Who Knows? Who Cares. - Buying Condoms As a Young Man.

Episode Date: August 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You should enter your pants. Okay, that's good. Don't lie. Yeah! Wait a second, you're a bitch. I'm like, oh, like, are you wet right now? I didn't, I didn't. You know what, Poe said.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Here we go. Are you fully bricked up after kissing? No, you're not. But it has to be like, they maxed out all their other Vantek collabs. All right, here we go, Carter. What? They didn't want to hear what we were just talking about? Nope.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I guess I got to subscribe to Patreon. If they want to hear that crazy conversation, they got to sub. Insane conversation. By the way, the Patreon isn't just for toe members. No. There's a lot of good conversation. There's a lot of extra content for sure. Only two or three episodes ago. Only a dollar a month. A lot of Patreon. There's a lot of extra content for sure. Only a dollar
Starting point is 00:00:45 a month. A lot of names for the extra content. It's basically free. I accidentally say first and last. I still need you to cut that name out. Well, because when we're on the Patreon, we talk as though we're not live. We just say what. The second one I'm not cutting out. Fuck him?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Yeah. Alright, fuck him. I agree. He made fun of you. It's his fault. He called you fat. Old peanut head? Isn't that crazy? Get cutting out. Fuck him? Yeah. All right, fuck him. I agree. He made fun of you. It's his fault. He called you fat. Old peanut head? Yeah. Get him out. You shaped your whole life.
Starting point is 00:01:11 He really did. Yeah. He really hurt my feelings. You kind of owe him big time, though. A little bit. Look at you now. Look at him. No more tubby Logan, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:20 All right, we don't really have a weekly recap. That's true. Why not? Logan did a lot this week. What did you do this week? I hit four or five hole-in-ones on a golf course. There's four par-3s on an 18-hole course.
Starting point is 00:01:34 No, no, no. Par-5s. Oh, you're just... I hit a 2-3 on a par-5. That's crazy. Alright, no weekly recap. Maybe because we're just keeping this train alive. We doubled up.
Starting point is 00:01:47 We're ready to jump into it. We doubled up because our editor is inconsistent. He's got a baby coming, and we don't know when we're going to see him again. So, you know, we've got to get our episodes in. We need a new editor, by the way, whoever is interested. We need a clip editor. Yeah, if anybody wants to do clips. I'm fine with editing the episodes.
Starting point is 00:02:04 We need a clip editor. All'm fine with editing the episodes. We need a clip editor. Fair enough. A guy who will watch the episodes will say, hey, this is the clip we want, and then you put yellow letters over it. He said, what? And then just post that. Just be open to us sending you times of the video, and you can clip them from those times.
Starting point is 00:02:21 We'll do a lot of it for you. You won't have to search too much. All right. Take us in. We'll, we'll do a lot of it for you. You know, you won't have to search too much, but, um, all right. All right. Take us in. We're back here.
Starting point is 00:02:27 53. You want to start us off with your, with your other question? I don't remember the, the animal. So you got it. Here we go. So it's a good one.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Um, so you guys have to survive 20 minutes and 20 minutes. Choose the animal in a cage. Yeah. 20 minutes in a cage. Choose the animal. You got a tiger, a hippo,
Starting point is 00:02:46 a gator, or a bear. Which one? G cage. Yeah, 20 minutes in a cage, choose the animal. You got a tiger, a hippo, a gator, or a bear? Which one? Gator. Well, so here's the thing, though. You got to be in their environment. Obviously, you're going to be the gator on land, right? So it's going to be like half beach, half water. In a cage?
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yes. Or like an octagon-type fucking arena-type cage? Fiber glass box, whatever you want to call it. So what I do is I climb up the fence. Let's just say this. Bear, no shot. Let's take Gator out. You can evade a Gator pretty well. We'll do Tiger, Hippo, and Bear.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah, Gator, I could just jump on his back, hopefully, and just hold it. And an ostrich. Are ostriches nuts? Yeah, ostriches are scary, dude. Really? They're like eight feet tall. But I feel like I could grab a hold of its neck with just my hand. Gator and ostrich, nuts? Yeah, ostriches are scary, dude. Really? They're like eight feet tall. But I feel like I could grab a hold of its neck with just my hand. Gator and ostrich, same cage.
Starting point is 00:03:29 No. We're saying tiger, okay. Tiger, bear, hippo. Tiger, bear, hippo. Tiger. What are we talking about, dude? Bear, hippo. 20 minutes?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Yeah, 20 minutes. I'm taking my chances with a hippo of all. Same. I'm running that. Tiger, you're done. There's no competition.'s no there's no competition bear there's no competition i'm just gonna run i'm just gonna like take like a light steady pace around the fucking thing for 20 minutes but it's a little water in there too i could swim like
Starting point is 00:03:56 decently fast way faster than a hippo right no i'm cpr no way fake cpr we need to throw in our own animals because that's way too hard. Aren't hippos one of the strongest animals? Hippos kill more people than anybody else every year. But the thing is, is the animal trying to kill you? Well, I mean, you're in their turf. So, yeah. I'm going to take a hippo just because I've got two tusks to avoid versus like tigers got the hands.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I have seen videos of guys literally scaring off bears by just being big enough big enough like acting big yeah no i watched this video of a guy um he got his face ripped off by a bear ran jumped off a mountain onto a tree and the bear ran after him and climbed the tree bit his leg and brought him all the way down to the floor. And then kept ripping his other side of the face off. And then what he did was he put his arm down the throat of the bear. Gave up his arm. He's like, look, I'm giving this up. Put it down the throat of the bear.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And then he thought it was a boy bear, but it wasn't. It was a girl bear. And he grabbed the fucking bear pussy. And fucking was just is like just twisting it and like choking it at the same time and then eventually and the bears started coming
Starting point is 00:05:09 no eventually the bear maybe that's what happened choking and fixing dude you know I didn't think about that yeah but the bear could have came and left bear fell in love with him and said you know what
Starting point is 00:05:21 never mind so basically the bear took his both sides of his face ripped out like his his love handle with them and said, you know what? So basically the bear took both sides of his face, ripped out his love handle. I don't know if I'd want to be alive after that. They did him pretty bad and then he did that and then the bear
Starting point is 00:05:35 ran off shitting. Literally shitting its pants. It came. That was squirt. Oh, it was bear squirt. Yeah, it came. It came so hard. That was squirt. Yeah. Oh, it was bear squirt. Yeah, it was Bert. So it's got to be hippo, right? I think it has to be hippo, but even then it's like I don't have any confidence going into a 20-minute battle against a hippo in a cage.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Is it any better if it's five minutes? Still no, right? Five minutes is a little more fair because I feel like maybe I can. 20 is so long. 20 is a long time. Right. Five, like maybe any of those animals. Not a bear.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Do hippos have teeth? Yeah, they got their tusks. They have tusks and then like back, like molar type teeth. The only thing like with a hippo, like bears and tigers are too athletic. I'm thinking maybe a hippo I could just hold on to for a little bit where he can't like get a hold of me maybe. Not that. But even then I can't wrap around. I think I
Starting point is 00:06:31 think I could coax a tiger into befriending me. No. The thing is if it's five minutes. There's like a big house cat. Like this is what I thought my thoughts are. If it's five three to five minutes of like them going after you there's a low likelihood that you're going to survive on any of it but like zero percent chance against a fucking tiger if it's going after you well like
Starting point is 00:06:55 but like what you could do is sacrifice the rest of your body two grizzly bears fighting each other it was nuts well yeah you're not gonna win against a bear. Insane. A tiger? Tigers, I would argue, would beat a bear. No. Yes. No shot. I don't think tigers are bears. Tigers are insane. I think your brain is on sleepy mode right now. I watched a Joe Rogan podcast where they were talking about tigers are the real king of the jungle. Of the jungle? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Not of the fucking forest. You don't think a tiger would beat a bear? No. Not of the bear town. I don't know. Absolutely not. Tigers are quick are a polar bear tigers are fast as fuck there's a there's a saying what is it it's like brown get down some something for black bear and then something about getting big yeah black bears are smaller brown bears are right and then it's like if it's white you're dead yeah it's basically the same i don't want any problem with the tiger bear oh if If it's white, good night is what they say.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I just watched something on this. Polar bears and there's one, I think it may be, I don't know if it's hippos. Polar bears and there's one other animal, I think it's lions, are the only animals on earth that actively hunt humans. It's definitely not bears. I'm not polar.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Polar bears and lions. Not picking bear. Are the only animals on earth that actively hunt humans. Only way you get bears is if you can like bluff it. And I. It's a 50-50. But you're not bluffing in a cage. You're not bluffing a fucking grizzly bear. In a cage.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Well you don't get big. Ah. And then it's going to look around like. And then it stands up and it's nine feet tall. All I've got to do is make him question the play for five minutes. It's not going to happen. How big is this guy? Let's not gonna happen how big is this let's say what if you say this it's you the female whatever animal and then so we're one of their
Starting point is 00:08:33 one of their cubs oh no dude that's even worse i'm holding the cub and i'm using it i think i think maybe i take tiger and here's why because ao, they've got those like fucking 12 inch teeth. So like if they bite you, it's going through your whole body. Like all the way through. A tiger, super strong jaw, it's going to break your arms into fucking a million pieces. But you can live with a broken arm. No, but they don't rip you apart while they're eating you. Think about how athletic a cat is.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And then think about a fucking 30 times bigger version of that. That or a hippo. That's what I'm saying. This question sucks. Bo thinks he's just going to jab a hippo to death. I don't think I'm going to beat any of those even close. I don't think I stand a chance. Hippos kill more people than any...
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yeah, but hippos actively hunt humans. I think I'm beating two out of three. I think I'm beating hippo and tiger. Shut the fuck up, dude. Bear, I might lose. Are we just saying tigers aren't shit right now? No, I'm not saying that. Out of the three, they aren't shit.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I'm not saying that. Tigers have killed 300,000 people over the last 200 years in the Sunderbanks. Is that a real stat? It's a real stat. Check it. Jamie, pull that up. It's in India. Jamie, pull that up. It's in India. Jamie, pull that up.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Jamie, pull that up. Killed right around 300,000 people in the last 200 years. So I'm not, you know. I don't know. I saw that one tiger. There's a guy on an elephant, and this tiger says, fuck the elephant,
Starting point is 00:09:59 and jumps at the guy out of tall grass, like running, running, running, and jumps from the floor up to the elephant or over the elephant to the man on top so i don't i don't know what's gonna happen man yeah i'm gonna die but if i i'm taking my chances which one's gonna kill you fastest basically bear my argument would be a tiger would kill you the fastest. I think bear. I don't know. Tiger, like all cats, go for the throat. Yeah. So what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:10:28 You got forearms. You literally just do this. Have you seen those tiger attack videos? The animals are alive the whole time they're eating them. Like they don't kill you right away. That sounds worse to me than deer. I'm way stronger than a deer. If a tiger pins me down, I, I'm going to poke it inside.
Starting point is 00:10:45 A bear is just going to be 1,200 pounds on top of you and just start eating your fucking ribs. I don't want either of those. I could probably leg press a tiger off of me if I had to, if he didn't bite my legs. I feel like I could juke out a hippo for a little while. Hippos are fast as shit. Are they? Yes. And only in water.
Starting point is 00:11:04 No. I feel like I could work around it. They're fast as shit. Are they? Yes. And only in water. No. I feel like I could work around it. Yeah, they're fast as fuck. There's a cage and I'm hopping around. They're like two miles an hour slower than I am.
Starting point is 00:11:11 They're super fast. Well, if it's a cage, I can climb up the cage a little bit. Bear and tiger, doesn't matter. They're jumping up and grabbing me.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Hippo. I'm choosing hippo. Yeah, I'm choosing hippo. I'm definitely choosing hippo too. Okay. Okay. All right. So do you guys, do you guys remember the- gonna be a sexual question no yeah do you guys remember how much
Starting point is 00:11:31 do you guys remember the first time you ever bought condoms and oh vividly what was going through your head were you scared were you excited were you yeah i mean just i'll go first. Easy. You remember the city stop by Domino's? Yeah. On, like, Cimarron and Farm, whatever. Yeah. I went in there, and I was, like, people were, like, in and out of the gas station.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Because I was 16. You know, it was popping down there. Oh, yeah. It used to be a spot. And, like, people would come in and out, and I would, like, turn around and, like, look at the candy or something. Because I, that's bad. Sex is bad.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Sex is bad. And when i got him i like you know i held him like close to my leg did you just buy the condoms or did you buy some no just the condoms you had to buy something else and like hold it over the top i was 16 dude i didn't have money like that skittles something candy and hell no and i was like just you know just these and the it was a woman and she was like so go a special night tonight oh i was like i hope so i don't know this is just a plan you know and uh i was scared to shit buying them absolutely terrified because i've never done it sex is bad like are you gonna call my dad that i'm buying
Starting point is 00:12:40 these it's high and uh you know they asked like do you want a bag and I was like yes definitely want and she grabbed the brown paper bag and I was like oh she's the fucking best but as soon as I left
Starting point is 00:12:52 I was stoked I was like oh my god I fucking did it I'm gonna go fuck right now and it's gonna be crazy I'm gonna use all of these
Starting point is 00:12:59 it's like a three pack the little ones yeah I fucked oh yeah I was 16 good for you dude I was back. Good for you, dude. That was back when I used them. Now, not anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Not anymore. 17, not anymore. But 16, I was using them all the time. I was so excited. Now you got self-checkout now, so the kids don't have to worry about it. Yeah, no shit. It's crazy. I don't remember buying them.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Maybe it was at a CVS. I was at a Walgreens. Yeah, that's what it was. Walgreens by my house. That's what it was. What was your go-to pack? Trojan. What color? Obviously it's Trojan. One of those like ribbed ones. I used the blue ones. Whatever. Let me not say I used them.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I bought them one time. Bo swapped them out of his wallet every six months. Dude, I remember buying it and it was like prom or something. It was like me and three other guys. You could have closed of his wallet every six months. Dude, I remember buying it and it was like prom or something and it was like me and three other guys. You could have closed
Starting point is 00:13:48 prom night is what I hear. Yeah, probably. But it was like me and three other guys were like all thinking we were going to get laid. One of us got laid.
Starting point is 00:13:54 It wasn't me though. Same dude. I had condoms though just in case. I just remember using them. I had them. I don't remember buying them
Starting point is 00:14:02 but I do remember using one and what was it? Sadie's night. I don't remember buying them, but I do remember using one. And what was it? Sadie's night. I think you were there. Sadie's. I didn't go to Sadie's with you.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I did prom and homecoming. No, no. Not in the hotel room, though. Oh, not that night. So my virginity story is I used a condom that night. It was me and whoever. Oh, I wasn't there, but I heard all of it. Shout out to her, right? Oh, with brother?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Andrew's girl. Look at this, Andrew. Look at this. And a different guy. Yeah. And then our other buddy and a different girl. I don't understand. Oh, what about it?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah, I lost my virginity in a room with six people. She hates rapes. Oh, does she? And then I took the condom off and then I wrapped it. I didn't virginity In a room with six people She hates rapes Oh does she And then I I took the condom off And then I wrapped it I didn't even think I came Tell me to stop I took the condom off
Starting point is 00:14:50 And wrapped it around A bunch of toilet paper Got it wet So it wouldn't Pop out It would stay wrapped Wait you did what To hide it
Starting point is 00:14:57 You weren't listening But it's good You didn't I heard the whole thing Okay go ahead I can multi listen Don't stop Just keep going
Starting point is 00:15:02 But yeah no That's how I lost my virginity In the room with six other people. No, you didn't. No way that was your first time. Yeah, it was. I remember. It was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And then the next day, I had real sex for the first time. I was like, why don't we just wait until today? Why do we have to have sex on fucking Sadie's? The school dance night is always hotter. Always hotter. Everybody does it. Us in this room, and then their parents in a conjoined hotel room the next room over. That's your type of sex, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I mean, super taboo. Got to hide everything. I mean, it's hot. Yeah, it's hot. Not good, though. The first time's never good. It was terrible. Our first football coach
Starting point is 00:15:46 bought me condoms that's insane rid yeah really you asked him yeah he was yeah he was like beau kind of you should have asked me dude he's a lot older than us but he really wanted to be friends with us this guy just grooming this shit out of you first football coach i was in seventh grade and he would just text me all day literally like like buddy getting on xbox one literally yeah one time i fuck this girl so crazy oh that's weird yeah that's no way that guy's not in prison yet nope but like our first football coach he literally would like be like he wanted to be like in high school no this was yeah this is middle school he wanted to be our friend so bad to be yeah i mean he was 20 years old was he 20 yeah he
Starting point is 00:16:34 doesn't make it okay yeah that's but he's even worse he's texting a 13 year old right that's way worse 12 to 13 years he wasn't like Well, then it's like a kid to you. Like, hey, this is my son. I'm his coach. That's better. Being like seven years to like, oh, I'm trying to be cool right now. I'm 20. Texting a middle schooler is fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:16:54 He would just tell us all of his sex stories. You guys were eating him up though? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I wanted to play. I would have been. We wanted to play. And I got all the playing time.
Starting point is 00:17:10 That's awesome. What about you, Bo? I was telling you. It was like prom and there was like four of us. I think we played paper, rock, scissors to see who had to buy them. Oh, for the group? Yeah, for the group. And you lost. No, I didn't have to buy them.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Oh, okay. Did you say paper, rock, scissors? Rock, paper, scissors. Paper, rock, scissors. You say that normally, don't you? I think I do say paper, rock the group. And you lost. No, I didn't have to buy them. Oh, okay. Did you say paper, rock, scissors? Rock, paper, scissors. Paper, rock, scissors. You say that normally, don't you? I think I do say paper, rock, scissors. You're fucking nuts. I know.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Paper, rock, scissors. I didn't notice that until now. But yeah, so I think we played. I don't know if it was that or something else. Good catch. But yeah, Roland had to buy them. I remember that. That dude's got the biggest head I've ever fucking seen.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Holy shit, dude. It suited him well. It was a good fucking seen holy shit it suited him well it was a good time he's a big dude it was a good time damn never use them though yeah no they stayed in my like my little uh nightstand cabinet for my nightstand drawer for years i got head one time when i was like 15 the condom like no at cam's house i had a condom with me and i was like dude i'm finally gonna use on? No, at Cam's house. I had a condom with me. I was like, dude, I'm finally gonna use this fucking thing. Nope. I was a head only man before I even knew it.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And that was my first sexual encounter and it was crazy. I just really wanted to use this condom that was given to me from, I think Bryn gave it to me.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And Bryn was cool as shit when you were 15. You know, he's 19. He's our Brett. Yep. He's our Brett. Just. He's our Brett. Just talking about sex all the time. It's like, damn, I wish I could be you.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And then you're 19 and he's still 19. And it's like, damn, you are a fucking bum. I'm pretty sure that like the time I actually bought it for myself, self-checkout was a thing and I just went to that. Yeah. So it was cool. Yeah. I always knew because gas stations were open late.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Mine was like a sneak out situation. That's how it it always was i actually hit matt's car one night you guys know that story right yeah you ever hear that story you told it on the podcast oh shit dude i got fucked up that night i had to pay for his car and everything it's tragic worth it i still finished yeah there you go i hit it I was like fuck went inside grabbed it and then left did the deed came back and then I told my dad
Starting point is 00:19:08 you went to Subway yeah with Brent and he bought it he's like dude you gotta be careful you know it's fine we'll figure it out in the morning
Starting point is 00:19:14 my fucking punk ass mom you really think he would do that he's that lazy you know you think he'd go all the way to Subway then my dad started thinking and he's like
Starting point is 00:19:24 what are you doing this and that and I just folded I went to go see her I never fold I literally if I lie right now
Starting point is 00:19:34 if I lie I'm never folding you can never fold they can't prove that you didn't go to Subway exactly true you like Subway
Starting point is 00:19:42 which I don't get but that's fine who eats Subway today yeah it's crazy to me look it was a weird circumstance he's 25 years old You like Subway, which I don't get, but that's fine. Who eats Subway today? Yeah, it's crazy to me. Look, it was a weird circumstance. He's 25 years old and he eats Subway. I had to change a tire before you guys came. I needed something quick.
Starting point is 00:19:53 It's crazy that out of all the sandwich places, you're like, you know what? I'm going to go to Subway. It's the closest one. It's like three minutes from here. There's a Capriati's fucking two blocks away. No, it's not. It's all the way on Durango, dude. It's way too far.
Starting point is 00:20:04 It's 10 minutes. I don't know how Subway's still in business. I don't either. I don't understand. I'm not going to lie to you. She was nuts. Felt great tonight. Do you guys trust anything he ever says after that? No. Subway was nuts.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Dude, Subway's... What'd you get? I got an Italian. Not a meatball sub. Not a meatball sub. And Subway was nuts. Yeah, okay. i wish i could have smelled it when i walked in the store i don't trust you brought to me whatever whatever is right dude all right so there's a lot of talk about uh manifesting uh just for bow do you guys think manifesting is real yes no yes you don't think so? I don't. What have you guys manifested in your lives? My whole life.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Really? My whole life. The whole thing. I have this argument with you all the time. I think if you go into something with a positive perspective and you think, hey, this is going to go well. Let's say your day-to-day life, if you wake up in the morning and you think, hey, look, I'm going to have a good day. You're going to look for shit to affirm that you're gonna have a good day if you wake up and you think your day's gonna be shit you're gonna look for shit to affirm that you're right and say okay no
Starting point is 00:21:12 my day's shitty so when we're out or we're doing something when we go to a golf course and you say oh this course fucking sucks and in your first hole you hit a shitty drive oh yeah this is a fucking course it sucks did you wake're looking for it to suck. Did you wake up thinking the course sucked? No. Why did it suck for you? Because it sucked for you and you ruined our whole day.
Starting point is 00:21:31 You killed our vibe. To be fair. So I manifested your life. To be fair, no, this is what happened. This is what happened. What they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So Andrew hits a drive. The hole is that way. And he hits a ball that way. It definitely. Listen, the hole. Slight fade, right? The hole was that way. And he hits a ball that way. It definitely... Listen, the hole... Slight fade, right? The hole was that way. Slight fade, right?
Starting point is 00:21:51 And he hit the ball that way. Did you guys start on 10? No. No, it was palms. Palms. Oh. The problem is, we play the same course every week, and it's wide open,
Starting point is 00:22:00 so if you hit a shitty shot, you can go find your ball. Any shot he hit, though, that's not where he wanted to go. On that swing. None of them. That's not true. I had like two or three drives. No, what I'm saying is on that swing. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:11 That ball is not going where you want it to go, no matter what course we're on. Right. Regardless, manifesting is real. The CIA does it. The CIA does practice manifesting. And what Bo says, I totally agree with. If you say this is going to happen, this is going to happen,
Starting point is 00:22:29 this is going to happen, this is going to happen, you're going to do things to make that happen versus if you're like, this isn't going to happen, then you're going to just do whatever. Not even do whatever. You're just not going to make that thing happen. But what do you do if you, like, wake up and don't think either or? That's your own thing. manifesting as a practice it's not like a a way of life you don't wake up you're not like naturally manifesting why are crystal bitches so sad then all the time
Starting point is 00:22:55 if they i've got nothing i don't have nothing to do with crystal bitches i have business to do and i'm like i going to make this happen. And then I make it happen. Crystal bitches are like, this rock's going to tell me what's going to happen. They're manifesting it. That's not what's manifesting. I'm going to be rich. I'm going to do this.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I'm going to do this. That's not what crystals are. They're like, this is going to give me good vibes. This thing. Not, I'm going to give myself good vibes. Externally. It comes from the internal. They're looking for an object
Starting point is 00:23:25 to give them good vibes versus them to project that on the world yes my argument is if you're going into your day negatively let's say you have three negative interactions to seven positive interactions you're still gonna see the day as a negative you're gonna fixate on those negative ones to make yourself right right if i go about my day thinking i'm gonna have a fucking good day i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that and i have three good interactions to seven negative ones i'm still gonna focus on the good ones and be like okay yeah i had a good day bingo i agree and that that has changed my perspective on life i've been having good days fully agree with you but that seems like crazy to me right i've been having good days all the fucking time so to me if you have seven bad interactions and only three good ones, you had a bad day.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Nope. Because you... Hey, what do you say? Life is what you make it. Life is what you make it. A majority of your day was bad. No. It's perspective.
Starting point is 00:24:15 It's like you go watch a movie and you're like, oh, this movie's going to suck. Then it's going to fucking suck. Not always. I've been pleasantly surprised. Yes, because it has to be a fucking amazing movie to pleasantly surprise you. Dancing with Wolves is the best movie of all time. I'm not going to disagree with you. It's not the best movie of all time,
Starting point is 00:24:28 but it's a good movie. Such a good movie, dude. The original Avatar. But that's your mindset, though. You've got a negative mindset. His argument and my argument, too, is the more you speak about something, if you want it and you keep talking about it,
Starting point is 00:24:42 you're going to work to get it. So if you're speaking that you want to have money, you want to have these things, you want to have success, you speak about it, you're going to do things that attract you to that. If you speak about not having it, everybody wants to be right. Human psychology, you want to be right, so you want to affirm yourself. So if you're thinking, oh, I'm going to do this, I'm going to suck, this is going to suck. I am right a lot of the time. Well, yeah, you want to be right.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So if you approach life in a negative perspective, you're going to be right because you're going to make yourself right. I am right a lot of the time. Well, yeah, you want to be right. So if you approach life in a negative perspective, you're going to be right because you're going to make yourself right. You're right. 100%. So if you approach life in a positive perspective, you're going to make yourself right and you're going to have a positive fucking life.
Starting point is 00:25:16 You're going to do well. Even if you lose. That's why you're killing it right now, dude. It's kind of like lying. You're fucking making so much money. You're doing such good things in life. I work the least hard out of everybody here. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I work way less than you. You think so? 100%. He works less hard than you, makes way more money than you do. I don't work that hard. I don't work at all. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Logan gets money handed to him in his lap because of his perspective. Because he's manifested it. He's manifested it. Since he was born. For like five years, I manifested it. But eventually, the thing is eventually it'll work out. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Because like I think what it is more than anything is like, what is it? Because when I first started this job, you were like, what the fuck are you doing? Remember when I came over in my first day outfit i think what if i i didn't like your timeshare thing no but the other thing when i got into door knocking right you're like what are you doing you remember i came over your house your outfit was a little it's an orange little troll orange shirt khaki shorts khaki shorts and a fanny pack yeah i remember and i was like i'm gonna make it work though you're a fucking dork i had nothing no real proof that it was gonna work right work but i'm i was like i'm gonna make it work somehow well you gotta take the mindset you gotta take everything that's the fucking i can't take one thing and apply it to everything that you've manifested
Starting point is 00:26:40 but like same with working out like i, I'm going to do this. I'm not doing it yet, but it's going to come if I keep going. And it does come. The exact same way. Like saying you're going to hit 225. Are you hitting 225 right now? Well, you are, but like before you were. Give me like three months.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I can hit it again. Well, I don't know where you're hitting, but I'm saying if you are hitting 225 right now, great. But I'm like, you're going to hit 275. You're like, no, I'm going to hit 275.
Starting point is 00:27:09 You're going to do what it takes to hit 275. Exactly. If you say I'm never going to hit 275, you're never going to try to work out in the way that you need to, to, I fully agree. Yes. Fully agree.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I could see that. Yeah. We're working out. I understand that. It's's it's everything that's life that's how it works i just think i think sometimes it's like just not enough for it to be accurate if you if you say you're gonna be a millionaire in a year and you're not gonna do anything about it you're just oh no i'm be a millionaire. That's not what it says. The point of manifesting.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Manifesting has to coincide with work ethic and stuff. No, but the point of manifesting is you believe. So it's not really manifesting. You're just a hard worker. When you're telling yourself, I'm going to do this, you believe it, that you already have it. So that means you're doing what it takes to have that. Or you're going to do what it takes.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yes. You're willing to do what it takes. That's got nothing to do with manifesting. That's just you working. I'm on Andrew's side for saying that's more hard work than manifesting. The manifesting I was talking about was... Hey, Logan, the two brokest guys in the fucking room. No, the manifesting I was talking about...
Starting point is 00:28:15 These guys won't find love. You know the Israel Adesanya manifesting in the UFC? Him manifesting that Duplissus guy is going to beat Robert Whitaker and so that he could beat him for the title. That's a manifest because he's not involved. Yeah, because he's not involved. That's the manifesting I was talking about. That's my understanding.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Manifesting that's something that you're not involved in. That's the manifesting I was talking about. Well, I manifested that Volk was going to win against. You saw it in the group chat, right? You manifested that Adesanya was going to win against fucking. I did. oh you mean the king manifested that the greatest fighter in the history of the sport no no no what's his name was favored no uh I said we're gonna make a lot of money and if Adesanya wins we're gonna win and what happened one won money. Right. That's manifesting. That's manifesting.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Bingo. You didn't work in that fight. And what happened? We won money. But to me, like saying, hey, I'm going to lose 10 pounds, that's not manifesting. That's not what manifesting is. Well, that's kind of what you guys just described. Oh, I'm going to hit 275.
Starting point is 00:29:21 That's the same as saying I'm eventually going to make a million dollars. Yeah. You're just working for it. In my Yeah. You're just working for it. In my head. That's just determination and hard work to me. That's the same as losing 10 pounds. That's how I think about it. It's just you got to work a lot harder. You have a goal, right? You're going to do whatever it takes to hit that goal.
Starting point is 00:29:37 That's just discipline. That's just discipline. You actually believe it's going to happen and follow through with it. Those are two different things. I need the definition of manifesting because I you actually believing it's going to happen and follow through with it, those are two different things. I need the definition of manifesting because I don't think it's just working. Manifesting is actually believing it's going to happen. That's what it is. Not like, oh, I'm going to lose 20 pounds.
Starting point is 00:29:57 They don't believe it when you say it. No, they just say it. They're not believing it when they're saying it. You have to believe it. I'm going to lose 20 pounds, but then that makes you go do the things. Andrew, with their logic, we're going to manifest that we're going to have a baby here in a couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Literally. That's literally what it is. We're not crazy, dude. That's their logic. The CIA practices manifestation. All the most successful people, the people that I've done, like inventors.
Starting point is 00:30:19 CIA are a bunch of liars, Carter. They manifested when we crashed these planes into this building and we put bombs at the base of the building that the whole thing is going to fall. What happened?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Inside job. It happened. Exactly. Because it was inside job. Because they believed it. One sec. They believed it and then they followed
Starting point is 00:30:35 through with this. But it doesn't, if they don't believe it, it doesn't happen. Carter, I'm going to manifest and I'm going to take a sip of this
Starting point is 00:30:43 really soon. I'm manifesting it right now too yeah see now it's working i believe it in my heart you're gonna maybe i just shut bo's manifestation down i believe it so i said i believe it in my core that you're gonna take another sip of that drink before this night i think i think i can believe i think it's just a i think it's a fine line line between manifestation and like a hard work to me. That's just how I see it. Manifesting is like, oh, something is going to come to me or happen out of my control, and then it does. That's a manifest to me. Me saying like, oh, I'm going to go do this, and then I do it, that's not manifesting.
Starting point is 00:31:23 That's holding myself accountable to do what I said I'm going to do. Manifesting to me is like, I'm going to do this and it's going to pay off in a bigger way than my argument. That's different. A payoff is different. From what you're saying is you're putting it out like, okay, I'm saying when you manifest and you're putting it out in the world, it's going to make you more aware of things, the opportunities that come. So when you're saying it, saying it, and then an opportunity comes. If you're not in that mindset, you're not going to take that opportunity. So then that opportunity comes, you're like,
Starting point is 00:31:52 okay, then you seize on it because you manifested it to come. Let's take your last relationship, right? You were manifesting a baby, the perfect girl. Everything was going to be perfect. You manifested it. You can't throw a bow under the bus. I'm not. I'm just saying, dude, this is a manifestation listen to listen it was manifested manifest that at all i wasn't you said you were gonna marry her i didn't believe it in my core that's what it was
Starting point is 00:32:16 i didn't believe so if you throw out false manifestations it doesn't work yes if i don't believe it in my core and i don't genuinely feel like. If you don't work for it, then it doesn't happen. I didn't believe in it. I didn't believe in it. They're only false once they don't come true. Hear me out. I manifest. Listen, listen. Rico.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I manifest that God's not real or real. It's up to you. It's the same vibe. I'm lost on that. To me, to me, like what you guys you guys your guys idea of manifesting of like well you're you're mixing believing and manifesting up but that's kind of the same thing if you believe that it's gonna happen the whole point of manifesting is you're speaking it into existence but you believe that it's gonna happen that's what it is spoken a lot of things into you can you not happen like what because you didn you believe that it's going to happen. That's what it is. I've spoken a lot of things into existence that have not happened.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Like what? Because you didn't believe in it. I've done anal probably a third of the times that I said I was going to. And I manifest that shit hard. But what happens? But you've had anal. But have you had it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Exactly. But not every time I've done it. That's just a game of numbers. I was more determined that night than the night it didn't work out. Are you better off having had it? Well, sure. That's a dumbass question. That's my point.
Starting point is 00:33:32 You're telling me Bo's never manifested anal in his life? No. I've never manifested it to me. No, he has not. I'm sure if I did, I would have had it. I'm just saying. Actually, let's. I'm going to manifest this right now.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Lock it in. I'm going to manifest that I'm going to have anal. I believe so. I know that I'm going to have it gonna so the next girl you knock down if there's no anal you apologize to me on air he's just putting it in i'm visualizing right now i'm imagining myself in that scenario and i'm feeling it in my body this is great you have a lifetime for a manifestation to come true that's crazy talk sometimes that's what it takes dude i'm i manifest i'm gonna cut my hair one day that's like i do and i i've gone through life with this perspective that everything is just gonna work out for me and everything you haven't gone through life like that life has
Starting point is 00:34:15 worked out for me that is new to you no no i've had that my whole life that i'm like you know what it's just gonna like i don't know why i'm in this. Like I am who I am and I have what I have, but it's just going to keep working out. And it just keeps working. I believe in that a hundred percent. I don't. And whether or not that's real, I'm going to keep believing.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And this is the thing too, is like, it may be lying to yourself. Maybe. But like, it's better than. Look at him taking a sip right now. I manifested that on camera. You're retarded. Sorry if Coco starts barking.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I got really loud. You did manifest that. I manifested that. A hundred percent. I just proved him wrong on camera. Long're retarded. Sorry if Coco starts barking. I got really loud. You did manifest that. 100%. I just proved them wrong on camera. Long story short, you could have a negative mindset or a positive mindset. Yes. Mindset's not a manifestation though. It's pretty close. It's close.
Starting point is 00:34:58 The world becomes what you see it as. You attract what you are. I believe that. 100%. That sounds very Hitler-y to me. What you make it. Life is what you see it as. Exactly. And you attract what you are. I believe that. Life is. A hundred percent. That sounds very Hitler-y to me. What you make it. Life is what you make it. Seems very Hitler to me.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Life is what you make it. The world is what you see it as. So I'm going to make it that way. It's kind of crazy. Well, obviously you don't want to be a psychopath and take that the wrong direction. Well, so manifesting is only for good stuff. No, you can manifest bad stuff. No, you can. Hitler manifested what he did. I think he just worked hard for it. No, you can manifest bad stuff. No, you can manifest... Hitler manifested what he did.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I think he just worked hard for it. I really do. I don't think so. I don't think he just fell in his lap. He created his vision because he believed in it. I kind of did. I don't think so. I kind of did.
Starting point is 00:35:34 He created his vision. He worked his way up the ladder. He believed that he was doing the right thing. You know Hitler was like a nobody, right? I do. And what did he do? He manifested and got into power. He went to school. He became really good at good at speaking nope he grabbed a bunch of people and just convinced him he was a nobody in the war
Starting point is 00:35:53 to be crazy barely barely in the war so crazy and they're like you know what you know what this guy is good at words i'll follow he believed in himself you guys heard it he believes that wednesday was talking, or not Andrew, Logan and Bo believe. Pro-Hitler. Logan and Bo pro-Hitler. That Hitler believed in himself. That's what we believe.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I believe that 100%. They think they're next Hitler. Obviously, with anything in life, you can manifest whatever you want, whether that's positive or negative, whether that's good or bad. Andrew's most like Hitler, though, of us three, 100%.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Yeah, I gotta agree with that. If I want to make my life go... Yeah, 100%. Because of that blonde hair, blue eyes? That's not fair. That life go 100% that's not fair I'm not radical I'm very rash very rational thinker alright we'll go ahead and close it on that
Starting point is 00:36:36 that's the last topic that's only the second topic you guys were on it for 25 minutes he wants to go home because he's tired and he has work in the morning. No more. Give us one more topic, Carter. We'll go one more.
Starting point is 00:36:47 All right. One more time. Would you guys move to another country to avoid paying child support? In a heartbeat. Easy. Child support is crazy to me, dude. If I don't love her, I'm out. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Easily. So this is my thought. So I don't know about you guys. I've never once came in someone who I thought would have. It's not where I thought you were going. I have never once in a relationship or in a hookup or whatever. Finished inside of someone that I thought would keep the kid. I've manifested that I would never come across somebody like that would keep it regardless.
Starting point is 00:37:24 So I come in everybody that I'm with. That's powerful. And I manifested that. That's a crazy manifestation that you've thought of. Look where I am. He's 47 years old, and he's no kids. I came in every woman I've been with. There's actually like five people.
Starting point is 00:37:36 45 people, more like. Yeah. No. This guy bought me a fucking AK, dude. I know. That's literally Hitler-level buying. Nope. He wants guns. nope he wants guns that's manifestation manifestation crazy to me what are we talking about i'm sorry would you guys move to another
Starting point is 00:37:52 country to avoid paying child support i would do whatever i mean it depends i would just like i would just change so like this is my thing if i can't let's say I was on a vacation and I came in somebody and they're in like New Orleans and they hit, they like, they find me somehow like, Oh my God, I had, we're having a kid. Like I'm not, I'm keeping it. I changed my name. I changed everything. Leave your ID at the gas station and I just get a new one.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I get a new, Hey guys, I'm going by Bobby now. I'm Bobby Santoro. That's good. Santoro. That's my new name. Santolini. I'm Bobby Santolini. But I'm not having a kid.
Starting point is 00:38:36 I like Buster for you. I feel like Buster. I'll be Buster. I really like Buster for you. I'll easily be Buster. Oh, my... Dude, you look like such a Buster. I'm Buster... Schlung. No, that look like such a buster. I'm Buster...
Starting point is 00:38:45 Schlung. No, that doesn't work. Buster... That doesn't work. That's not a good one. Where'd you get that last name from? Buster's... I like Buster Fricks.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Fritter. You like Fritter. You like Fritter. No, I'm Fritter. That's my tennis name. Buster Fog. Fog's not bad. Something with an F with Buster just goes crazy. Buster Fogg. Fogg's not bad. Something with an F with Buster.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Just goes crazy. Buster Fig. I like that. Two Gs. Two syllables. Two Gs. Buster Fig. Buster Fig.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Okay. I'll be Buster Fig from now on. Maybe even Figler. Buster Figler. I say Buster Fonzie. Buster Fonzie. No one's going to buy that. Shout out to the Tickle King, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:24 No one's going to buy that. Shout out to the Ticklezie. Shout out to the Tickle King, dude. Shout out to the Tickle King. Long story short, I'm not raising that kid. That's your fault. Well, the thing is, it's a 50-50. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, I'm saying it's equally, but like if you don't want to have a kid, you shouldn't have to.
Starting point is 00:39:41 You need three cords, Bo. Jaden, don't listen to that. If you don't want to have a kid, it's in your right to say, you know what, I don't want to have this kid. If you want to have it, you can have it. But I shouldn't be tied to it. That's exactly how I think. That's my argument. If I want out and you're going to make me fucking skate to a new country,
Starting point is 00:39:58 I'm going to do it. No, yeah, that's my argument. It's like, look, it should be, look, if you want to keep it, but I know that I would probably just want to be the father regardless well because you manifested it right manifest yes but i'm saying if somebody doesn't want to be in that kid's life for whatever reason they should have the ability to not be in that kid's life and not have to pay and child support they're they're paying way too much money way too much ridiculous like women are they're getting so much money that and they're just going and spending on it should be hey it's for the kid not for my lifestyle that i want my
Starting point is 00:40:30 thought process is like oh you know i'd go to that one like you know that judge that black judge who's like it's like a black woman who like always rational super rational yeah but the thing is i would have to pay still yeah of the two yeah and i'm but paying for the kid itself is different than paying for a woman that you don't like and you don't care about to go to the club for her to go do whatever the fuck she wants and treat the kid like shit but the thing is if i'm gonna stay in the country and i have to pay either way i'm gonna take the kid half the time yeah yeah that's what i'm saying yeah just for the clout so i'm running away that's fair i am gonna treat the kid like shit yeah i just i i would hate to be put in the position where i because like i can't not care
Starting point is 00:41:13 about something that's like just for real same like if i'm put in the position where it's like if it's mine it's mine yeah i'm gonna go all the way we we talked about me in details dude it's mine, it's mine. Then I'm going to go all the way with you. And we talked about me in details, dude. If I have something, I make sure it's perfect all the time. I just don't want to have something. You see your wire right now? How it's tucked into the arm? Yeah. That's me.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Yeah, I don't want to have to do that. I'll do it for you. I'll raise your kid. Okay, that's fair. I'll give you guys a kid. If I'm with a woman and she really wants to have the kid, I'm just going to have the kid. Well, yeah. Regardless. You're just going to get forced into it. I'm not going to move kid. If I'm with a woman and she really wants to have the kid, I'm just going to have the kid. Well, yeah. Regardless.
Starting point is 00:41:46 You're just going to get forced into it. I'm not going to move to fucking a new country. To avoid it. Because they don't have my job out there. Yes, you are. No. Whatever. I think you do it.
Starting point is 00:41:58 If shit doesn't work out in like five years, then I'll leave. Let's say your first girl got it got pregnant at whatever point right but like after the whole thing happened right three months down the line she's like hey we're doing this thing you stay you stick around i was a different person then right but that's what i'm saying if i'm talking about me back then probably you right now now okay me now now so you know me now i'll still probably raise the kid just be around too i would try to make the relationship work i wouldn't do that i would not do that if i didn't want anything to do with her i'm just it's strictly for the kid that's what i'm saying but to me for the kid making the relationship work would be the best case scenario
Starting point is 00:42:41 he could have two moms two dads that's fine it fine. That's tough. That's a lot of Christmas for him. Maybe even Hanukkah, depending on who the second girl is. I know a guy, someone said today, where he was like, yeah, you know, I'm going to go and I'm going to do this shit. I'm going to fucking make all the money in the world and 10 years from now I'm going to marry a 25-year-old. He's with somebody right now.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Married with kids right now. She's not 25, is she? She marry a 25 year old. He's with somebody right now. Married with kids. She's not 25. She's not 25. Yeah. And he said that. And I was like, you're so fucking right, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You're so right. That's manifesting. He's going to do it. He's going to fucking do it. Fair enough. It's manifesting. Yeah. No child support. I'll say back, like right now, manifesting. Yeah. No child support.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I'll say back, like right now, manifesting is real. These kids will be 18. I think it's real. I'm down. I'm on a hill. Let us know if you guys are on Team Andrew or Team Logan and Bo. Team Andrew and Carter. Yeah, Andrew and Carter.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Count yourself. Carter, real quick, what do you think about manifesting? What do you think about that? What is manifesting to you? To me, I mean. Yeah, Andrew and Carter. Come on, count yourself. Carter, real quick, what do you think about manifesting? What do you think about that? What is manifesting to you? To me, I mean... Something out of your control. I think what you guys are talking about is more hard work centric. I think the manifesting, like I said, that I was talking about
Starting point is 00:43:56 is Israel Adesanya standing on the outside of the cage saying he's going to beat him. That's the manifesting I'm talking about. He's going to beat him so that I can go beat him. It's just throwing beliefs in positive energy, whatever you want to call it. Those are just empty words to me. That's manifesting.
Starting point is 00:44:14 That's literally what it is. That's the manifesting that I'm considering. Manifesting is like, I'm going to win the lottery. If that's what you think manifesting is, that's not what manifesting is. Well, that's what I'm... Well, according to the Israel Adesanya thing, that's what manifesting is? That's not what manifesting is. Well, that's what I'm, well, according to the Israel Adesanya thing, that's what manifesting is.
Starting point is 00:44:29 What you guys are talking about, I think we have a completely different definition. So we're just talking about different things. Yeah. Okay. One's right, one's wrong, though. It's got to be right. I think Andrew's wrong, though.
Starting point is 00:44:39 We're talking about delusional manifesting. You guys are talking about maybe more rational manifesting. Okay. More like rational, hardworking work ethic. Yeah. Because like my whole thought is like, you guys are saying like, oh, that's just hard work. It's like you can work the hardest on a landscaping job
Starting point is 00:44:56 and all you're ever going to make is 15 bucks an hour. Yeah. That's not manifesting. Well, if you manage that. Oh, I'm going to run a landscaping company one day. Yeah. And then you do because you're like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:45:09 that's just setting a goal. Like he said, I agree. Setting a goal, but like, then you got to do what it takes no matter what to get the goal. Yeah. If you're willing to do that,
Starting point is 00:45:17 then you're going to make it like the term manifesting is just like the universe does it for you is like the, the thought, like, that's what it means to me. That's what it means to me that's what it means to me so it's a coupling it's a coupling of for your thing it's just you're working for what you what you want you say what you want and then you do what it takes to get what you want right so that's not manifesting you're doing the work but without saying it it's not going to happen that's what i believe because you Because you could just be whoever you want to be forever. But if you don't say it, put a goal out.
Starting point is 00:45:52 You can say it's a goal. If I never said who I am right now, then what does that mean? You're not going to be shit. I didn't manifest that I was going to be shit. You know what I mean? That's what he's saying. I didn't manifest that I wasn't going to do anything in life. So you're not going to be shit. You know what I mean? That's what he's saying. Like, I didn't manifest that I wasn't going to do anything in life.
Starting point is 00:46:06 So you're not going to do anything in life. So then how does that work? What are you saying? You didn't manifest it. You're not saying anything. You're saying... So you have to manifest being shit to be shit?
Starting point is 00:46:17 Or you only have to manifest for positive things? You can manifest for whatever you want. Exactly. That's exactly it. So if I don't manifest, then whatever comes out is what? You can manifest for whatever you want you exactly so that's exactly so if i don't manifest then whatever comes out is what you can manifest that you're not going to be shit in your life and then it will happen and you could you could totally do so if i don't manifest anything and i'm at where i'm at then what does that mean you're gonna escape through life you're gonna be 80 and be like
Starting point is 00:46:37 damn i fucking regret all of my decisions not even that you could just be you're gonna have an average life average like you can just do whatever you want to do. You're going to get through life either way. That's what he's saying. You can just get, you're going to get through it. But like, or you'd be like, oh no, I'm going to do these things. Like you could do that and be like, that's my goal. Or you could be like, I'm not going to do anything.
Starting point is 00:47:02 You're going to wake up every morning. You're going to say, okay, this is what I'm going to do. This is what I'm going to become. I'm going to be successful. I'm going to make up every morning. You're going to say, okay, this is what I'm going to do. This is what I'm going to become. I'm going to be successful. I'm going to make this money. And then you're going to, like you said, I mean, I understand your perspective from the hard work,
Starting point is 00:47:11 but you're going to do what it takes to be those things, the things that you're talking about. I think it's going to go in an infinite circle here. Or you're going to do nothing. I really do. And not manage anything. And you're just going to go through life
Starting point is 00:47:23 and just get through it. Either way, you're going to get through it. It's just how you're going to get just gonna go through life and just get through it either way either way you're gonna get through it it's just how you're gonna get through it are you gonna get through it going up or are you gonna get through it just
Starting point is 00:47:32 going sideways or slightly up just by time as you're working I'm gonna go through a hippo that's what I'm gonna do I'm
Starting point is 00:47:41 I'm manifesting I'm gonna beat a hippo in a five minute rematch we can manifest that we're gonna go peppermint hippo this weekend or we can manifest right now I have that plug dude I'm manifesting I'm going to beat a hippo in a five-minute rematch. You know what? We can manifest that we're going to go peppermint hippo this weekend. Or we can manifest right now. I have that plug, dude. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Or we can manifest right now. This podcast. We're going to win $30,000 this weekend. Oh, man. I need to believe it. That's where it is. $30,000. It's doable. Or $40,000.
Starting point is 00:48:04 All we got to do is win $15 win 15 and put it on a color. Let's manifest right now that this podcast is going to blow up once we get a new editor who cares about the show. Just a little bit. Literally just cares even a tiny bit. Bo, I can count on one hand how many topics you brought to this show. That is true. That is true.
Starting point is 00:48:20 That is true. That's a fair point. I'm going to start manifesting more topics. I can't count on 10,000 hands how many topics I've brought to this show. I'm going to manifest that I'm going to bring more topics. Logan, you can count on one hand Logan and both topics. I bring topics. That's not fair.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Logan's bringing a guest next week. We've got to give him some. That's fair. That is true. I'm excited for that. I bring topics. We're literally flying somebody out. I bring one to zero to three topics a week.
Starting point is 00:48:47 One back to zero, then up to three. Yeah, and that's how it goes. Back to zero, zero, zero, three, one. Paper, rock, scissors. That's exactly how it goes. Just like that. Scissors, rock, paper. These scissors always last.
Starting point is 00:48:59 That's fine. What did Bo say? Paper, rock, scissors. It just sounds crazy. Paper, rock, scissors. It just sounds crazy. Paper, rock, scissors. Whatever. Number 53. Everybody do us a favor.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Card is cut. The manifesting stuff, it's fine. We really got into it about that. Do us a favor. Because we believe in it. Manifest that this podcast is going to be number one in the nation. Yeah, we need it. We're going to be the new Joe Rogan experience.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I guess. We're going to be the new Joe Rogan experience. We're going to be the new Joe Rogan experience. It's coming. It's in the mail. Just like Andrew's phantom two inches. Half inch. Half inch on 26. It's coming.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Check the OnlyFans. Thanks for tuning in, guys. Thanks, Carter.

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