Wonderful! 358: Ready to Rock Since Breakfast
Episode Date: January 15, 2025Rachel's favorite fedora-rewarded sports feat! Griffin's favorite big scooper!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spotify.co...
Welcome to Wonderful! It’s an enthusiast podcast by Griffin and Rachel McElroy in which they discuss Very Good Things, and the Things that Make Them Good. Got a Good Thing you’re excited about that you want them to talk about on the show? Shoot ‘em an email at wonderfulpodcast@gmail.com.
442 episodes transcribedRachel's favorite fedora-rewarded sports feat! Griffin's favorite big scooper!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spotify.co...
Griffin's favorite kinda-nerdy Pointillist art style! Rachel's favorite specific magical realism genre for only children!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by b...
Rachel's favorite Justin-McElroy-endorsed hot new jams! Griffin's favorite end-of-year tradition!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – http...
Griffin's favorite self-aware modern Christmas banger! Rachel's favorite modern musical Christmas banger! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and August...
Rachel's favorite too-hot-for-TV bits! Griffin's favorite daily cozy ritual! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spotify.com...
Griffin's favorite high-concept educational cubes! Rachel's favorite cultural exchange! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open....
A special treat full of listeners' favorite little things to be grateful for: Kid-magic! Big snack tins! Good audiobook timing! When you're cold and y...
Rachel's favorite trend-setting magic duo! Griffin's favorite film-centric erudite board game! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https:...
Griffin's favorite dangerous football feat! Rachel's favorite change-forward poet! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spoti...
Rachel's favorite state of consciousness! Griffin's favorite mouth instrument! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spotify.c...
Griffin's favorite modern-day comforts! Rachel's favorite poet you might not know you know! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://o...
Rachel's favorite weird medieval art practice! Griffin's favorite spooky season modern classic! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https...
Griffin's favorite disc-flicking game! Rachel's favorite sports-adjacent memorabilia!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spo...
Rachel's favorite charming morning routine! Griffin's favorite bouncy floor funky dance party! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https:...
Griffin's favorite viral vocalist! Rachel's favorite environment-focused poet! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spotify.c...
Rachel's favorite piece of childhood folklore! Griffin's favorite quiet everywhere friend! Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://op...
Griffin's favorite time spent in front of the computer for hours! Rachel's favorite quantifiable fitness activity!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en an...
Rachel's favorite discourse-dense coffee commercial! Griffin's favorite hypebeast hardware!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://op...
Griffin's favorite adventurous West Virginia tradition! Rachel's favorite way of beating people at board games!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and A...
Rachel's favorite official Olympic poet! Griffin's favorite ringtone tune!Music: “Money Won’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spotify.com/al...