Ep 209 - Give Your DM a Break
Episode Date: January 28, 2024Most GMs love their players and running games is a labor of love for them. However, burnout can happen to all of us and it might be a good idea for y...
Short, bite-sized RPG advice, tips, and tricks for DMs and players of tabletop role playing games (TTRPG)
254 episodes transcribedMost GMs love their players and running games is a labor of love for them. However, burnout can happen to all of us and it might be a good idea for y...
Dungeons are core to many of our game systems out there. This week, in part 2 of the dungeon crawl series, I give DMs some tips for populating dungeo...
Dungeon crawl adventures can be some of the most fun adventures that you run and they are relatively simple to set up provided you have a few pieces o...
This isn't your normal advice episode. In this surprise gift to all of you, here is a peek behind the curtain at just how many times I mess up while...
There are two types of changes players and GMs can make to rules, spells, effects, weapons, and other aspects of tabletop RPGs: flavor or fluff chang...
Not every combat needs to be a slog to determine which side grinds down the other to 0 hit points. By considering enemy motivations, the “why” of the...
We GMs have a certain way of thinking, sometimes lightning quick and nimble, and sometimes more methodical and measured. We need to learn how to get...
DMs, our job is varied and difficult at times. We have so much on our plate to get ready for the game that we sometimes lose sight of the most import...
Players, your DMs love you and enjoy having you at their table but some of them could use a little help even if they don’t know how to ask for it. In...
Exploration is the shortest of the three legs of RPGs and doesn’t get the love that combat or social encounters do at most tables. However, with a li...
While combat encounters are fun, there are two other pillars to tabletop RPGs that can turn a good game into a great one. In this episode I talk abou...
Preparing to run an entire adventure out of or inside a city can appear to be a daunting task. With a little preparation and some thought ahead of ti...
Description Even preparing cities that the party will pass through or only stay at temporarily requires some thought on the DM’s part. In this episode...
Preparing your overarching campaign using smaller situational pieces has a number of benefits to preparing the entire adventure as a whole. In this e...
There are two problems I’ve seen regarding interest level: characters who don’t seem to be buying in to the story and players who don’t seem to be in...
We all love making characters but one of the most common challenges I’ve heard in talking to players is how to make a memorable character; one that st...
Immortal creatures will sometimes make deals with mortals for power and you can sometimes include these situations in your game. Warlocks have this m...
Doppelgangers are terrifying shapeshifters that are in the game solely to make an already paranoid group of players even more so. After all, how can...
Baldur's Gate 3 is an amazing game and even though it doesn't have a Dungeon Master per se, it does have some good advice and lessons that all of us c...
A very special thank you to Rick Sandidge of Find the Path Ventures who was kind enough to come on the episode to discuss integrating character backst...