Three Bean Salad
A podcast from comedians Mike Wozniak, Henry Paker and Benjamin Partridge. Each week the three beans tackle a different theme, suggested by the listening audience.
146 episodes transcribedJames Bond
Episode Date: January 17, 2024“Frankly, 007, I don’t give a damn!” That’s right, this week’s topic, courtesy of Diogo of Lisbon, is James Bond. We’ve all seen the movies, sure. But...
Episode Date: January 3, 2024Ali requests that the Beans explore the topic of architecture and they do their best to take the roof off, knock through the kitchen and dining room t...
Episode Date: December 27, 2023Emma has the beans discuss fairy tales for the last episode of 2023. It’s nasty business on the whole as anyone who has actually read an original fair...
Episode Date: December 6, 2023The beans are back! A bumper episode to kick off the new series. Lots to cover. And Samuel steers the beans towards the topic of assassinations which...
Episode Date: November 1, 2023No normal episode of Three Bean Salad this week (we're away until December).Join our PATREON at for bonus episodes.
The Trojan War
Episode Date: October 18, 2023Definitely a cursed episode this one. No one’s fault. Worth knowing going in though. If you’re brave enough to take the plunge you’ll discover that Ro...
The Higgs Boson/Particles
Episode Date: October 11, 2023Muriel from Illinois has the beans discuss The Higgs Boson/Particles this week. Listeners might be concerned the beans are entering knowledge-gap terr...
Urban Legends
Episode Date: July 18, 2023The beans have to get to grips with urban legends this week thanks to Tabby from Edinburgh. But before that Henry tells an anecdote so long that it be...