Making Decisions When Trust has Fled the Scene
Episode Date: August 30, 2024What an we trust anymore from or government. It turns out the consensus is “very little.” Well, we still have to make decisions and carry on with our...
Peak Prosperity provides answers to those who question the mainstream narrative on the critical issues of our day by providing context, clarity, and understanding around seemingly complex systems. Topics include economy, energy, environment, and geopolitics.
103 episodes transcribedWhat an we trust anymore from or government. It turns out the consensus is “very little.” Well, we still have to make decisions and carry on with our...
At what line do we say someone’s forced labor crosses over from ‘voluntary’ to being a slave? Certainly that happens at 100% of one’s labor. I would s...
We’re in the grip of a cult that worships death and disease. One that thinks nothing of harming children, for life. It’s sad, but true. Now that we kn...
It’s important that we get to the bottom of the Trump assassination attempt. The near-total silence from the FBI and the Secret Service about the many...
The Harris-Walz ‘plan’ for taxes and the economy are guaranteed to lead to ruin. But they make for great policies rooted in envy and resentment – the...
Big Food, Pharma and Medicine have all failed in their responsibilities to be good and caring entities. They have knowingly conspired to make people c...
Given the paucity of people on the West side of Crooks’ shooting position, how did all the LEOs on that side manage to miss him? And why do we not yet...
The FBI has done everything it can to obstruct the investigation into the J13 incident. I think there’s only one conclusion to be drawn here…
The equity markets are going to have a hefty correction at some point…but the signs say “not yet.” At times like these, having a defined strategy with...
We are now at the heart of the case. Unraveling the locations and actions of the two ‘overwatch’ snipers will determine the trajectory of this case. W...
We’re chewing through the local LEO body and car cams to crips up the timeline as any good investigation should. It’s still a mystery why this is bein...
Where did the blood in the bathroom come from? How did that “operator” get to the bathroom? Not through the only door we know was operating on the Eas...
The Butler police body cam footage provides an abundance of information, settling some mysteries while stoking a host of others. On the whole, they di...
The collectivist mindset cannot be reasoned with. It is immune to logic and resistant to any countervailing facts on the ground. Join Peter Boghossian...
The Secret Service’s many lapses before during and after the near-assassination of Trump are gone over in detail. Acting SS Director Ronald Rowe is ca...
The “markets” are busy shaking themselves apart on the one hand and being propped up and rescued by central banks on the other. Which force will prove...
To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes, once you’ve run out of ways to make excuses based on rank incompetence, you are left with less savory explanations. The...
They’re convinced they are right. I am convinced they are wrong. Perhaps you find yourself in the same position with friends and family. We are being...
The data is leading us right back to the conclusion that there were two shooters that day in Butler taking shots at Trump and the stands. Audio analys...
Crooks’ unbelievable ‘luck’ in evading all the LEOs around the AGR buildings in his unlikely path to the roof is where this investigation needs to foc...