Oh What A Time...
It’s time to embark on a journey through history with "Oh What A Time…" a comedy history podcast hosted by renowned comedians Elis James and Tom Craine along with award winning podcaster Chris Scull. Tackling a brand new subject each week, (from ‘childhood’ to ‘a life at sea’, ‘marriage’ to ‘holidays’) your hosts will dive into the very weirdest and worst that history has to offer, in an effort to answer the question… "Was the past as awful as it sounds?" You can get in touch with the show by emailing: hello@ohwhatatime.com And you can support the show, get bonus episodes and extended ones by becoming an OWAT: FULL TIMER via a subscription: ohwhatatime.com
108 episodes transcribed#5 Marriage
Episode Date: August 13, 2023This week we're talking marriage through the ages; from the legally loose nuptials in medieval England, to shacking up with your cousin in ancient Egy...
#4 Life at Sea
Episode Date: August 6, 2023"Ahoy there landlubbers!" this week we're taking a look at seafarers from down the ages. We'll be talking Welsh pirates and the mutiny aboard HMS Boun...
#3 Holidays and Recreation
Episode Date: July 30, 2023As the annual kid's 6-week holiday swings into gear in the UK, we thought this week we'd look at Holidays and Recreation through the ages. This episod...
#1 Fashion
Episode Date: July 16, 2023Welcome to the inaugural episode of Oh What A Time… A history podcast presented by comedians Elis James and Tom Craine along with podcaster Chris Scul...
Welcome to Oh What A Time... - Launching on Monday 17th July!
Episode Date: July 10, 2023Hello and welcome to "Oh What A Time…" a brand new comedy history podcast hosted by renowned comedians Elis James and Tom Craine along with award winn...