No Twitter, That Was Not a Funny April Fools Joke
Episode Date: April 1, 2022Nobody wants to work on Friday including Google Ads... Twitter has added three new ad products to entice your ad dollars... A nasty Facebook bug may h...
Every Friday: An information-packed 15-minute summary of everything you missed in the world of digital marketing, e-commerce, and social media that week. Every Tuesday: A deep-dive episode into one specific digital marketing topic.
1260 episodes transcribedNobody wants to work on Friday including Google Ads... Twitter has added three new ad products to entice your ad dollars... A nasty Facebook bug may h...
More brands are setting up shop in the metaverse... Ad topics are getting consolidated on Meta's platform... Yelp will add the hygiene standards o...
Media report that Facebook has been funding a smear campaign against one of its top competitors... Why is Amazon being asked to drop the letter Z from...
How is Google's product review algorithm update affecting your ranking? Mobile is the majority of your site's traffic, so why would you want t...
Google Ads might face some competition for search budgets with TikTok's new ad spot… Instagram takes a crack at TikTok's algorithm with a rede...
In this paid partnership with, Tod speaks with George Leith, Chief Customer Officer of Vendasta, about how their platform helps agencies...
How to improve your e-commerce store's conversion rate... Has Meta solved the Apple privacy problem? 3D ads may be coming to Instagram. Is Twitter...
Snapchat's latest acquisition will let it read your mind... Twitter trends your business could be taking advantage of... Are you underpaying your...
Meta announces changes to ads manager that are more confusing than helpful... Is the sheen wearing off TikTok marketing? Online crypto ads come under...
A nasty bug is affecting the single most-used SEO plugin for WordPress Sites... Instagram gives regular people the ability to tag your products... Goo...
Facebook has started to lockout users that didn't sign up for its mandatory new program... Utah joins the growing list of states with its own cons...
In this paid partnership with, Tod speaks with Jacqueline Cook, COO of Vendasta, about how their platform helps agencies provide more com...
How will the switch to Google Analytics 4 affect your search ranking?... Snapchat restricts apps building on its developer platform... TikTok expands...
The best top-of-funnel audiences in Spring 2022… Meta picks its first brand safety measurement partner... NBCU offers advertisers a new tool to target...
How Apple's Privacy Protection feature is affecting your email campaigns... Adobe hops on the AR bandwagon with a new shopping tool... A sneaky Am...
How your brand can get more reach with Pinterest's Idea Pins... The mystery of disappearing Google Reviews... More ad agencies are ceasing operati...
How much do Google Reviews impact your ranking? Tips from listeners on launching your brand's first TikToks and Reels... WordPress releases a secu...
Almost half of Yelp's reviews are outdated... Google and Meta's "Jedi Blue" ad deal is under scrutiny in Europe... How Google plans to...
A restaurant takes Google to court saying the search giant stole its customers... Pinterest rolls out a huge upgrade in its commerce abilities... The...
Instagram tests the ad placement we all want... Twitter finally joins the commerce club, in a somewhat muted way... You may be shocked to learn how mu...