Bye Bye, Mid-Rolls ☹️
Episode Date: February 6, 2020Snapchat has some catching up to do Facebook will now let you send price drop alerts to customers in Messenger LinkedIn now lets you spy on the a...
Every Friday: An information-packed 15-minute summary of everything you missed in the world of digital marketing, e-commerce, and social media that week. Every Tuesday: A deep-dive episode into one specific digital marketing topic.
1259 episodes transcribedSnapchat has some catching up to do Facebook will now let you send price drop alerts to customers in Messenger LinkedIn now lets you spy on the a...
How does overlaid text on your Instagram images affect your reach? YouTube is killing it in ad revenue A couple of things you should check if you...
Does case-sensitivity matter on your brand’s web page? Google may be showing photos of your business that you DON’T want out there How does your...
How much will a TikTok influencer cost you? Maybe less than you think. Amazon reveals its plans for brands BEYOND e-commerce Snapchat launches a...
Facebook has more advertisers than ever. So why did its share price fall? Google drops a campaign setting that a lot of us use Microsoft adds som...
Google just can’t make up its mind on how to compete with TikTok Will location marketing rescue us from the coming cookie-pocalyse? One of the we...
Vine is back, baby! And it’s… underwhelming. Your Google ads are getting more clicks… here’s why you DON’T want that Pinterest launches augmented...
Facebook backs away from place ads on Whatsapp Microsoft drops an important search results metric Google thinks it has a better way to showcase a...
A big change to Google Chrome may impact your ad campaigns Facebook’s changing its Ads UI again, and this time… it’s terrible And LinkedIn goes L...
Google’s core update yesterday brought high volatility A new tool will reveal how changing your bid strategy would affect your campaigns Instagra...
You’re gonna pay more for ads — and you’re gonna like it! Good news for B2B marketers Google puts a face on their search ads And surprise! Micr...
Facebook doubles down on Groups The world’s first gender-specific podcast network has launched And now people you EXCLUDE from seeing your ads ca...
Are you one of the 40% of brands who BLOCK people who complain about you on Twitter? You probably need a marketing strategy for smart speakers now...
NOTE: In this episode, I mention that the full script is in these notes. Turns out, there’s a character limit, so that’s not happening after all. ☹️...
Twitter is set to shut its analytics site down Facebook bans deepfake videos… but of course there’s a catch What should we call single-set ad cam...
Twitter launches a brand new ad placement It’s D-day for children’s brands on YouTube Yes, Instagram’s growth rate is on the decline And don’t...
Facebook ads manager gets another placement — a HUGE one How will Siri and Alexa affect your brand’s SEO strategy TikTok SAYS OMG, we totally did...
GOOGLE makes it easier for your brand to collect reviews Did Google push out a HUGE algorithm update on New Year’s Eve? A reminder to get your SE...
Facebook tracks you even with Location Services off and that’s a good thing? Ad platforms OTHER than the Big Two are starting to round up the wagon...
Why your next video strategy may include something called Google Cameos What costs more? Clicks on Facebook or Clicks on Twitter? Instagram is se...