What's New Podcast - New Meet Ups, Tyler Lives, Julianne vs. Kids, Food News & More!

Episode Date: March 12, 2025

On this episode we talk New Meet Ups, Tyler Lives, Julianne vs. Kids, Food News & More! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's new with Menace? What's up everybody and welcome to another edition of What's New Pod. I'm Menace, I'm joined by Bort aka Brett, he's an audio expert and syndication expert with the Woody Show Boarding Show that you can hear across the United States and around the world on the Woody Show Podcast. We are not joined today by our friends Eric or Randy who usually come to us live from down in California, but don't worry. We still have Tyler aka heavy T Joining us from Whittier, California and just over yonder is our good friend Julie and we'll get everybody back on the pod soon Oh, I can't believe I forgot this. We're all gonna be together recording a podcast on March 22nd We will be at SeaWorld everybody
Starting point is 00:00:44 Noice it's going down Yes 20 seconds we will be at sea world everybody Nice it's going down. Yeah, so we're gonna see orca We'll be recording a podcast and I don't know I mean if we record a podcast before then we'll tell you like what time maybe what area that you could see us recording a podcast But we'll be in the park recording a podcast for what's new pod at sea world san diego And it's been a minute since we've done a podcast I apologize we've been sick we've been traveling but we're back and I just want to shout out real quick thank you to everybody that showed up to stater bros and showed up to WSS shoe store these past couple weeks while we were out and about that was super fun just put this down in your calendar right now because I'm gonna have more giveaways for you know
Starting point is 00:01:29 A special woody show event if you know I'm saying I do not have a time set yet But this just came down the pipeline yesterday March 30th. It's a Sunday put it down in your calendars Citadel outlets I'll be there pay attention to my social media, at menace, M-E-N-A-C-E, Sunday, March 30th, I will be at Citadel Outlets. More information coming soon. But, 100% for sure, myself and Bort, we're gonna be at Pyology at Irvine Spectrum
Starting point is 00:01:58 on April 10th, that is a Thursday, from 3 to 5 PM. So Tyler, you've been sick, you've been traveling. Last time I saw you went to Arizona and he pulled a total randy. He texted me while he was in Indio, California and said, guess where I'm at? And I go, huh, what's he doing in Indio, California? He was on his way to Arizona to go to spring training for the Dodgers, right?
Starting point is 00:02:23 It was really for two things. Number one, it was for spring training, but number two, there is a music festival called the Innings Festival. Oh, yeah, I've heard about that thing. Yeah, dude, it was so, so much fun. I got to see All American Rejects play. Nice. I saw Black Keys play,
Starting point is 00:02:41 and the headliner for Night One, Fallout Boy, one of my favorite bands ever, saw them play. Oh nice. That was like an awesome day. It was so, so much fun. Emo Tyler is back. Yeah dude, I'm back dude.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I've never been more alive, it's great. I painted my fingernails, I got my eyeliner on, I'm gonna get some swoopy hair. We accused you of seeing the Angels while you were there. So I did see the Dodgers, so day two, wake up, go to Angels Spring Training because there's some like now let me explain, let me explain. That seemed like that was heavily highlighted
Starting point is 00:03:17 on your social media and the Dodgers not so much. I literally thought you saw a game between the Angels and the Cubs. No, so the Angels game was between the Angels and the Mariners. So now the only reason I went to this one is because the stadium is literally three miles away from my hotel. So I'm just like, OK, they're playing. I'm going to catch this game. Whatever that stadium sucks. Oh, my God, dude, that stadium is terrible. Wait, that's a minor league stadium.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Obviously, it's spring training stadium that that's used specifically for spring training. Really? That's it? Once a year? For a couple weeks? Yeah, yeah. It's once a year for maybe, oh god, maybe six weeks or whatever. No way. But you know, it gets used for like other stuff throughout the year. Like the Angels will loan it out, I guess, to like a high school team wants to use it. Okay. When you go to a baseball game, all your concessions, stance are like a part of the stadium. Like they're in the stadium, you know? For the angels, like 75% of their concessions are just canopies set up like you're at Coachella. What? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's really weird. There was also this really, I'm going to send a picture of it in a minute, but there was also this really weird condiment contraption. So basically the way I had to get mustard is I had to squeeze this thing like it was a cow's udder, dude. Like I'm not even joking. It's so wild.
Starting point is 00:04:30 So you were a pro, right? Yeah, yeah. So you knew how to do it, correct? Of course I knew how to do it. You're like, I milked a bunch of these before I got here. I'll milk mustard, I'll milk milk. Whatever it is, brother. Where's the mama's at?
Starting point is 00:04:43 I'm sending the picture right now. Look at this. Tell me this isn't like the most unsanitary thing you've ever seen. But Tyler, didn't you go on the weekend I was out there? It wasn't even that hot. And like the Saturday that we were out there, it was like super windy. So it was windy. However, my seat at Angel Stadium was literally in direct view of the sun.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Wait, so Julian, you were in the same area as Tyler the whole weekend? The exact same area, yeah. Were you there for the baseball? No, my sister, she had graduated from Phoenix, Arizona, so she wanted to walk, so we went out there and got an Airbnb. So that's why I drove by the stadium
Starting point is 00:05:19 and saw where Tyler was at. Oh, you guys didn't link up and party or what? I had no idea she was there. I didn't know he was there. I didn't know he was there. I don't know if you guys have looked at this picture yet, but I know. It does look very utterish.
Starting point is 00:05:32 It kind of looks like something else too. It looks like Tyler was, you know, using like a flashlight or something there, man. I mean, to be honest, dude, it looks like dick, okay? Like, you know, this thing is weird, man. This thing is a wild contraption. I've never seen a dick with a pointy tip like that. But, you know, I think we're coming from that.
Starting point is 00:05:49 No, because while Julianne, you're not used to using condoms, that's why. That's supposed to be the reservoir. What's that? That's OK, Jules. It's not just you. Wearing a condom is like wearing a raincoat in the shower. You think y'all doing it?
Starting point is 00:06:02 You feel me? I feel you. I feel you. High five, bro. Forget that straight crap. Yeah. So finished that spring training game, went back to night two of the festival. Oh, the music festival is still going. I thought it was just a one day thing. Oh no, it was a two day thing. So that night I saw Incubus, I saw Beck, and the killers, dude. I'm not even joking. This thing had such a stacked lineup.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I looked at it, and I'm like, there's no way in hell I can miss this. I have to go. Damn, the first time I heard about this festival is when our friend Matt and Kim played it. And so it's been on my radar, but I've never gone. It sounded awesome. That was pretty cool, too.
Starting point is 00:06:41 That was an experience just doing all of this on my own. Cause I know you guys, I don't know if you guys remember, but when we did our like New Year's resolution thing, I said basically for me personally, I want to travel more. And I saw this lineup. I was like, yeah, I'm going, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Like I'm not missing this. I'm glad that you brought that up Tyler, because I like to play some bets. This podcast right here with Julianne and Bort, we were talking about taking cruises. And I said that I really wanted to take a cruise to Alaska and Tyler was the only one that said, you know what, I'm down. I want to go on a cruise to Alaska. And I said, Tyler, let's try to figure it out. There's an
Starting point is 00:07:16 opportunity fast forward years later for Tyler to come on a cruise with me to Alaska. But one thing is Tyler needs to get a passport. Julian, do you think he will be able to acquire a passport in time on his own? No. Completely out of his own? Yeah. No assistance. No.
Starting point is 00:07:36 No. All right. Tyler, would you like to respond? Yes, I would very much like to respond. So I have everything basically set. All I have to do is actually pay for the thing. I meant to do it for my last paycheck. However, my last paycheck I was dying in bed, which we will get to in a second. So it is going to be taken care of this Thursday. This is indeed happening. I think the only other thing I need to do
Starting point is 00:08:05 is actually just get my picture taken, but I know you can do that at the post office, so that should be no big deal. I hope you get it together, and I've offered, I'm like, Tyler, if you need any assistance at any point, please reach out. And Tyler's like, I got this, I got this. I got this.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Don't whiff on this. No, I will not whiff, dude. Are you kidding me? A cruise to Alaska, I'm not missing that, dude. That is happening. What animal do you have dreams of seeing that is your life goal on this? Ooh, ooh, this is like a sea animal?
Starting point is 00:08:34 This is a good question. Orca. I mean, an orca would be cool. An orca, I will be honest, an orca would be cool. A cocked? How many land orcas have you seen? It depends. Well, I guess SeaWorld is technically on land, so maybe.
Starting point is 00:08:51 He lays with them a lot. Let me think, let me think, let me think. As far as animal I'd want to see, an orca would be cool. I think seeing, this would be kind of hard, and I think it would also kind of freak me out because I know how big they are. Seeing an actual blue whale would be kind of hard and I think it would also kind of freak me out because I know how big they are Seeing an actual like blue whale would be kind of wild Yeah, that would be pretty sick. My thing is I kind of want to see a moose
Starting point is 00:09:12 I hear mooses in real life are Massive like I've seen videos of them and they look like four times as big as I thought they would be. Oh, they're big Oh, they're big. They can go up against bears, they're big. I've seen videos where people like who live in Washington or some of the Northern states, if there is a moose in the road, you just gotta stop and wait for it to move. Like you cannot get around it.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Oh, I'm sure you'd probably die if you ran into it. Okay, follow up question. If we had Tyler go up against a moose or a polar bear. I would die. Either way. Tyler wrestle polar bear for the gram, we'll do it. Dude, how many views would get? There's only two possible outcomes
Starting point is 00:09:54 if I wrestle a polar bear. Number one, I die. Number two, number two, let's just say I win. I beat this polar bear, now I'm getting flack for beating the mascot of Coca-Cola. Okay, so like, no, I'm not doing either one. Brat, brat! Speaking about travel, this past week, man,
Starting point is 00:10:16 I was in New York City, I went to the Taco Bell event, got to see all the new Taco Bell items are gonna be released in 2025. You can check out the full video on my Instagram, at menace, M-E-N-A-C-E. I was in Brooklyn for like less than 24 hours. That was super fun. And then I went to Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I went to Power Slap. Oh my God. Again, go to a Power Slap event. It is so much fun. Bert Kreischer was there. Theo Vonn was there. A lot of social media influencers like Tyler's boy Andrew Tate, he was there.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I don't know if he was actually inside the event, but he was outside. I know the very next day he was at UFC. I was a little bummed because I saw that Paige Van Zant was actually doing Power Slap. Oh yeah! Eric and I would have been stoked to see that. I had no idea she was even doing Power Slap. Are you guys big fans of hers? Eric has seen some of the stuff she did before with fighting and then she was in AEW for a minute.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Oh really? I didn't know that. Yeah, she popped into AEW for a couple matches. Yeah, she was really nice. Morgan and I got to hang out with her for a little bit. Her and her husband. I've heard that. That's dope. Yeah, they're really really cool. The next UFC event is happening in April. Unfortunately, it's during Coachella weekend. So many Events are happening Coachella weekend that I'm just missing out on so not gonna be at that UFC And then the weekend after that is
Starting point is 00:11:35 Russellmania for weekend two of Coachella Way off man, I don't know man I don't think the audience is crossover, but maybe I'm like one of the rare ones Maybe this way people could travel between because I mean you can get from Coachella Valley You can get all the way to Vegas, right? Yeah easily. Yeah, there you go Go to me all the famous people can go back and forth They can get from Coachella to Vegas probably within like 35 minutes Private jet and the private jet airport is right by the music festival
Starting point is 00:12:04 You're probably gonna have a lot of crossover even at Cochile you'll probably see a good amount of people going back and forth. Oh yeah. Bad Bunny of course. Oh Bad Booney. Bad Booney. Julianne where have you been? Yes. What has been going on with you? What's the latest with you? You guys absolutely nothing. I was supposed to have a girls weekend this coming week or this coming Saturday and that ended up going down the drain Oh, I know I know because like two girls couldn't make it maybe three We're gonna run out of milk shooting stories because you're not gonna have no more milk left. Let me dry it up soon I know that's a question. I've never asked. Yeah, how long until you run out of milk? I actually just finished Wait, no more milk. Nope. I finished. I'm over it
Starting point is 00:12:47 I don't want to do it anymore, but if we need it for the gram I mean I can start you know know them to make the milk come back That's good to know no no that is a question So when do you stop producing milk or is it always available? I mean if I really wanted to start up again, I just have to start like power It's called power pumping and you could bring it back. No way. Are you serious, bro? So like let's say two years from now if you decide hey, I just want a power pump You could produce milk that way I from what I've heard. Yes, and because I know why yeah
Starting point is 00:13:22 Because I just stopped it super easy. Like I still kind of like have a little bit of leakage here in there. So I can for sure get my milk back if I wanted to. But I don't, I'm over it. Tyler's like, put some on ice. Tyler, wipe the slobber off your face quick. I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:13:39 You got the cookies. But yeah, so I have been up to absolutely freaking nothing. Just like watch TV. I work. Oh, I go to the gym. Like I've been telling you guys. Good. Um, and then I just run my kids around town.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Oh, my two year olds in freaking Massachusetts. She's going to be there for three weeks and I'm so excited. Yeah. She's my mom and my brother and way. Yeah, they're visiting. So I am only down to two children as of right now. I did. I don't want to say I started drama, but I was kind of a part of little kid drama yesterday. And so her iPad is going off. And I think it's weird cause I'm like, wait, aren't these little kids in school?
Starting point is 00:14:25 What the heck? And I realized they're on minimum day. So I grabbed her iPad and I look and it's like all these kids on this mass text thread. And they're like, hey yo, was Felicity on here? Like, yeah bro, she's on here, but she's in daycare. And then I ride on there and I go, I go, hey, yo, bro, Felicity is in daycare because she's
Starting point is 00:14:47 wrist full. I was totally just joking around and I put love her mom. And then some kid writes Felicity is bisexual. Wow. I ignore it. I ignore it. Then I take a screenshot and I send it to another little kid's mom who's on here, who I know. Oh, no. I go, hey, do you know who said this?
Starting point is 00:15:09 And do you have their phone number? Oh, no. And so she said, yeah, I do. Let me ask the mom if it's OK. We'll come to find out. I already had the mom's phone number. But hey, and I like tell her the background of how I found this thread. And she's like, OK, I'll I'll talk to him. She ends up talking to him. She goes, yeah, he did say that he, he said that, um, but you know, they're just,
Starting point is 00:15:32 they're all friends. They've all been a part of a friend group for a long time. And I don't think there was like any harm in it, but I will talk to him and tell him not to do that. I was like, yeah, but regardless, if they were just messing around like little kids, nine years old, shouldn't be saying that. Like, let's say, let's say she is or was or whatever, how, I regardless if they were just messing around like little kids nine years old shouldn't be saying that like let's say Let's say she is or was or whatever how I don't know how she feels But let's just say she was and like someone's making fun of her like that causes. Yeah Yeah, there is right. They're using it in a negative way. Yeah, trying to be negative now, right
Starting point is 00:15:59 I'll say this to be shocked by that, I'm not shocked by kids using that language. I got in trouble in kindergarten for swearing on the playground. Yeah, so kids talking like that in fourth grade is not shocking to me at all. But yeah, they're definitely using that in a negative way. I was gonna say, if you guys think you're surprised by that in any way or shape or even a small way,
Starting point is 00:16:23 you guys should have experienced Xbox Live on Call of Duty like B. Tyler did years ago. That's why I don't even want her on there. Everybody be canceled. Yeah, I didn't get that involved in it. I was just like, okay, but thank you for talking to him. That's all I left it at. That's all I really need to do.
Starting point is 00:16:40 My thing is, which I find so effing annoying, and maybe it's like, I don't know, is it the past, I don't want to say 10 years, maybe 8 years, that schools and parents and just people in general have become so obsessed with sexuality. It is annoying AF. That's all they talk about all day long. Shut up already. This little kid even went as far as changing their group name to LGBTQ plus club. Dude, when I was growing up,
Starting point is 00:17:17 we didn't care about any of that stuff. Yeah, and Felicity's like, what is that? Emma gets the gay community Felicity. Why is this little kid so obsessed? That means his parents probably are. Yes, right? This is like a nationwide thing of this parents being obsessed with sexuality and like, putting it on their kids and all kinds of crap, man.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I blame Tyler. It's the worst, yeah. Tyler's always obsessed. Meg obsessed. I don't know, man. It's just so effing annoying. It's just that, and then that's married to politics. Like people just don't shut the eff up
Starting point is 00:17:52 and just enjoy life and have fun and go to that extra innings festival. Like they sit at home and they're on social media all day bitching about this stuff. I just want to throw up in my mouth. I'd rather go to festivals and have fun. Yeah. It's simple as that, man.
Starting point is 00:18:08 The only part that sucked is getting sick right after, dude. That sucked. Yeah, we didn't even talk about that. Did you get food poisoning? What happened? Is it from the utter juice that you were getting from the mustard? It was not from the utter juice.
Starting point is 00:18:18 It wasn't really utter juice. It was something else. Were you sucking it from the tip there, buddy? No, it was not. Did you just like, total your tongue? What ended up happening is I came home, so I'm fine, you know, whatever. I'm just kind of tired. And I noticed I have a small headache.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So I wake up the next morning and I realize I kind of have a cold. So I'm like, okay, whatever, you know, it's no big deal. So just kind of rested it off. And I noticed that the coughing I was experiencing got worse. This ended up being so bad. I was supposed to go to Houston for a wedding two days after getting back from Arizona. I ended up canceling that whole trip. Like I didn't need to go. Oh, geez. Oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah, it was that bad. It was that bad. So I ended up going to urgent care later in the week and they basically said that the cold I had turned into bronchitis. So I was sick with bronchitis for like two weeks and ironically I had a previously scheduled appointment with my normal doctor last week and he was looking at my chart and stuff and he's like, you went to urgent care? And I told him the whole story and I said, yeah, like I ended up canceling the Houston trip because I wasn't about to be on like a long flight, you know, just doing that. And he looks at me dead in the face and he says, it's a really good thing you canceled that trip because if you would have taken it,
Starting point is 00:19:36 I'm pretty sure this would have turned into pneumonia. Oh no. I'm like, oh hell no. So at least I'm better now, but yeah, I am owed one other trip because I did miss out on Houston. But on the bright side, shout out to Southwest. I did pay for the trip using a gift card and they basically reimbursed me. So I have $200 worth of flight credit on my Southwest account. Other major news that has happened
Starting point is 00:20:03 in the past couple of weeks, Bort has finally moved everybody. Yay, what's a mouse-throwing party? He is a member of Orange County. Yeah. And I'm very sad about this, you know why? Because Bort usually drives me back and forth between LA and our Orange County events.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And guess what we have? Nothing but Orange County events coming up. And now I gotta drive myself. I was waiting. Wait was wait wait wait wait I there is a solution to this. Yes, sleepover with men our upcoming Irvine biology meetup because I was like, damn, what is Menace going to do? I was like, I don't know if he wants to crash here. Did you get a couch bed for him?
Starting point is 00:20:53 Were you thinking about him when you were furnishing your apartment? We still need to get couch. I went with a recommendation from Menace on movers. So I had a Pure Movers. Do you move all my stuff over the weekend? Yes, they were amazing. They took very good care of all of my fragile furniture items. Dude, they
Starting point is 00:21:11 were awesome and they got it done in a few hours. Like it was great. But guys, I cannot express to you how happy I am to move. I looked up into the sky and saw a bunch of stars. What? How's that like? I haven't seen this many stars since I was a kid in the like the valley did not have this much. So I was like what the F I could see stars again bro? What? And I could hear like ocean and wind and and at one point I went is that an effing seagull that just went by? What the hell? What? Dude it's so nice. Uh there was something I was actually gonna say about it though. Oh! So I had to get a couch out of my old apartment.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah. So I enlisted the aid of one Mr. Randall. Oh, really? So Mr. Randy. You're still in contact with that guy. Oh, of course. Did he ask you for money? I offered money.
Starting point is 00:21:57 OK, that's nice. And I gave him a sword. I gave him a new sword. Wow. Yes. Maybe we'll talk about it later. And he was a little taken aback by my actual sword. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:08 You know, we'll wait for him to talk about that in the future. So Randy actually saw my place because he picked me up from it and drove me to Burbank and helped me get the couch out. But the part of the story that's important is the entire time I'm like I really want Randy to experience my crappy neighbor. Randy got to hear him yell at people for money. No nice. He's a man money starts getting all bitchy at people and Randy I've never seen him do this he went let's just get the hell out of here right now. Oh wow. He wanted to book it yeah so shout out to Randy he's still alive and helped me and alright that's good. He got to experience my chaos for the last year, so very nice
Starting point is 00:22:46 So I do have one question about this interaction you did mention that you offered him money Did he take said money? I haven't sent him said money yet Ah, I will be sending him said money, but I had to pay for movers which cost even more money So Randy will get said money eventually I did offer him some hard man and dues movers, which cost even more money. So Randy will get said money eventually. I did offer him some hard man and dews. Ooh, okay. Which listener John gave to me and Menace at a recent meetup at Raising Cane's.
Starting point is 00:23:15 He did it because Tyler never got me any. Well, they're not available in this state, okay? I don't know what you want me to do. I don't know, I saw some in Orange County yesterday. I'm just saying. Oh, that must be brand new then. No, okay. If they're available in the state, then I will get you some.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Jesus. Also, a bunch of my coworkers live on the west side towards like Santa Monica, Torrance, like that whole area, right? And I always tell them, dude, it's so much better if you go to like Orange County. And I get why they're like, nah, we don't wanna do it. Because it is far from where I currently work, which is in Santa Monica. But dude, Orange County is so much better than LA County
Starting point is 00:23:53 when it comes to living. It's just so much better, man. Well, see, the sucky thing is that hurts for me to even acknowledge that and say that because I'm from here. I love it here. I love growing up here. But man, when me and Shasta Kohler were like, we want to go do anything for one last time around here?
Starting point is 00:24:08 We're not gonna be around here often. We're like not really we're kind of over everything. I just want to go see ya Let's just get out of here. Bye You like go to like an old like comic book shop Well see that goodbye. We'll see that's the thing. My comic book shop is still down the street from the radio station I still have to be here my buddy's art gallery hyena galleries right thing. My comic book shop is still down the street from the radio station. I still have to be here. My buddy's art gallery, Hyena Gallery, is right next to said comic book shop. So I still go there all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You'll be good. Oh yeah. Do you guys want to hear some food news real quick? Oh yeah. Yes, I'm starving. Food news. All right, Costco's Tiramisu five pound cheesecake is back baby. And so glorious.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Are you all in are all out I'm out that's disgusting. What? Tiramisu? Don't like it move on. Really? Oh wow. Alright. Every day that goes by I think more and more that Julianne should be off this pod. When it comes to fruitness? Yeah. I was really hoping you would have taken that airplane flight Tyler you can't eat it but Crocs created a gummy bear inspired clog Are you all in or all out rocking gummy bears on your Crocs? To it right no, I mean actual gummy bears. Yeah, like it's just in the shape of a gummy bear. Oh. You said gummy bears on your Crocs.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yeah, but they're not, did I have to explain that? That it's not real gummy bears? Yeah, you did. Julian's a fan. Wow. They could have been a little squishy, you know? They could have been made from plastic. I'm gonna be real with you.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I'll be real with you for a second. For Christmas, I got my brother Crocs that were designed by pizza planet from Toy Story They're not made of actual pizza Mind-blown missed opportunity All right, how about this one in Valley Ranch team up with? Dizzorno pizza for a collab. Are you all in or all out? So it's like Hidden Valley Ranch flavored pizza. I want a dip, I don't want it to be inside my pizza. So I'm all out on this one, how about you guys?
Starting point is 00:26:10 I prefer blue cheese on my pizza anyway, but I will say this, if Hidden Valley Ranch wants to make some serious dough, they should collab with Frank's Red Hot Sauce. Ooh, I'm on board with that one. Yeah, you mix it together. Heck yeah. I do that on the side.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Life changing. So good. I want it. You need to get equal parts of honey and sriracha and mix it together. Money. Try it. Call me.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Call your boy. Yeah, that'd be a good job, Tyler. You can be, all right, today, guys. This is what we're going to do. We're going to take ranch. We're going to mix it with flaming hot Cheetos. All right. I'm done for the day. Next day. Actually, next day, if you mix it with the flavor of flaming hot Cheetos, that's actually not a terrible idea. Yeah. Next day of work, today, we're going to take ranch. All right, hear me out. We're going to take ranch, and then we're going to take Jack in the Box tacos, mix them together, and blend her. All right, I'm done, guys.
Starting point is 00:27:19 See you later. Dude, I already got the plan. Look, ranch, buffalo sauce with a little bit of bacon bits in it. Next. Next. That'd just be his job every day. Dog, we'd be printing money, OK?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Printing money. Oh, there's your new idea. Hell yeah. Love it. Julianne's OnlyFans streaming content and Tyler mixing food. Tyler in the lab for Hidden Valley. Tyler in the lab. Yes. There you go. Heavy tea in the lab. Heavy tea in the lab for Hidden Valley. Tyler in the lab. There you go.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Heavy tea in the lab. It's like when we break away to commercial, it's Tyler in the lab. That's a genius idea. I'm going to need a picture of me in the lab coat with the safety glasses just holding up a vial. And then I'll be in a lab coat with nothing underneath. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. See? Only fans. All right. I like everybody's thinking here. Can we please do this if we actually do video content? Let's pre-tape the cutaways, and we'll just be like, all right, we got a commercial.
Starting point is 00:28:18 We're going to take ranch. I know it sounds crazy, but ranch gummy bears, OK? Just hear me out. And Juliet comes up, she's Just hear me out. All right. And Juliet comes up, she's like, all right. Can you eat them? Yeah. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my tatas and milk.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yup. Done. Done for the day. Okay. Moving on just real quick, movie's out this weekend. Novocaine, that movie that I'm super excited about. Novocaine, if you don't know, it's about this guy that can't feel pain and then he goes and kicks ass because his girlfriend got kidnapped. It's an action comedy. I'm super excited for it. Unfortunately, I'm gonna be, well
Starting point is 00:28:52 fortunately and unfortunately, I'm gonna be in Dallas this next couple days so I'm not gonna be able to go to a movie theater, but if you're in Dallas and you're gonna be at the St. Patrick's Day parade I will be in the parade with Woody with 97 won the Eagles So check that out also this weekend lucky punks if you want to go to a beer fest and see bands like Bad Religion and the Aquabats check out brouhaha productions.com They have tickets that is happening in Silverado, California Also, Debra Kennees are gonna be there, right? It's gonna be a good time if you wanna have a beer fest
Starting point is 00:29:28 and enjoy St. Patrick's Day. Festivities going down in Silverado with Lucky Punks. All right, guys, gotta wrap up this podcast. I gotta pack for Dallas. I'm extremely tired. I've been traveling nonstop for the past couple weeks, and we have had no downtime here at The Woody Show. We're firing on all cylinders because we have launched The Woody Show after hours takeover events at Disney California Adventure Park. So many ways
Starting point is 00:29:55 for you to win to get in. Go to our Instagram at The Woody Show on Instagram. You can tag us and be entered to win but you're gonna have to use the iHeart radio app. Tune into the show. You can also go to thewoodyshow.com if you do not live in Southern California. Thewoodyshow.com is gonna be the place that you're gonna wanna enter to win
Starting point is 00:30:15 because we're gonna be doing flyway trips for that. And that is all going down April 21st. Can't wait for that to happen and hope we get as many Woody Show people in as possible. Don't forget, I'll be out at Citadel Outlets March 30th. I'll be giving away passes for a Woody Show event. If you know what I'm saying, at Citadel Outlets March 30th. Details on times coming soon. Pay attention to my social media. Also don forget myself and Bort we're gonna be at Pieology Irvine spectrum April 10th from 3 to 5 p.m. So put those down on your calendar come hang out with us Once again, thank you to everybody that came out to State of Rose in
Starting point is 00:30:56 Garden Grove and everybody that came out to WSS shoe store in Lomita and just big shout out to all of our friends like Joe Coy in Lomita and just big shout out to all of our friends like Jokoi, J-O-K-O-Y.com, see where he's gonna be next. Shout out to our guy Fluffy. As we're recording this, I believe he is putting his hands in cement outside the Chinese theater on Hollywood Boulevard, so congratulations to him. Go see him out on tour. Just go to Fluffyguy.com.
Starting point is 00:31:19 That's Fluffyguy.com. Shout out to Blankets by Tracy. It is freezing. I'm cold constantly. Thank God I have blankets by Tracy. Just google blankets by Tracy. Pick out some blankets. They're made by Eric's mom. They're awesome. I guarantee you'll enjoy them. Also, what's happening at Shasta Jeans boutique, Brett? Well, you can still order any of the ready-made stock, the crystal ball covers, stone bracelets, gummy bear earrings. They're all available.
Starting point is 00:31:48 You can't eat them though, right? No, you can't. I mean, you could try. Damn right. We can see what happens to Tyler if he has to eat one. Shaggy jeans boutique.com too, it's because it's spooky or hit the link in my link tree at St. Bort.
Starting point is 00:31:58 All custom orders are on hold though, until we finish unpacking. All right. Go to sexwithemily.com, listen to our podcast follower on tik-tok and Instagram at sex with Emily shout out to our friends man Kim their band stream their music wherever you find music and Go to man Kim comm and see where you can see them live And don't forget listen to the mothership the woody show Monday through Friday on the I heart radio app Julianne do you have anything to say before we leave?
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yes, I will be at the Kane Brown concert at the Toyota Center on Friday. I'm so excited. Me and Felicity are going. I got her some floor seats for her 10th birthday, which is coming up a real second. Nice. So her and I are gonna be there. Yeehaw. Heck yeah, that's awesome. I know. I know. I'm excited. It's our second time seeing him up close, so. That rules. He's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. And Dasha's gonna be there. I'm excited. Oh, Dasha. Shout out to her song, Austin.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I know. I know you like her. Love that song. Mm-hmm. Uh, Br- uh, oh wait. Tyler, do you have anything to say before we leave? Uh, yeah. Two things. Uh. Number one, while being sick sucks, it does actually help with one thing, and that's I was able to catch up on a lot of my shows that I haven't been able to catch up. So that was pretty dope. Season three
Starting point is 00:33:16 of Reacher is out. It's great so far. I saw Creature Commandos, which is on HBO Max. That's a very well written cartoon by James Gunn. I was able to catch up with the bear and I saw Zero Day on Netflix with Robert De Niro. Great show. Loved it. Wild stuff. Nice. And number two, more importantly, we didn't get to talk about this last week because we couldn't do the podcast last week, but John Cena turned heel and my jaw hit the floor.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Yeah, it even got covered on the Woody show. It was that big that he went heel. Dude, it got covered everywhere, like on the Woody show. I saw it on ESPN. I saw national news talking about it. Linda McMahon, the wife to Vince McMahon, she is in Trump's cabinet. She is the mother-in-law to Triple H, who is the head writer for WWE. Triple H came out and said that people in the government were asking Linda McMahon about John Cena's heel turn.
Starting point is 00:34:14 This thing is such a big deal, dude. That's a little concerning to me. Don't they have other things to worry about? I'm sure they do, but you also have to remember John Cena announced the killing of Osama Bin Laden like he did it himself So like this just wild times we live in man Why I don't pay attention to governments? I will say that John Cena's heel turn was very fun And I think that his acting through all his movies like in peacemaker and all that stuff Really added because his facial expressions were so good. Like so good.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah, he's a very good facial expression person. Is it like when the Hulk went Hollywood Hogan? It was exactly, it was Hollywood Hogan moment, yeah. It was NWO moment. I would be honest, I would say that this is bigger. I know that's probably recency bias, but I think this is bigger than that. Brett, do you have anything to say before we leave?
Starting point is 00:35:06 Oh, yeah, two things real quick. Brand new anime coming to Netflix April 3rd, Devil May Cry based on the video game series. It looks fantastic. If you love the Castlevania series that was on Netflix the last few years, go check this out. It's one of my favorite video game series.
Starting point is 00:35:19 It's about a demon hunter that's half demon and kills a bunch of things. But it's set in the time that the video games release, so all the soundtrack we mentioned on the pod before is all the early 2000s stuff. So it's gonna be really cool. Secondly, I just thought about this, when Menace was talking about blankets by Tracy,
Starting point is 00:35:36 and Menace hates the cold, my apartment is freezing! Oh no! I don't know how much Menace is gonna like this because it is 10 degrees colder there. Hell nah doc Bro, do you not have a heater? Yeah, it's a space eater. It's a wall heater There are like little plug-in heaters my brother has one in his house, it's really cool You just plug it right in and it I mean it heats your house up Yeah, Greg gave you that you're in at, Greg gave me a name for one
Starting point is 00:36:05 So hopefully I can get that before menace gets there for the biology event because otherwise this could be 50,000 dude It's like 50 degrees of no way Do you know my little fat dogs that if it gets a certain degree that they become like legit paralyzed Yeah, they can't know they can't walk to me too Yeah, that happens with French Bulldogs if they go and it's weird because I know You'll see them on social media like in snow and stuff. I guarantee you that's like for a few minutes Oh, yeah, if they're in a house, that's like super cold like below 50 or whatever They won't be able to move like they oh, yeah, their legs will stop working Oh my guineas did want not want to move they puffed up and they stayed in place my wife's like what's wrong with them
Starting point is 00:36:53 I'm like, I think they're cold. I think we should put a blanket around their their habitat Oh, and then they started running around Little sweeties. I will say this there is a silver lining to this and that is Since you said you are about a mile and a half from the beach Come summertime. You should be saving a ton on your air conditioning bill because you can just open the windows for that ocean breeze And and I don't even have an air conditioner because that's how cool it stays. Let's go Tyler's gonna be beached out there Oh, awesome. Tyler's gonna be beached out there.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Hell yeah. Hello, hello. All right, everybody, thank you so much for listening to this podcast. Please rate and review it. We promise we'll get Eric and Randy back here sometime, somehow. At least I know one of them's alive.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah, I know, right? Where's Eric? He's too busy. He's busy being Poppy. I know. I see the kid a lot on pictures. Oh yeah, true, true. Anyways. shout out to SeaWorld shout out if you're gonna be there San Diego March 22nd. Can't wait. They let me pet a penguin so You know yeah anyways, and I guess we'll see you next with medicine.

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