Week 21: Regaining Momentum
Episode Date: January 26, 2024Before getting the the Wrap-up, it is with a heavy heart and profound sadness that we share the news of the unexpected passing of Sonja Stueart, our e...
things that Mena Public School staff members need or want to know presented in an audio format. bearcatwrap.substack.com
84 episodes transcribedBefore getting the the Wrap-up, it is with a heavy heart and profound sadness that we share the news of the unexpected passing of Sonja Stueart, our e...
Happy Friday!This week at Mena Public Schools, we have experienced a whirlwind of events, quite literally! Our week was as brief as a snowflake's jour...
Happy First Friday of 2024!Welcome back! I hope you all had a festive yet restful Christmas Break and are ready to continue our progress for this scho...
Happy Wednesday!I am proud to congratulate each of you for the academic achievements our students have gained this semester. Your dedication, expertis...
Happy Friday!It is the last Friday of the fall semester and it has come upon us very quickly! Thank you for all you have done this week as we approach...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all you have done this week to reach our performance targets for the year. Our trends in discipline and attendance continue...
Happy Friday!Thanks for all you did this week to model for our students the concept of lifelong learning! Working with Bailey Group, Solution Tree, an...
Happy Friday!Fridays before long breaks are even better Fridays and I hope yours has been good. Thank you for all you have done this week. Our academi...
Happy Friday!Thank you for another week of teaching and learning! Our performance targets are continuing with the same trends as last week for attenda...
Happy Friday!Thank you for a successful Week 12! We are on day number 55 with 115 remaining. Our performance targets have been updated for the week an...
Happy Friday!Thank you for your efforts this week! It was a good week - a short week - and although not quite as eventful as last week we still have m...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all you have done this week to balance the celebratory events with our regular work to educate students. As far as I know,...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all you have done this week to help us reach our district targets and work toward your professional goals, as well. As we w...
Happy Friday!As we wrap up Week 7 and our first 31 days of the school year, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for everyone's tireless efforts i...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all the effort put into Week 6! It has been a productive week here at Mena Public Schools as our District Targets are begin...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all you have endured this week to accomplish the mission of our school district! We are already a month into this school ye...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all that you did this week to further establish a good tone and high expectations for the new school year. The back-to-scho...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all of your efforts this week. I hope that your routines are starting to be settled and that your students are getting back...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all you did this week to successfully complete the first full week of our new school year. Getting through the first full w...
Happy Friday!Thank you for all of the hard work and effort in the days leading up to last Wednesday and our students’ first day of school for the 23-2...