Want More Sales? Show People This Body Part...
Episode Date: May 3, 2022Sex might sell in advertising, but what body part will get your customers to pay more?... Zuck's failed push to audio... Another streaming giant i...
Every Friday: An information-packed 15-minute summary of everything you missed in the world of digital marketing, e-commerce, and social media that week. Every Tuesday: A deep-dive episode into one specific digital marketing topic.
1260 episodes transcribedSex might sell in advertising, but what body part will get your customers to pay more?... Zuck's failed push to audio... Another streaming giant i...
Two new ad formats for CTV could make your brand the star… The mistakes your brand could be making that are costing you a successful influencer market...
A new study claims Amazon smart speakers act as advertisers' ears inside consumers' homes... Snapchat's new device could help your brand w...
Shocking new numbers suggest consumers don't actually care about being tracked at all... Meta reports its slowest revenue growth in a decade... Tw...
Are people already abandoning Twitter before Musk takes over?... A look at what the future holds for advertisers on Twitter... YouTube's ad revenu...
Meta has no idea what it does with user data, so says Meta... Google gives Performance Max campaigns some big upgrades... While it sends another produ...
The world's richest man will soon own Twitter outright... An update on why Performance Max campaigns aren’t reaching their intended audience… The...
Why are Google's Performance Max campaigns delivering way outside their targeted audience... Plus: Instagram yesterday: Don't copy any other c...
Why one agency has banned photoshopped influencers in ads... Meta's guide to helping brands capitalize on online communities... Google really is f...
New interactive ad options on TikTok... Xbox could be getting in-game ads... Instagram kicks marketers as it prioritizes Reels... A web browser's...
Google's not so inconspicuous tactic to get you to switch to GA4... More supply chain problems for your business could be on the horizon... Amazon...
Pinterest takes another step toward becoming a shoppable platform... Why religious customers complain more... Why you might not be the best choice for...
A huge bug at Meta turned off thousands of ads... How to turn those ads back on safely... Why you might want to reconsider your Reels' strategy......
How your brand can enter the metaverse without development costs... Meta picks a fight with its smaller competitors... TikTok launches its AR effects...
What do consumers really think when it comes to sharing their data? Sites have been ordered to stop using Google Analytics or to pay up... Thousands o...
Advertisers aren't convinced by Google's new Privacy Sandbox offering... Google's AI might change your business hours... Teenagers hate In...
The AI content on your brand's web site could get you in trouble with Google... Instagram removes an ad placement that everybody's used... And...
New trend insights from Snap reveal why consumers use its app... One brand’s campaign strategy is based on bad reviews... A lesson in "DON'T D...
Do I owe Instagram an enormous apology? The future voice of your brand might be a robot... More post-cookie solutions have been unveiled... Google sen...
Which platform drives the most conversions for social purchases? A new Google tool for retailers is targeting search abandonment... How is the war in...