Putin: I'll Show You Sanctions | Nick Di Paolo Show #678
Episode Date: March 16, 2022Zelensky speaks to congress. FBI enemy to the people. Putin sanctions US officials. Ukraine: No to NATO. Biden brings billions to Ukraine. FNC tragedy...
In this day of watered down comedy Comedian Nick Di Paolo's brutally honest shows remind us of what great podcasts should be - funny, socially relevant and a little bit reckless. M-Thursday at 5pm ET
2424 episodes transcribedZelensky speaks to congress. FBI enemy to the people. Putin sanctions US officials. Ukraine: No to NATO. Biden brings billions to Ukraine. FNC tragedy...
Zelensky speaks to congress. FBI enemy to the people. Putin sanctions US officials. Ukraine: No to NATO. Biden brings billions to Ukraine. FNC tragedy...
Putin threatens western companies. Biden flashback. FB chooses who dies. Black on yellow hate. Battle in Seattle. 14 year old's kill list. Tom the ter...
Putin threatens western companies. Biden flashback. FB chooses who dies. Black on yellow hate. Battle in Seattle. 14 year old's kill list. Tom the ter...
Iran rockets Irbil/US base. Russia go-between with Iran. Museum stabber in NYC. Mom pops out eye. Smollett family full of it. Biden/Pelosi at it again...
Iran rockets Irbil/US base. Russia go-between with Iran. Museum stabber in NYC. Mom pops out eye. Smollett family full of it. Biden/Pelosi at it again...
Ukraine/US bio weapons. NYT reporter calls out left. Psaki lying again. Women punish girl with shock collar. NY serial killer let out multiple times....
Ukraine/US bio weapons. NYT reporter calls out left. Psaki lying again. Women punish girl with shock collar. NY serial killer let out multiple times....
Biden already blaming Russia. US brands pull out. Cruise ship slip & slide. Another light sentence. Basketball brawl. Space sex.
Biden already blaming Russia. US brands pull out. Cruise ship slip & slide. Another light sentence. Basketball brawl. Space sex.
Biden cancels Russian oil. Russian commander captured speaks. Kamala giddy about e-busses. DeSantis recommends against. More voter fraud. Porn problem...
Biden cancels Russian oil. Russian commander captured speaks. Kamala giddy about e-busses. DeSantis recommends against. More voter fraud. Porn problem...
Obama's Ukraine Coup? Ukraine/US bio weapons? AMMO Inc. to send rounds to Ukraine. Mystal slams Biden on View. FL fires racist police chief.
Obama's Ukraine Coup? Ukraine/US bio weapons? AMMO Inc. to send rounds to Ukraine. Mystal slams Biden on View. FL fires racist police chief.
Kherson captured. Boebert attacked by both sides. DeSantis over it. Feces bandit cusses judge. Dancing fool. Another soccer death.
Kherson captured. Boebert attacked by both sides. DeSantis over it. Feces bandit cusses judge. Dancing fool. Another soccer death.
Putin going mad. State of the Union. Pelosi thinks we're dumb. Making it a race issue where none exists. Greg Zuk: In Memoriam.
Putin going mad. State of the Union. Pelosi thinks we're dumb. Making it a race issue where none exists. Greg Zuk: In Memoriam.
Peace talks begin. Putin pissed. Taliban for peace? Joy Behar upset about vacation. MMA figther gets broken.
Peace talks begin. Putin pissed. Taliban for peace? Joy Behar upset about vacation. MMA figther gets broken.