walk? Oh no. There have been plenty of walrus jokes, plenty of orca will jokes today. Tyler and I, the game plan was not only were we going to have a day full of fun in the sun with Sea Life, we were also going to get ahead of all jokes. We got to everyone, we're like, oh yeah guys, guess two walruses got me a dinner. First thing, dude, not even, you didn't even say it to me. I'm here with my wife and my son and I roll up Austin in our stroller and Tyler comes
Starting point is 00:06:22 up, doesn't say hi to me, he says to my my nine month old ten month old baby boy. He goes. Yeah, what happened the walrus got out of this Deprecating yes, I like it. He's trying to take the sting away. Yeah Yes, I love it we all know Eric's baby was thinking it anyway. Yeah, the baby's just like me. He's like, woo, woo, woo. All right, but the last thing I wanted to touch on for the Penguin exhibit, it's really cool because they have like six different species of penguin in there. So you see the emperors, there's the chinstraps, there's the macaroni penguins.
Starting point is 00:07:01 It's really, really cool. There's lots of awesome penguins. He's reading from a pamphlet right now. He's not doing this at home. No, no, no, he's not, he's not. But the other cool thing is that you walk past the penguin stuff and then there's a small little section after and there's like three species of puffins in there just chilling and wiping out a pool. It's like the whole thing's really dope, dude. Big fan of penguins.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Please keep doing your thing. So eventually all of us get here together and the first thing we do, we go to the sea lion encounter where we got to hang out With Ozzy the sea lion and it will be posting a bunch of videos and photos from that But it was such a fun experience because we got to feed Ozzy We got to shake his hand and Julianne you got face to face with Ozzy. I got this amazing photo We all got a chance to go up and do stuff and like you and Tyler medicine Tyler got it like girl You jump which Tyler didn't really jump. He just
Starting point is 00:07:53 He jumps Julianne's daughter got up and they tossed them They said a little wave that I'm inside then me and Julianne go up and I alright Well, you guys are gonna like lean forward and this Ozzy is 500 plus pounds hanging over the the guardrail it's like okay you guys just lean toward him and he's gonna give you a kiss and you're looking at these fangs and he's like screaming and I'm like Julian you can have more like he was burping like a really loud burp a deep yeah right in your face yeah were you afraid no no I actually they said, no, no. I actually wanted to, like, I wanted to touch his face,
Starting point is 00:08:28 but I couldn't. But they had us lean forward and go, and right when he did that, the Ozzy's mouth opened up really wide. And then I opened up my mouth really wide. I have to ask, as somebody who was watching from afar, did his breath smell? No. I didn't get that close. I didn't smell it. I was more for Julian as somebody who was watching from afar, did his breath smell? No. I don't get that close.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I didn't smell it. I was more for Julian, because Julian was snouting his snout. Julian was like, nose to snout. Ozzy, I know what Ozzy's feeling, man. He was way more interested in Julian than Ozzy. He was way more interested. Well, he did not have fish breath. He didn't smell like anything.
Starting point is 00:09:01 It was fun, yeah. And Julian, your whole family's here as well. And so your children got to feed Ozzy Do you think they had a fun experience? Felicity's friend decided to come and she was scared to miss her softball game thinking they're gonna bench her next game But then she found out, you know, we get to do all these cool things and she's I'm coming Yeah, so she was beyond excited and then they got to shake his hand. So they're they're loving life today Yeah, that's cool. A lot of really good photo ops here at SeaWorld. Now, we did that sea lion experience
Starting point is 00:09:29 and then I'm telling you guys, one of the best food festivals out there is at SeaWorld. And I've done this a number of years and it's called Seven Seas Food Festival. It's happening now until April 27th. And what was the first thing that you got? Of course, Eric got the michelada. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 But Randy, out the gate, he got something very interesting. So I went first stop to the Costa Rica booth, and I got some rondon, which is coconut curry and seafood. It was good. I liked it. It was the coconut curry. I thought it was very delicious. I'm a sucker for seafood. I love octopus, shrimp, fish. You name it, I'm there. I'm just like one of them sea lions
Starting point is 00:10:08 Around the corner though, I know you guys stopped by the Peruvian booth and got some Lomo Santana Yeah, that was so good Yeah, I walked up and I said can I have the rice and steak and then they said it again and I'm like yes that please Meanwhile when they did that I went over to the Brazil section and got the chimichurri churrasco, which is pretty bomb. Basically, like some steak and a little bit of sauce, and that's right out my alley, man. Meanwhile, when you guys did that,
Starting point is 00:10:34 I went and got some wine. Yeah, sounds about right. Yeah. But yeah, this food festival, you have to look it up and try it out. I'm telling you, it's one of the best. And it's quality food, too, in big portions, which we love. The one out I'm telling you, we're the best And it's quality food too And big portions, which we love
Starting point is 00:10:48 The one that I'm jealous about, I know Eric hit up the Korea booth And he got himself some, uh Was it some kimbap? Fried musubi at the Polynesian booth Oh It's back in the corner, you gotta hike for a little bit But it's by the Polynesian dancer area And it was, yeah, fried spam
Starting point is 00:11:04 Little spicy sauce on top. So good. So good. I'm there. That's next. I love how it's not just food either, because you guys know I like to take a throwback, some cold ones here and there. So they have like a mimosa bar. They have an Irish pub. Are we doing food news right now, by the way?
Starting point is 00:11:20 I think one big food news. Yeah, they just have a lot of. Yeah, they have a lot of good tasty items besides food. Well, it's funny that we say all this. I want to shout out one other thing. The SoCal booth, everything is Coca-Cola infused. So I had to try it. They have Cherry Coke Short Rib Mac.
Starting point is 00:11:40 They also have the Coca-Cola Sticky Wings. They have the Cherry Coke short rib chips, which I absolutely loved. And now, so we just talked about all the food that we had. That was actually before we had lunch. So that was an hour before lunch, and we decided to check out the food festival. So then we had lunch,
Starting point is 00:12:00 and this is a dining experience that everybody can have if you want it. It's a full-on buffet at the Orca tank and it's called dine with Orcas and Eric pointed this out It's weird how our group has grown because when we started this podcast there was about six of us So when we pulled up to dine with Orcas, they're like, yeah group of 15 Like the family has just like grown over the years. How long have we been like knowing each other now? Kelly, who's here with us from SeaWorld. And it was we had like, she's like, oh, yeah, you know, what is it?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Like usually all four or like four or five years. I'm like, well, it's like a rotation because we all worked together at one point. Now we're all just, you know, we've branched out, ever spread out and had like the realization like we did this before, like two years before COVID. So we're're like six seven years deep now at this point but now there's so many kids the kids in the background are ours but it's funny I actually thought about this before we came out because menace asked us to bring microphones and stuff I was like I was trying to find all my things and I was like how
Starting point is 00:13:04 long have we had this stuff for? And like you said, I remember we started two years before COVID. So it's been a minute. Yeah, we remember doing it during COVID. We would go work and then we'd leave and then sit in our bedrooms and do a podcast together. But I had a conversation with Menace like two days ago.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I like called him, I know he's tired, missed a phone call. And then he calls me back, I miss his phone call. He's like, hey man, what's up? I'm like, oh no, nothing, you know, I haven't talked about SeaWorld, but this is after he texted us some details. Like miss his phone call. He's like, hey, man, what's up? And I'm like, oh, no, nothing. You know, I haven't talked about SeaWorld. This is after he texted us some details. I'm like, hey, dude, you know, like, I plan on, like, bringing the kid.
Starting point is 00:13:30 He's like, no, no, no, it's OK. Yeah, I know you're bringing the kid. Julian's bringing her kids, too. And I'm like, dude, you remember when it just be like us going to Vegas? He's like, yeah, dude, what the hell's wrong with you guys? We're trying to go to stadium swim at Circa. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And now it's like, hey, how many kids pass on you go to SeaWorld? Eric was like the driving force. He's like, hey, how many kids pass by and you go to SeaWorld? Yeah. Eric was like the driving force. He's like, yeah, I'm the ambitious one. I'll go do it. Now it's like, hey, man, kids at home. Yeah. I gotta work on my schedules.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah, we are like the new age Wu-Tang Clan with this podcast because it is so hard to get everybody all here at the same time. We planned on having Bort here, but unfortunately, last minute he cannot make it. So we're still not batting a thousand on trying to get everybody in the same place at the same time.
Starting point is 00:14:09 But the two Eagles at Soar High, the two guys that don't have kids yet, Tylin Randi, we're always down for him. Hey, Bort doesn't have children either. But he has the guineas, dude. Yeah, the guineas. He's got an army. All those guineas add up to more kids
Starting point is 00:14:24 than me and you combined. That's true. For sure. So we did the dining at an orca experience. Did you guys enjoy the food? I loved it. Yeah, so I need to point out something. I was sitting there.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I am halfway through a cupcake. And then this orca comes up to me and is like, hey buddy, what you doing? And I'm just like, hello. These things literally slide up to a glass five feet from your face. Oh yeah, they make sure you know it. Yeah, as you're enjoying your lunch. You're like, hey, you sit down.
Starting point is 00:14:51 This is a 24-hour splash zone. So you and your food may get wet. So we ate. And then there's a brand new experience that just opened up last week here at the park. And it's all about jellyfish. And it's called Jewels of the Sea and it just like goes into depth on how many jellyfish they are and so many different fun facts about
Starting point is 00:15:12 jellyfish that we don't even know. We went backstage and had an experience with the jellyfish where we actually got to touch them so the ones that we touched were moon jellyfish. Now we had expert back there and we brought a microphone with us. So this is what happened when we went backstage. Now we're over here. We've gone remote and we're at Jewels of the Sea and we're here with what's your name? My name is Jacob. I'm an aquarist here at SeaWorld. The whole crew had so many questions and I had to stop and say guys We know the rules save it for the radio. Everybody knows when you hear jellyfish you should run. Is that true? There are some jellyfish that they can actually sting you and it hurts really bad or you have to go to the hospital for them
Starting point is 00:15:55 But oftentimes if you get stung by jellyfish, there's good treatment for them So you can either use vinegar or hot salt water to treat jellyfish stings But there are some species of jellies who are nice and they don't actually sting very bad, so it won't matter too much. How many varieties are there of jellyfish? Hundreds of species of jellyfish. Here, I mean here at SeaWorld in our jellyfish exhibit, we only have nine species, but we have hopes to one day grow that amount of species where you can we have lots of tanks and
Starting point is 00:16:25 we have lots of room to experiment with different kinds of jellyfish and take care of different kinds. Now we have a lot of fun facts on the walls and one of them is jellyfish don't have brains another one says jellyfish can't swim and jellyfish aren't really fish so what are they? They're called jellyfish but really they're not anything related to fish they're invertebrates they don so they don't have any bone structure, they don't have any brain. So they're just very simple creatures. They have people like that on our show. Oh yeah, well I mean there's people like that everywhere honestly.
Starting point is 00:16:56 But yeah, so they're very simple creatures that basically just float in the water all day, just eating and existing. You guys had a thousand questions. All right, so you mentioned that for the smaller jellyfish that the bigger jellyfish will eat them along with sea turtles. So what eats the bigger jellyfish?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Cause I'd imagine those ones sting a lot more. Yeah, I'd say it just depends on like how big. Like some jellyfish don't have many predators if there's not sea turtles or anything in there. But because they have such short life cycles, they don't really like overpopulate the ocean. So they grow really fast, then they die really fast. So jellyfish have a life cycle of about like three years.
Starting point is 00:17:32 So smaller jellyfish are eaten by bigger jellyfish, which can be in my sea turtles, but it's not really like a super big cycle. But I did hear a rumor that there's jellyfish out there in the wild that might have infinite life. Have you heard about that? It's kind of like a gray area. So there's certain jellyfish called immortal jellyfish, where they have like a unique way of whenever they quote unquote die, they will just sink to the bottom and then turn back into a polyp like the first life stage. So they they do die, but then their body becomes a polyp again, where it buds off into like a new jellyfish so it's like technically immortal where like one jellyfish can survive for yes but also it's cool because moon jellies especially they are all basically clones of each other so they have the same exact genetic material
Starting point is 00:18:19 so offspring aren't true offspring they don't pass on genes or anything like that it's basically just make clones of themselves. So that can also be a way that they're technically immortal as well. So I got two questions. The first one is what is the biggest species of jellyfish found in the wild? The biggest species I believe is the lion's mane jellyfish. And I don't know if you guys saw that there's like a art structure out front that's made of trash that symbolizes a lion's mane jellyfish. That's actually a art structure out front that's made of trash that symbolizes
Starting point is 00:18:45 a lion's mane jellyfish. That's actually a life-size structure. So they can get massive, like their bells can I think be like eight to 10 feet wide. It's crazy to think that jellyfish can be bigger than you, but that is the biggest piece of jellyfish I believe. And then my second question, and this is more of a, I'm looking for clarification. I've been told that you get stung by a jellyfish, I believe. And then my second question, and this is more of a, I just want, I'm looking for clarification.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I've been told that you get stung by a jellyfish. A way to neutralize a sting is by peeing on it. Is that true, is that false, or is there a reason as to why it is? I thought that was a stingray. I think, I think, well, I think a stingray, that's actually worse because that's considered an open wound.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I don't think. You died from that, right? I think that it's a myth, but I think it stems from one of the treatments for jellyfish stings is hot salt water, hot salty water. So I think one of the reasons the pee thing came from is because pee is like a little bit salty, but it also has other stuff in it that's gross and you don't want in your wounds. So I would say if you have access to just normal salty water, just like use that instead. Okay, okay. Perfect. Are you getting normal salty water, just like use that instead. Okay, perfect. All right, are you getting it? No, it took my pee question.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yeah. I was sitting here, I'm like, oh, nobody's asked, nobody's asked, and then Randy jumps in with two questions. Oh wow, two parter. Yeah, for sure. And the foot traffic is just amazing. I mean, just people in and out
Starting point is 00:20:00 and then just taking photos. The way that you've done the lighting is incredible to just to highlight all the jellyfish that you have here. Now, a lot of the jellyfish have funny names, I noticed. What is your favorite one? Well, one of the ones, it's called a blue blubber jellyfish. And I feel like the name perfectly symbolizes what it looks like. It looks exactly how you think. It's just like a little like squishy blob that's just like, like floating through the water, like jiggling a bunch. And it just looks very silly. And it's a very funny jellyfish. But that's just like floating through the water like jiggling a bunch and
Starting point is 00:20:25 it just looks very silly and it's a very funny jellyfish but that's definitely one of my favorites for sure that we have here at least. All right well we're gonna head back to our main headquarters here at SeaWorld but thank you so much for hanging out with us today. Of course thank you so much for coming. That was awesome right? Yes it was so awesome. We felt very VIP too because a lot of people can see us backstage with the glass. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:20:45 looking through and like waving. I know it was cool. Now Tyler seemed to enjoy the jellyfish. Yeah a lot of jellyfish questions. We have done. Like enough to the point or I was asking the guy like some of them off the pod. Uh-huh. And you're like stop and I'm like oh my bad I forgot. I know I was like guys like they already did like a super in-depth interview before we even started the interview. And you're like standing oh, my bad. I know. I was like, guys, they already did a super in-depth interview before we even started the interview. We had the mic set up. And they're standing there ready to go. And they're just chatting them up.
Starting point is 00:21:10 So chatting them up. And I got second. I got lost in the zone, man. To be fair, he was actually feeding us information. Yeah, I know. Yeah, he was an expert in everything. Right. And he just wouldn't stop going, which was good.
Starting point is 00:21:21 We were just so intrigued. You just seen our faces. And because he was telling us so much like we obviously had to communicate back So we were just having follow-up questions not on purpose, but that's just you know conversation We got to save the magic guys for here on the pot Randy mowed my lawn and stole my pee question I had one question like everybody jump in get a question. Okay, and goes Tyler goes. Yeah, right. He's like I got two Everybody jump in and get a question. OK, Joanne goes, Tyler goes. Yeah, right. He's like, I got to.
Starting point is 00:21:46 He's like, oh, what is this? Some of us can't swim or some bull crap. And then he goes in, oh, yeah. What about the pain? Like, dude, then you had to be a jackass. Eric, you got anything? No. Dummy. My bad. I'm sorry. Yeah, I will say one of the coolest things he touched on is the fact that to work
Starting point is 00:22:02 here, you don't have to have a degree. Yeah. Biology or zoology. And you can come here and a lot of the stuff that the experts have or have learned you learn on the job which I think is really cool because that'd be you know I was watching like the the dolphin trainers whatever I call them trainers whatever they're like feeding thrown fish and blowing whistles and they're doing flips I'm like that seems pretty cool that'd be pretty fun only major. For your job. The only major qualification, you just have to be scuba certified.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Uh huh. Like that's not. I mean, you would want that anyway. Well, yeah. That'd be fun. It's like a couple hundred bucks. Yeah. Pretty good investment. So he told us a funny story when we were discussing pre recording about sea turtles and about how part of it would have been great to have on the pod.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Thanks, Tyler. Part of it is that for those of you that didn't catch it, because Tyler asked before we turn on the microphone. I have a hundred questions, and then when the microphone is on, I have none. Part of being stupid certified is you have to go into the tank to clean the tank, and he told us that they have to have what's called a turtle wrangler, because they have to sort of like distract the turtles while they're cleaning, otherwise the turtles go up to them and like they like smack them because they're just curious to what they're doing it's not
Starting point is 00:23:10 just with them so when I was in the penguin exhibit earlier like one of them feeding on one of them's blowing more snow on like you know the thing and one of them is cleaning the windows and the one that's cleaning the windows has like a group of ten penguins around her just like what are you doing? See we should all just come here and work together. The next experience is get Tyler in the orca tank to clean you know. Yes! Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Now do you feel like you are getting prepared for your trip to Alaska Tyler? Uh yeah in a way because I mean I think it's pretty hard to imagine that you're not gonna see like some of these animals out there. I don't think like penguins really live out there but I mean you're probably it's pretty hard to imagine that you're not going to see like some of these animals out there I don't think like penguins really live out there, but I mean you're probably gonna see like orcas Okay, let's Google it you might be right because Penguins will come out in the winter. Well, you see penguins in Alaska Might be at the North Pole. Yeah, I know. There's got to be penguins in Alaska.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Penguins are not native in Alaska. Whoa. Wow. Tyler gets a win. Justifying. I learned sitting in the exhibit by himself. Yeah. When you're sitting in an exhibit and the video is playing. I will say one thing, I've learned knowledge is power Did you get your passport I took care of it on Tuesday he did a show me a receipt I'm really glad you mentioned that so I'm going say, or just you don't got to send it.
Starting point is 00:24:45 We're all sitting at the same table. Yeah, we're not. We're not all. I'm going to send a picture of the receipt to everybody sitting at the table. I'm looking at a picture of the mugshot, but I'm going to just pass. Oh, yeah. Passport photo, dude. This is a mugshot. Let's see it yourself. You can look at that. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Oh, wow. Come on. Did you get any sleep before this photo? Oh, my God. You're not coming back. Well, they're not going to let him on the boat. Yeah, he's going to be like, who's this felon? You look like you smuggle sea turtle eggs. Dude. The chain. Yeah, the chain. Oh, no. This is tough.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Why do you feel you can't smile, right, in a passport? It's tough in a good way, right? No, not in a passport photo. Dang. Menace, he's not coming home. You're not. I was going to say you're not coming back. I could smile like any... No, in a passport photo? Dang. Menace, he's not coming home. You know, I was going to say you're not coming back. You're going to smile? No, and a passport, you can't.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So actually, here's the thing. You can smile. And the chick I took it to told me, oh, if you want to, you can smile. So I did smile for the first one. And then she said no. She's like, yeah, you know what? Never mind. When it was printing out, it messed up and stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:43 She's like, oh, we have to retake it again. And at this point I'm like I'm tired Smiling smiling tired Very easy for him to get tired That's such a bad photo. But now that you have the passport now you can get the bug and you can travel more places Yeah, now potentially get denied entry when they see your photo Yeah You're not coming in the next year. Menace had this face where he's had this face was like when we go out and do things where
Starting point is 00:26:08 it's like I'm doing this stuff for you guys and then somebody does something dumb and you just kind of like, that was if that's what he did with that photo. Yeah. You know, Tyler, Tyler, you know, here we go. Let's go. Just don't f this up. Go get your photo done. And then you got it done.
Starting point is 00:26:23 He saw the receipt. Hell yeah. He got it done. He saw the receipt. Hell yeah, he got it done. Like I said, my boy's not letting me down. And then he just saw that photo. He's like, shut the son of a bitch. Put a push pin into Vancouver, Canada, because that's what I'm flying into.
Starting point is 00:26:34 We're good. We're solid. All right. So what's the plans for the rest of the day? Now, Julian, you want to go hit up one of the coasters, right? Yes, electro heel. Yeah. Dude, this is weird. We're bringing in babies now. It a podcast he's smiling dude Austin's been smiling all day yeah he loves he loves chicks dude yeah I told you yeah brother brother He sat down at for lunch, and he had eyes on Julianne Wow
Starting point is 00:27:15 Cute now he hasn't even made any noise is he just behaving in front of us. He's great out out of the house He's awesome like just cuz he's so like curious. We get home, and he's pissed. He's like why the hell are we home? Yeah, he's awesome. He's like dr. De the house. He's awesome. Like just cuz he's so like curious we get home and he's pissed He's like why the hell are we home? Yeah, he's awesome. He's like dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde I'll sound Eric. I was in awe. This guy was putting down mashed potatoes Oh, yeah, he's been snacking all day. He'll just sit there and he and he loves eating to the point where he's like And just I'm like bro, just please be quiet Nice. Well, yeah, definitely, you know SeaWorld is for families, but and for adults now eating to the point where he's like mmm mmm and just I'm like bro just please be quiet just please eat. Nice well yeah definitely you know SeaWorld is for families but for adults now and I just
Starting point is 00:27:51 gotta shout out San Diego by the way San Diego is definitely one of my favorite cities to visit. If you're listening to this podcast and you don't live in the area and you want to travel to San Diego there's definitely a lot of things to do. We're staying at, I want to shout it out because it's absolutely awesome. You got to look up this place. It's called Paradise Point Resort and Spa. I'm telling you, you go to this place, look at the photos of this place that we're staying at. It looks like you're staying in Hawaii when you're walking around. They have heated pools. They have mini golf. They have bungalows. They have bungalows that you say and they it's surrounded by a beach It's absolutely beautiful and it's it's two minutes from SeaWorld
Starting point is 00:28:31 So you want to stay there get into SeaWorld real quick are just and then take off and go check out San Diego And by the way, the malls in San Diego dope money so good So good the gas lamp district of San Diego. It's just legendary So much fun 21st birthday We're talking about it the other day about potentially maybe getting some dinner historic downtown, San Diego The old Mexican part that's always lots of fun gas lamp is lots of fun little Italy's dope Yeah, some good breweries over there. I think that might be where Sculpin's at.
Starting point is 00:29:05 If you're a sports fan, I mean, Petco's awesome. Snapdragon is great. There's so much fun stuff to do in San Diego. Did he cover all the hotspots, Tyler? Yeah. Once again, Randy's stealing thunder, you know? I was going to mention the area around Petco has great bars, but I guess not.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Buddy, maybe get off your phone and live in the present. Yeah. He says get off my phone and live in the present. OK. Dude, he says get off my phone and live in the present. Okay, for people who don't know, we're sharing a mic. I have my hand on the stand ready to take it away, and he just keeps talking. I'm like, all right, forget it. I guess I'm good then. Check out some flights to San Diego, San Diego airport, which I flew into this morning.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I was hanging out with Burke Kreischer at Resorts World for his show and easily got here right away to check out SeaWorld. And thank you to everybody at SeaWorld for being so nice today. Thank you to Kelly who's helped us out all day long and checking out all these different experiences. Check out the food festival before it wraps up. April 27th, it's called 7 Seas Google It, 7 Seas Food Festival. As I'm talking, there's an orca swimming by Julie and Randy and Tyler Yeah, that's why they're making so much noise because I'm just saying there's a whale here and then there's a fish in the tank
Starting point is 00:30:17 He is not a whale for real I want to point out a funny thing here that AJ is completely focused on the microphone and not the massive whales swimming by Wait, what's the AJ? That's my kid's name. No, but I'm just saying is that what we call him now? Cuz I always call him Austin AJ, ladies man, whatever you want to call. Yeah I call him Austin mainly too. Me and Leann named him Austin James with the idea of a nickname AJ Yeah, and literally everybody besides us calls him AJ first. It's weird. Really? There was a AJ and like we'd never call him AJ.
Starting point is 00:30:48 And we're like, that was the intention of his name. I honestly that's the first time I've ever heard AJ. Yeah. Yeah. AJ, Antonio, Jose. Yeah. Hi, May. Well, we're going to go check out Sea World for the rest of the day. Get Tyler on a roller coaster. Yeah, get Tyler on a roller coaster. Please check out our social media at What's New Pod. And don't forget, if you're going to be out and about,
Starting point is 00:31:10 March 30th, that's a Sunday, I'm going to be at Citadel Outlets at the Ralph Lauren store from 11 AM to 1 PM. And I'm going to be doing a bunch of giveaways for, you know, Woody Show events, if you know what I'm saying. So come hang out with me, check out my social media at menace, M-E-N-A-C-E, and I'll hook you up then.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And then until then, keep enjoying What's New Pod. We'll see you next week. What's new, what's new with Menace. Thanks for watching!

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