Ep 12 - Murder Hobos and Encouraging Role Play
Episode Date: March 22, 2020Ah, the murder hobo. Bane of GM existence, right? Not necessarily. Jeremy talks about what needs to be done (if anything) about murder hobos in you...
Short, bite-sized RPG advice, tips, and tricks for DMs and players of tabletop role playing games (TTRPG)
253 episodes transcribedAh, the murder hobo. Bane of GM existence, right? Not necessarily. Jeremy talks about what needs to be done (if anything) about murder hobos in you...
Advantages and disadvantages of prebuilt adventures vs designing your own homebrew adventure. Have an episode idea? Send it to me at Feedback@Takin...
DOUBLE DIGITS and I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! Jeremy this time talks about building characters around tropes, concepts, pictures, party roles,...
Jeremy ventures into NPC territory now, discussing how to make your NPCs multidimensional and realistic. We talk about how to make NPCs memorable and...
In the last of week 2's episodes, Jeremy talks about min-maxing and how it's not necessarily a bad thing. Please rate, subscribe, and check out www.ta...
Jeremy finally learns how to cover a topic in a single episode. Railroads and Sandboxes are defined, compared, with benefits and drawbacks for each. ...
If brevity is the soul of wit, Jeremy's been witless these first 6 episodes. He continues the discussion for GMs to manage their table, including how...
Like a schizophrenic Cerberus, Jeremy pivots back to advice for GMs. How to manage your table by managing yourself, communicating with players, prepa...
Jeremy continues his discussion about what makes a good player: buying in, embracing failure, being present at the table.
Enough about DMs. They get too much glory anyway. Jeremy flips the screen and talks about the players. What makes a good player? How can you help...
Since it was too much for one episode, Jeremy continues his discussion on what makes a good Game Master / Dungeon Master. Have you finished the drink...
Do you want to be a GM? Are you stuck being a GM? Are you nervous about it? Pour yourself your drink of choice and give this episode a listen!
Short, bite-sized RPG discussions on various topics for players and DMs alike.