Engaging Australia’s Muslims
Episode Date: March 19, 2019Alan recently returned from Australia after spending some time training local believers on how to graciously engage Muslims. In this episode, Alan dis...
STR speaker Alan Shlemon provides a monthly update while answering questions across a wide range of topics including criticisms of Christianity.
77 episodes transcribedAlan recently returned from Australia after spending some time training local believers on how to graciously engage Muslims. In this episode, Alan dis...
Since February 12 was Darwin Day, Alan discusses Darwin’s contribution to the worldview of naturalism and explains why atheists had no choice but to a...
Besides abortion, there are several new biotechnologies that threaten innocent human life. Alan describes four of them. Download the mp3...
Alan explains gender identity and what the Bible says about it. Download the mp3...
Alan explains the implications of being made in the image of God and why society is shooting itself in the foot for rejecting this principle. Downloa...
Alan addresses the concern some Christians have with God being so restrictive about sex. Download the mp3...
Alan offers a piece of evidence that suggests that the DNA in your body is intelligently designed. Download the mp3...
What do you do when you are tempted to make scripture submit to your own thinking? Do you try to find someone who has provided a possible interpretati...
Would you like to improve your ability to engage others in spiritual conversations? Do what Jesus did 284 times in the Gospels. Find out what that is...
Alan answers the question why Jesus is necessary by explaining how the Gospel works in non-Christian lingo. Download the mp3...
Alan discusses how Christians should respond to the recent legal challenges in Australia and the United States. Download the mp3...
Alan talks about how every apologetic subject comes back to God and that often times it’s more prudent to discuss God’s existence rather than a second...
Alan responds to the challenge that his work is misguided because he cares more about apologetics than the Gospel. Download the mp3...
Alan explains one of the challenges that ambassadors for Christ will face in 2018. Download the mp3...
Alan describes the significant shift that is occurring in our society that affects how human beings are valued. Download the mp3...
Alan shows how you can use two simple questions to show that the Christian story of creation is true and reasonable. Download the mp3...
There are many reasons why pro-gay theology is mistaken. Alan addresses a particular defense that fails to understand what Scripture is saying. Downl...