It's All About the Bordens, Baby! 💵
Episode Date: September 7, 2021Are you getting gouged by that influencer you hired?... Why are the biggest e-commerce platforms also the slowest?... Nobody is using your Brand Stand...
Every Friday: An information-packed 15-minute summary of everything you missed in the world of digital marketing, e-commerce, and social media that week. Every Tuesday: A deep-dive episode into one specific digital marketing topic.
1259 episodes transcribedAre you getting gouged by that influencer you hired?... Why are the biggest e-commerce platforms also the slowest?... Nobody is using your Brand Stand...
Why being promoted to the C-suite may not be your best career move... Reddit adds a new placement, but will the community rise up against it?... How t...
A special episode: We go deep inside Google Ads with one of North America's leading consultants in the space and learn about the new targeting cap...
Flip this switch and the trolls are gone... Instagram bets big on livestreamed e-commerce... An influencer marketplace coming to your third-party tool...
If you're not offering Buy Now Pay Later, now might be the time... big promises for Connected TV... that Google data you're missing, yeah it&#...
We can't rely on blurring people out of ad campaigns any more... TikTok makes it easier to buy ads... The right way to send a copyright takedown n...
Don't break out the gin just yet — those sales you're seeing are a figment of Facebook's imagination... Snapchat doubles down on augmented...
It's time to level up your Instagram caption game... Walmart brings first-party data to, well, third parties... TikTok's long videos are getti...
We finally know why Google was re-writing title tags — and the answer is stranger than you think... Also: You'll soon be able to sell directly on...
What's causing a 90% drop in Shopping impressions? TikTok readies its Augmented Reality debut... And a surprise decision by Facebook you might act...
Instagram swipes left on the swipe-up... What tighter brand integration with influencers looks like in the retail sector... Will agencies ever recover...
A clever way to change conversion values automatically... The social platform so popular an entire radio station is now dedicated to it... How to meas...
You thought competing against Amazon was hard now?... Also: Why Live Audio might be part of your next marketing plan... A surprise redesign of one of...
Why Facebook's latest report might have you throwing out your social content strategy... PLUS: Pinterest applies its AI to hair, it's time you...
A strange bug on Google could be changing how you're listed... One of the biggest e-commerce platforms plagued by a huge security hole... proof th...
American politics may be to blame for poor online sales... Twitter turns verification back on — oh wait, no cancel that, it's off again... TikTok...
Facebook really does not want you knowing how Instagram works... Another TikTok clone on a most unlikely platform... Google introduces a new ad format...
This one bit of code could triple your web traffic... Will Reddit make up your next media buy?... The podcast industry continues to be thrown curves b...
How did the world's first real test of omnichannel marketing go? Not well... Also: New shipping fees added to holiday purchases could hurt your on...
YouTube comes out swinging... B2B firms plan to buy more ads — in particular, display ads... Twitter will soon let you "de-follow" a troll......