Wonderful! - Wonderful! 205: The Power of Bruce

Episode Date: November 17, 2021

It’s Oops All Audience Submissions! Rachel and Griffin bring YOUR Small Wonders, including salty streets, universally loved entertainment, soup crunchums, and produce sound effects.Music: “Money W...on’t Pay” by bo en and Augustus – https://open.spotify.com/album/7n6zRzTrGPIHt0kRvmWoyaSupport AAPI communities and those affected by anti-Asian violence: https://www.gofundme.com/c/act/stop-aapi-hateSupport the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund: https://aapifund.org/ MaxFunDrive ends on March 29, 2024! Support our show now by becoming a member at maximumfun.org/join.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello this is rachel mcelroy hello this is griffin mcelroy and this is wonderful and is and you know what's the most wonderful thing about it? Okay. Is we didn't have to come up with things that we like for this episode of Wonderful. We could stop liking things. We could stop liking things. For one day. For a single week.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Oh, to just luxuriate in the things we already know we like. Oh, the comfort of it. Because this week we are doing an oops all listener submissions episode which if you're a new listener to the show by which i mean you've listened in only for the last maybe year and a half we used to do uh listener submissions we used to talk about what the people at home were talking about what they liked but then um we had eight kids. And so we lost the email login for a considerable amount of time. And we encourage you to send some in last week.
Starting point is 00:01:11 And guess what? You did. And so we're gonna talk about them. We're gonna talk about- Should we still have a small wonder though? I feel like it's only fair. We should, we should, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I mean, I'm gonna take what is probably the most likely one and say Tick, Tick, Boom coming out on Netflix. Yeah. This Friday, I believe. A couple days after this episode comes out. Rachel and I had a very exclusive opportunity to see the film early. And it fucking rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 If you are somebody that loves musicals, I mean, it isn't just like, oh, I love Jonathan Larson. It's like if you love musicals. If you even kind that loves musicals, I mean, it isn't just like, oh, I love Jonathan Larson. It's like, if you love musicals. If you even kind of like musicals, you will really enjoy it. If you dated somebody at one point that was in a musical, you are going to watch this and you're going to be like, oh my gosh, what a tribute. And my man, Spiders Man, gets rave reviews from me. Andrew Garfield. The funniest name for a person. Yeah, he's exquisite.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I don't know. Vanessa Hudgens, you know she's always got like locking it down. Like she's always got it. But Andrew Garfield surprised me. I thought of a, I thought of a,
Starting point is 00:02:17 like a review I could give. Oh yeah, let's hear it. This man may hate Mondays, but you know what he doesn't hate? Yeah. A good performance. Oh, that's so good that's really good honey thank you yeah i wonder if people ever tell him that his last name
Starting point is 00:02:30 is like yeah probably everybody thinks it's so fucking funny all right what's your small i am gonna say oh gosh we've probably said this this is embarrassing the moving walkway yeah i think we've talked about it it's fun fun, folks. It's just fun. There's the satisfaction because when you're running late for a flight and you know, this will give me one extra second. Right. You're so grateful for that. Well, and it also feels like you turn into Sonic the Hedgehog for a second. It's like turbo mode.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Look at these people not using the moving walkway. Why not go turbo mode? All right. You ready to kick it off? Yes. You have the list also. I do but we can bounce back and forth okay uh jen says my small wonder is the satisfaction after you do a home improvement project my husband and i just bought a house and i've painted spackled removed carpet changed electrical outlets and so much more already it's so satisfying to be able to fix
Starting point is 00:03:19 something in your own home and actually get it right yeah yeah i don't know that i've done anything as ambitious as well i've painted i've never spackled remove carpet i would be afraid to do because what's there's mold under there i'm always if i'm changing a light bulb i'm like on my guard for like is there mold just like a nest of insects will come out yeah yeah that might just be our little fun surprise bag of a house that we live in um you put up a good shelf though i've hung many shelves that doesn't even i feel like screwing something into a wall doesn't necessarily count i did soundproof my old office at the house we used to live at like i got all that foam core stuff and got it in like very neat squares and then you know pasted it all onto a big sheet of cardboard
Starting point is 00:04:07 that I could just move around the room wherever I needed it. I was very proud. That's more of an invention. Wouldn't you say? Uh-huh. You have removed a bathroom faucet fixture. Yeah, that I couldn't replace.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Yeah, it wasn't really fixing, but there was household work involved true true oh you at you've added shelves uh i've not just not just hung a shelf on the wall but put a shelf in a closet area yeah to make it more of a pantry that's true i did do that yeah i installed a bidet once that's That's one I can really hang my hat on. It's no longer functional. Wow. We are not really good at this, huh?
Starting point is 00:04:51 No. Yeah. I mean, neither of us is particularly a Tim the Toolman, but we do our best. Well, I think for me, I just operate on a low level of fear every day. And house project. End of thought. End of sense. And a house project, I feel like you have to enter with a fair amount of confidence.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Right. Of a like, I watched a video. I can do this. Yeah. And I just think, yeah, but what is the video not showing you? Oh, yeah. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:26 We need to get handier. Why didn't we do, I don't know, handy class? You know what? Like a video doesn't work for me because I need somebody to be like, and these are my credentials. Yeah. And here are my references. And here's an example of some of the projects I've done. Okay, now unscrew.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And I'm like on board. Yeah. Okay, I've done. Okay, now, unscrew, and I'm like on board. I'm like, okay, I will unscrew. We have a friend's dad whose name is Bruce, and you hear that name, and you're like, this person knows shit
Starting point is 00:05:52 about building stuff. And like, I went to a friend's house, and Bruce was there, and he was like, let's go install a deck. And I was like, look at me.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Look at me. But then we did it. Like, we built a deck. I know. And I was like, how the fuck did I do that? It was the power of Bruce. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I don't know. It's a skill that I envy. Like for example, those people that like go out and buy a ceiling fan and they're like, I'm going to hang this ceiling fan. Electricity scares the crap out of me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:21 That's what it is. I guess you can just turn the electricity off to your home, but that seems like a big hassle. Yeah. And then what if you turn it on again whoops you you did a mistake it backwards and now your kitchen's on fire yeah wow that would be quite the quite the oopsie if you change a ceiling fan in one room and your kitchen catches on fire in a different one yeah hey do you want to read one now yeah you got to have your phone at the ready you got to be like quick draw McGraw. Sorry. Okay, this is from Mal.
Starting point is 00:06:47 It says, my small wonder is harmonizing while singing. Sometimes when I come home after work, my partner will be singing in the kitchen while they do dishes. And getting to jump in and sing along with them makes my day better every time. Is this a message to me? It's the one thing that we're missing in our marriage.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I don't know how i don't know how people do it we talked about harmony on the show i know the subject i brought i always just sing uh in like a different octave basically like like if you are singing a note i will sing either the higher or lower version of that note and think i am harmonizing i mean it can aid a harmony yeah if there was another part that actually harmonized it can provide it you know depth to it we need a third part we need our sons to learn harmony and then we can deploy that method how cute do you remember that would be very cute well barbershop quartet do you remember learning it like do you remember like it was inquire were
Starting point is 00:07:42 they like all right today we're going to learn how to do this which surprisingly i don't think i really learned that in choir it was through uh musical theater right yeah because in musical theater like most songs have harmony in them and i'm trying to remember there was a specific musical that we did that had oh i think it was uh schoolhouse rock live uh there were a lot of songs that required like surprisingly like pretty deep harmonies. And so I kind of had to learn how that works. And I feel like if you do something like that enough, you kind of learn how to try at least and harmonize with other people without having to read sheet music or anything like that. I was going to make you like sing a note and show you how good I can harmonize to it. music or anything like that. I was gonna make you sing a note and show you how good I can harmonize to it,
Starting point is 00:08:27 but that seems like a recipe for disaster. But do you want it? You seem curious now. You seem excited about it. I am curious, yeah. All right, give me a note. I'm gonna fall on my face right now. Ba.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Ba. That's good. Yeah. Do you want me to keep going? You looked at me like. Well well we can only do two parts i was a little pitchy is all it was you may do it yeah let's do it do go lower and i'll see maybe i'll do a minor key that's sort of discordant you are so cocky look at you you. You're struggling a little bit. It is. It's hard. Here, one more.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I'll try and do a seventh. There's only so many notes that I know. Yeah. Which note was that, by the way? All right, I'm going to read the next one. I don't want to do this anymore. Okay. Kathleen says,
Starting point is 00:09:22 The salt brine lines from pre-treated roads in the winter, especially before that first real snow of the season. I find it so clever in general that we can pre-treat roads even days in advance to make them safer, but also seeing those lines as you're out running those last-minute milk-and-bread type errands before a winter storm adds to the whole community buzz and anticipation. That is not a thing that they do here in Austin. I'm not familiar, I think. Really chicago in chicago baby i always thought that the lines were from car tires well uh you seem first of all you seem really upset about this well okay so here's how i thought it worked yeah i didn't think there was any kind of pre-treating
Starting point is 00:10:04 i thought people knew it was going to snow, and then they would wait until the snow started, and then they would get out there, and they'd put their salt down, and or a car would drive through them, and another car would be like, I'm going to follow that car's tracks, and then the tracks just deepened until, like, I guess I don't know what pre-treating is. Yeah, I mean, they just dump uh they just dump
Starting point is 00:10:25 salt in streaks on the road you really in chicago like this is this was i never drove in chicago so i didn't pay attention to it yeah it's just like uh in anticipation of a major storm the salt trucks would go out and make streaks basically in the street that you would you know people would drive on and then it would sort of make the roads a little bit cleaner to begin with i think they did this in huntington too because i remember seeing just like salt on the road before it even started snowing and thinking like what's going on and then when i was older i realized like oh it's smart to be proactive about this yeah this this may be something that at one point I noticed, but at this, I mean, it's been 15 years really since I have.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Lived in Chicago? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Has it really been that long? I guess so. I mean, 2007, 2008 was when I left. Okay, a little bit less than 15.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah. Yeah, I like that too. I don't know, man. Yeah, I like that too. I don't know, man. This is getting serious a little bit. I used to love snow and get really, really excited about the snow and playing in it and just sort of the look and the feel of it. I don't know that I will ever feel that way again as long as we live in Texas.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Well, if we lived in a very flat subdivision that had close proximity to a grocery store, I could see getting excited about it. Or just anywhere that's not like made of hills. But for us, it's just like we know we can't get anywhere. Yeah. And the city is not going to help us with that. No. And so it is. It's kind of like a small dread in a way.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It is. help us with that no and so it is it's kind of like a small dread in a way it is it's it is uh that was one of the more traumatic i think experiences that i have had maybe in my life which is so sad because i mean when you look at it from far away it's like oh my gosh you know henry got the opportunity to see like real snow in texas like that's so unique and he could have gotten this opportunity to like play but talking about it later with other people it's like well i don't want my kid to go outside and get wet and cold and then come inside and it is also very cold right you know and also you were eight months pregnant and the roads were unnavigable if i had done a snow angel i don't know how i would have gotten up yeah i don't know basically what it comes down to yeah this is a bummer segment wonderful it's just like i i i
Starting point is 00:12:49 used to i used to really look forward to it but i think uh that's going to be difficult i think if we hadn't gotten so much if it had been like a a light dusting yeah and it was like a nice like 35 40 degrees yeah that would have been nice. Delightful. Here's one from Kelly who says, the ritual of waking up early on Saturday mornings to watch the new Ted Lasso episode while drinking coffee
Starting point is 00:13:11 with the love of my life. If only there were always new episodes of Ted Lasso. Yeah, that would be nice. Have you talked to anyone that doesn't like Ted Lasso? I don't think so. Can I tell you something?
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. We know two people that don't like Ted Lasso. Oh my God. can i tell you something yeah we know two people that don't like ted lasso oh my god should i put them on blast i mean they are listeners of the show oh they are leah and tommy don't like ted lasso oh wow it was a real moment like my heart stopped when she shared that with me i there were some things about the second season I didn't like. What does that mean? Where does that put me? I suggested to Leah that you had filled my life with optimism and love in a way that had made me soft and ready to receive Ted Lasso.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah. And that maybe she hadn't experienced that softening that I had. Yeah. You know? That's kind of a fucked up thing to say. Well, I think we all know that you provide like a spirit of, you know, enthusiasm. Right. But by the transitive property, that means I'm the softest boy man that there is in the world. I don't, obviously Ted Lasso's done for the season but i feel this
Starting point is 00:14:25 way very much about um you know about a bake-off there's a nice friday one that you just know survivor we get excited about yeah sometimes i think what usually happens around four or five o'clock griffin and i both start doing the math of like what are we going to do after our children are asleep and usually one of us will turn to the other and be like, we have a show to watch. We do, which is great because we really only have about an hour and a half of conscious time together.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I can't imagine doing it in the morning. Although I figured that would be really nice. Well, that's because our weekend mornings are just like automatically a, a, a sprint. I used to, I used to feel that way about Lost
Starting point is 00:15:05 of like, what is the soonest I can watch the episode? Yeah. Because you don't want to get spoiled. There were certain shows where I felt like, should I just stay up until midnight? Ooh. What a delicious luxury. I know. Hey, do you want me to steal
Starting point is 00:15:20 you away? Please do. Okay. Hold my hand. Okay. I'm going to Naruto run and you need to- Ooh, it's kind of sticky. Yeah, that's from all the bubble gum. But I'm going to Naruto run and I need you to do that with me as I hold your hand. I don't know what that means. Oh, do you want me to show you?
Starting point is 00:15:37 You like stand up like this and run like this. Oh. Yeah, that's called Naruto run. Oh. Now you show me just so I know that you got Yeah, that's called Naruto run. Oh. Now you show me, just so I know that you got it, that you understand it. No, because you'll look down my shirt. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Got a couple Rambo blogs here, and I would love to read this first one to you because it is for Drew, and it is from Bryce, who says, Hey, Drew, bet you weren't expecting a birthday wish from a Jumbotron. Well, surprise and happy birthday. You are my best friend, but don't tell Kyle, and one of the coolest dudes I know. So I've called upon Time God to cement this birthday wish in time forever and use it when i forget to get you a present also let this be the signal to start our podcasts i think they ran out of characters right at the midnight hour unless pod cause is a new thing oh you're still listening to podcasts this one's faster yeah the t is gone also bad news. Kyle is a dedicated listener to this show. Kyle is one of our most diehard fans.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Kyle definitely heard this. So you got a lot of explaining to do. Can I read the next one? Oh, yes. It is for David Bear. It is from Ian. To my sweet husband, as I am writing this, we have been married a little more than a week, and it has been everything I ever wanted.
Starting point is 00:17:05 You are so worthy of all my love and more, and I am so excited to share a life with you and our cat sons. Thank you for putting up with the weird voices I come up with and encouraging me to be an idiot. Love you lots. I tell you, man, that first week, if you can make it through the first week of marriage, you can make it through anything. It's so challenging. If you can make it through the first week of marriage, you can make it through anything. It's so challenging. Griffin and I talk a lot about how people that talk about how hard that first year of marriage is should just wait, maybe.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Wait just a little bit. Because it turns out it does, I think, get harder. Oh, no, babe. Well, if you bring in Spawn, you know? Spawn changes it a bit. Or pets. I mean, anytime you are sharing the responsibility of the life of another being, you are adding a serious complication
Starting point is 00:17:52 to your relationship. Who's gonna mow the lawn? Right. Yeah. Hey, if you wanna get a Jumbotron on the show for the first half of 2022, you need to do that immediately because the drawing that we
Starting point is 00:18:05 are doing to sort of assign, you know, Jumbotron availability to people, it ends this Friday, November 19th. So if you want to enter a drawing for a chance to purchase a Jumbotron on our show, head to MaximumFun.org slash Jumbotron drawing. And if your name is drawn, you'll have the option to purchase a personal Jumbotron message for $100. Yes, it is weird. It's a strange way of doing business, but our demand is much higher than our supply here on Wonderful. There's a lot of love in the world. So much. And a lot of people want to express that through a Jumbotron. Exactly. Once again, we're only accepting personal messages at this time, and the air date is estimated, not guaranteed. And if you want more details, visit MaximumFun.org slash JumbotronDrawing or
Starting point is 00:18:45 email Daniel at MaximumFun.org if you have any further questions. Look, it's a rough world out there, especially lately. I get it. So let's take care of our minds as best we can. I'm John Moe, host of Depressed Mode with John Moe. Every week, I talk with comedians, actors, writers, musicians, doctors, therapists, and everyday folks about the obstacles that our world and our brains throw in front of us. Depression, anxiety, traumatic stress, all those mental health challenges that are way more common and more treatable than you might think. The first time I went to therapy, I was so ashamed. And I was like, I can't believe I
Starting point is 00:19:23 got to go into therapy. I thought I could be a man. And Humphrey Bogart was never in therapy. And then my dad said, yeah, but he smoked a carton of cigarettes a day. Give your mind a break. Give yourself a break. And join me for Depress Mode with John Moe. Can I read you another small wonder? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:42 This is from Amanda. It says, toll highways and express lanes. I will happily pay the fees to not be stuck in traffic. Fellow Austinite forever giving the stink eye to I-35. That is a good one. That is a good one. I never get on I-35 anymore, by the way. Yeah, no reason to.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I feel like we, or at least I, have built my whole life around not having to get on I-35. Yeah, I schedule every facet of my being, avoiding that terrible highway. I do love the express lane and the toll road 100%. Also because it's like a bill that you get in the mail like a month later. And you forget about it and then it's like $65 the next month. Well, that only happens to you. That only does happen to me, I guess. it and then it's like 65 dollars well that only happens to you that only does happen to me i guess um yeah i feel i don't feel good feelings about the uh you know the collections system for the the toll road because i also used to get bills here in austin for toll roads that i definitely
Starting point is 00:20:40 did not drive on which was cool yeah that is Yeah, it's not a good way of doing business. But anytime I see an opportunity to get on a toll road and it's not exorbitantly expensive, I'm like, hell yeah, turbo mode. Let's go. One time I was driving basically through the East Coast looking for a city to live in when I was looking to move out of Cincinnati. And, you know, I drove up to Boston, I think, to go to PAX up there. And it was a really fun trip. But the highlight of it was when I took the Pennsylvania Turnpike. You ever been on that bad boy? It goes from like the coast all the way to Pittsburgh and past it, I think, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And you can go like 90 miles an hour. And it's like 20 bucks or something like that. I forget what the fee was back then. But it's like 20 bucks or something like that. I forget what the fee was back then. But it's like, hey, do you want to cross all of Pennsylvania, a long ass state, in like an hour and a half? Get on this turnpike and like hold on for the ride of your life. Wow. Yeah. It was a hoot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:39 No, I am one of those people where I like to keep moving, even if it isn't necessarily getting me there any faster. Like, I will look over at the highway, and if the highway seems busy, I will take this roundabout way that probably is not any faster. But you're like a shark when you're in your beautiful machine. I do. You can't slow down for a second. Yeah. You fall asleep. By beautiful machine, do you mean my small to midsize SUV?
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah. It's not particularly. It's an older model. They're really built for speed. No. One would say. It's built for, I mean, excitement. And it's got a big back seat.
Starting point is 00:22:21 You know what I don't have? What? You know when that like the the trunk thing the hand like the hands free or whatever and i saw that and i was like oh god people are just getting lazy yeah there have been so many times where i wish my car had that where the thing would open up because you have a baby in one hand and some costco shit in the other yes yes i i've always liked the one where you kick the fucking back bumper and then the thing opens because the robot's like ouch here you go
Starting point is 00:22:49 ow but I liked it here are your groceries motherfucking lines are so long at Costco one more time Griffin it seems like you've had a hard day I will receive your kick you just go to sell it and they're like looks like the bumper
Starting point is 00:23:04 is dented in this one extremely specific place it's like yeah i get mad at costco oh right right right we've all been there uh is it your turn or my turn i want to but one i can just head butt the back of my car and just all the doors open your beautiful face though oh it's tough it's it's tough you know that about me. Is it, whose turn is it? My turn. Yes. This is from Abby. My small wonder is little crunchy pieces you put in soup.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Soup crunchums, if you will. And I will. They can be oyster crackers, tortilla chips, bacon bits, sometimes even seeds, depending on the soup. The cold weather calls for soup, but sometimes the meal just feels incomplete without some bite to it. The soup crunchums pull the whole meal together in the best way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:49 This is the only context in which I, as an adult man, will eat Fritos. Did we say that's from Abby? I did, yeah. Okay. Yes, Fritos for sure. In any soup. I love an oyster cracker also. You know what's weird?
Starting point is 00:24:03 I eat oyster crackers raw. By themselves? Raw, yeah. Raw. I eat raw oyster cracker also. You know what's weird? I eat oyster crackers raw. By themselves? Raw, yeah. Raw. I eat raw oyster crackers. Instead of marinated the way typically they are in soup. Are they called oyster crackers because you're supposed to eat them with an oyster? I assume it was their shape.
Starting point is 00:24:18 They're shaped like little shells. I guess so. I don't know. But yeah, a Frito in a chili or a stew or any kind of soup. Oh my gosh, I want to make chili. I'm going to have to do that this week. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You know what's hard for me is that like for Fritos, for example, you like sprinkle your little crunchums on top and you'll go and you'll sit down and you'll be like, oh, I want more crunchums. Yeah. So I've just started like bringing the whole bag with me. And I like that about you. It's a slippery slope. I like that about you is a slippery slope i like that about yeah at that point you're eating more frito you're eating fritos with a side of i will like finish my soup or chili and then i will still be eating fritos yeah they go down smooth i do not know why i don't eat fritos except when i'm eating fritos by myself oh really in a loaf in a room oh uh one time though we didn't have any fritos but we did have a very small bag of chili con carne
Starting point is 00:25:11 fritos and i put that in my chili and it was that was don't do that was it too much that's too much chili flavor folks okay can i read this next one yes this is a really good one chelsea yeah when you're in the grocery store produce section and they play a little thunder sound right before they turn on the sprinklers that spray the lettuce i grin every time yes chelsea it's it's beautiful you feel like you're shopping for parsley one second and the next second you're transported to the fucking rainforest cafe oh my gosh it's so charming it is i can't think of anything else that is that is built like that of like i'm gonna charm
Starting point is 00:25:52 you a little bit before i do a necessary function it's perfect it is like the pinnacle of functional design too right because if you've got your head in there looking for the best cucumber you need what you need some sort of just some klaxon blared like alert it's about to start sprinkling you'd like never go back to that grocery store again you'd be traumatized if it played like an air raid cycle so they just give you a little you know what would be great also like if you have a refrigerator that has an ice machine you know sometimes like you'll press the ice button and then you'll forget to set it back to the water button. Yeah. And then you're like, oh, no, I got ice.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I want to water. If the ice button did a little like. And so like you knew like, oh, wait, this is going to be ice. I need to change it back to water. Yeah. Oh, it's cold. Who's ready to get chilly cold? But then what if you try to get ice and it's set on the water setting?
Starting point is 00:26:47 You'll be like, ooh, I'm warm. I'm hot ice that turned into water. I mean, you could do the thunderstorm again. Yeah, I guess so. I wish there was a cool grocery store that when it's about to start sprinkling, you just hear. That was Thunderstruck. Okay, I figured that's what it was,
Starting point is 00:27:11 but I just thought you would say Thunderstruck. I saw an opportunity to sing Thunderstruck and I went for it. One last one. This one's from Mike. I don't know if they do it everywhere or if this is a Philly Flyers thing, but they have, it is Philadelphia, right? I just filled that in okay uh but they have mites on ice m-i-t-e-s
Starting point is 00:27:32 mites on ice at intermission which is peewee hockey players play on the arena ice at intermission the crowd gets into it they cheer they boo the refs it's great they do not do that everywhere no no no and i encourage everyone to look up a YouTube video of Mites on Ice. I watched one for like 15 minutes today because it's exceptional. They do interviews post-game with the five-year-olds. So you were down by one at the end of the game. And what were you thinking at that point? And the kids would just be like, nothing.
Starting point is 00:28:04 end of the game and uh what what were you thinking at that point and the kids were just like nothing yeah because that space in between periods is like 20 30 minutes yeah sure that's more than plenty of time for some kids to get out there now usually in st louis they would do some kind of like goofy game where people would push each other and they'd have to like throw their body into the goal or something that sounds bad i mean it was still entertaining but it's not nearly adorable it's so good so good watching these kids play hockey and falling down constantly constantly falling down and just looking like they just go completely limp the way a child goes limp when they fall to the ice it's probably the safest that's they're probably taught to do that to be like safe but my
Starting point is 00:28:41 god it's incredible. So good. Okay, we're going to stop there, but please keep sending in your submissions. It's wonderfulpodcast at gmail.com. Yeah. Thank you to Bowen and Augustus for these for our theme song, Money Won't Pay.
Starting point is 00:28:55 You can find a link to that in the episode description. Thank you to Maximum Fun for having us on the network. It's a great place to be, to live, for our shows to live. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:02 and they're always putting out new shows. There's always going to be something new for your eyes and so if you're like oh i've loosened all the wonderful episodes one thank you but two maybe try something new yeah um we got new merch over at mcroninmerch.com including some just gorgeous custom dice pink and sparkly beauties that come in a little bureau of balance bag uh i just got mine in the mail yesterday and uh i just can't i can't stop touching them you know just rolling around my hand like some sort of like dice king anyway um we're gonna stop now but here's one more post submission okay i'm i think what is wonderful is all our fans telling us what they like. Because you feel that soul connection. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:47 I'm talking about Derek and Natasha. The way you said, I think, kind of suggested. No, Rachel doesn't like, like Rachel hates that stuff. Like she's like, I don't want to hear what you like. No, that's not true. The show about me and my likes. Right, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:03 No, I love them too. People are like, I love them too. People are like, I love getting on my motorcycle and riding. And Rachel will be like, that has nothing to do with super poetry. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Soup or poetry or super poetry. Ooh. That's poetry that you yell. That's my cafe that I'm gonna open up. Really loud. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I'd go to it. Oh, I thought you were saying soup or poetry. Yeah, but it also sounds like super poetry. Yeah. I'd go to it. Oh, I thought you were saying soup or poetry. Yeah, but it also sounds like super poetry. Yeah. Which is like powerful poetry. The last minute of this show has been absolutely nothing. Working on it. Money won't pay. Working on it. Money won't pay.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Working on it. Money won't pay. Working on it. Money won't pay. Working on it. Money won't pay. MaximumFun.org Comedy and culture. Artist owned.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Audience supported. You're in the theater. The lights go down. You're about to get swept up by the characters and all their little details and interpersonal dramas. You look at them and think, that person is so obviously in love with their best friend. Wait, am I in love with my best friend? That character's mom is so overbearing.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Why doesn't she stand up to her? Oh, good God. Do I need to stand up to my own mother? We never know when we'll see ourselves in a movie. But that search for recognition is exactly what we're going to talk about on the podcast Feeling Seen with me, Jordan Cruciola. Each episode, we'll bring in a guest to talk about the films that they see themselves in and also the ways that movies have fallen short. So join me every Thursday for the Feeling Seen podcast here on Maximum Fun, or wherever you find your podcasts.

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