The Sandwich Generation is Feeling the Squeeze
Episode Date: August 22, 2023Caring for your aging parents while also raising your own kids is exhausting, stressful, and guilt-inducing. It's easy to put your own needs on the ba...
Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helping you become the parent you want to be and helping your child develop the skills necessary for life success.
183 episodes transcribedCaring for your aging parents while also raising your own kids is exhausting, stressful, and guilt-inducing. It's easy to put your own needs on the ba...
Parenting small children is a full-body sensory experience. They're loud. They're grabby. They make messes everywhere. Personal space isn't a concept...
Back to school can bring with it a lot of big feelings for your kids and YOU. Whether your toddler is starting school for the first time, or your kind...
This is a repeat of an earlier episode. Whether it's sleep-away camp, soccer team, or piano lessons the decision to let your child just "quit" can be...
Talking about money is hard. It's hard to talk about with our partners and friends so of course, it makes sense that it would also be hard to talk abo...
Self-care is everywhere but what is it really? Real self-care is not a bubble bath or a massage or a yoga class. Real self-care is an inside job. Dr....
Talking about illness or other hard topics with kids can be daunting. So it's understandable that you might want to put it off. But information doesn’...
Developing good habits is hard. Whether it's for us as parents or for our children. This week, author James Clear joins Dr. Becky to talk about the fo...
This week, Myleik Teele is back and we're hearing from you with stories of disrespect in your home.Join Good Inside Membership: D...
When your child is being rude it's easy to fall into the trap of yelling, issuing timeouts, or threats. But behavior is not identity and as parents, w...
It's time to reframe defiance. When our kids don't listen to us or are being "defiant" by doing the complete opposite of what we've asked them to do,...
Self-compassion is something we could all use a little more of. But we often don't show ourselves the same compassion and kindness that we would show...
Luvvie Ajayi Jones joins Dr. Becky to talk about how the things we needed to hear as kids are still the things we need to tell ourselves today. Luvvie...
What happens when you want to do things differently than how you were raised and yet the people who raised you are intimately involved in raising your...
Kids today face a near-daily onslaught of body shame from their peers, school, diet culture, the media, and even the most well-meaning parents themsel...
Even though the myths about only children have been debunked, the stereotypes remain. Only children are more selfish. Only children are spoiled. Only...
Your kid tells you that they absolutely NEED the newest version of Fortnite, or an iPad, or a puppy but what do they really need? feel safe and s...
Rejection is something we get a lot of practice in. And yet, rejection from our own kid isn't something as a parent that we're ready for. And it cuts...
Truth: Feeding small children is hard and stressful. But here's another truth: You are a good parent even if your kid is only eating crackers right no...
This is an edited version of an earlier episode.Moms, you deserve space for yourself. If this sounds like a revolutionary concept… that’s because it i...