What Does a Broken-Up Google Ad Platform Look Like?
Episode Date: January 30, 2023A bug on Facebook's ad platform might be messing up your creative... A big brand safety update on Google Ads... Twitter doubles-down on its contro...
Every Friday: An information-packed 15-minute summary of everything you missed in the world of digital marketing, e-commerce, and social media that week. Every Tuesday: A deep-dive episode into one specific digital marketing topic.
1260 episodes transcribedA bug on Facebook's ad platform might be messing up your creative... A big brand safety update on Google Ads... Twitter doubles-down on its contro...
Victory in the clone wars? For better or worse, Meta's TikTok copycat is gaining traction. Also: Instagram launches lead forms. Twitter's new...
Instagram in panic as it tries to stem the TikTok content tide. New certifications are coming for Meta's platforms. Substack offers invite-only ne...
Meta will help you track down brand copycats. TikTok's ad revenue sharing plan is bombing. Advertisers continue to stay away from Twitter. The two...
Got a flashlight? You've just increased sales. WhatsApp for Boomers. A big change in Disney ad targeting. Agencies brace for a slow year ahead. Li...
The man behind the curtain — TikTok's algorithm has secret controls. Instagram chills out on Reels a bit. YouTube's policy violations will be...
A new tool might make it easier to dip your toes into the retail ad platforms... Twitter burns yet another bridge — but maybe it's the right call....
A big integration for BigCommerce... How will Instagram's change today affect your organic reach? TikTok's strange new podcasting feature... W...
The one change that could make your products sell better... Twitter rushes to adjust its new Home feed after reports it was killing engagement... Mast...
There's a media spend slowdown? Nobody told TikTok. Microsoft and Google both battle to become the Kings of AI. A stock photo company, meanwhile,...
Google's plans for replacing the third-party cookie hit yet another roadblock. Twitter appears to be locking out dozens of apps. TikTok's priv...
TikTok moves the bar on influencer marketing again. AI is now writing more than you think it is. Twitter tells advertisers "like it or lump it....
Meta is shutting down Creator Studio while Google will shut off some keyword recommendations. Twitter's new feed might be bad news for brands. App...
How a veteran porn actor predicted the future of advertising. Say goodbye to any decent ad targeting to teens on Meta platforms. Amazon's Prime se...
Your creative assets may be training an AI, and you don't even know it. Also: Instagram downscales its commerce efforts. A tsunami of product retu...
Millions lost, and still the Ducktail malware continues to sow chaos with online media buyers. Plus: Pinterest pins its hopes on the clean room. Twitt...
Meta offers better insight into your CAPI and pixel measurement... Google weeds out rules on marijuana... Microsoft offers app store ads... What marke...
Microsoft is planning its biggest offensive yet against Google's search engine... personalized ads hit another roadblock... Twitter reverses a maj...
One of the biggest ecomm platforms breaks into pieces — on purpose. Plus: the company that is burning meetings to the ground. TikTok will let you bloc...
In this final episode of 2022, we take a look at biggest earworm in history — and its shocking history.✅ Follow Us on Social MediaIf you like us, you...