A Spreadsheet Is Not a Database
Episode Date: October 5, 2020Is that cookie disclosure banner on your web site pulling you down in Google rankings? Instagram gets closer to e-commerce integration in its TikTok c...
Every Friday: An information-packed 15-minute summary of everything you missed in the world of digital marketing, e-commerce, and social media that week. Every Tuesday: A deep-dive episode into one specific digital marketing topic.
1259 episodes transcribedIs that cookie disclosure banner on your web site pulling you down in Google rankings? Instagram gets closer to e-commerce integration in its TikTok c...
One big advertiser is driving up the prices of ads on Facebook. And I promise — you will not guess which company that is. Also, Google adds some nice...
YouTube’s new AI bots may break your brand’s web site… Are you optimizing for PAA SEO? The surprising places social media influencers are showing up…...
Has your digital agency run afoul of a new Trump administration order? How a lawsuit over a video game might affect your social media strategy. Google...
Microsoft’s ads platform will keep your ads off from bad web sites… More details on the looming elimination of Facebook’s 28-day attribution windows…...
Facebook’s latest change could mean you won’t be able to see conversion data on your campaigns… Apple’s latest acquisition is all about those sweet sw...
They tried to compete with Buzzfeed, and they lost… Facebook adds content plugins to Ads Manager… the custom audience you’re NOT using but probably sh...
In the alternate universe we’re all living in now, one marketer has found that using an insane amount of text in Facebook ads actually drives better r...
The places you’re buying ads are NOT the places where consumers want you to be... Google confirms that reviews mean everything to local SEO… Amazon pu...
Three small announcements you WANTED to hear from Facebook, and one big one you didn’t... TikTok and Oracle give a masterclass in how to screw up a si...
Does hosting your brand’s web site on a shared server negatively affect your Google position? Facebook adds new intellectual property protection for b...
34 days and counting before millions of web pages are due to break — all because of a change being made by Facebook… Google will now let publishers pl...
We’re starting to understand just how many keywords are being dropped from Google Ads reports… Facebook launches a whole new platform for managing you...
The one marketing tactic that consumers say will bring them BACK to your bricks-and-mortar store… Instagram is thinking about letting links in caption...
Did TikTok just pull the greatest bait and switch in business history? YouTube has an exciting new metric (god, what has my life become). And Facebook...
Podcasts borrow inspiration from programmatic ad technology... Yes, that was a scary email you got from YouTube. No, you don’t have to worry about it....
And you thought the GDPR was bad. Wait until you hear what Europe just told Facebook to do. The most downloaded social media app last month was the mo...
Spotify is burning up the podcast charts, in all the wrong ways… Facebook’s putting ads on sites that never asked for ads… How Pinterest’s algorithm c...
Microsoft’s new tool could help keep you from making the one change that can completely screw up your brand’s web site… a big security warning for tho...