#2489: The Burper
Episode Date: November 5, 2024Calls about smells, burping and an incident at a topless bar on this all-too-typical edition of the Best of Car Talk.Get access to hundreds of episode...
America's funniest auto mechanics take calls from weary car owners all over the country, and crack wise while they diagnose Dodges and dismiss Diahatsus. You don't have to know anything about cars to love this one hour weekly laugh fest.
95 episodes transcribedCalls about smells, burping and an incident at a topless bar on this all-too-typical edition of the Best of Car Talk.Get access to hundreds of episode...
A true 'Master' mechanic is intimately familiar with the intricate workings of innumerable makes and models of cars, right? Yeah, but can they help Em...
A while back, Leah wrote to Click and Clack despairing that while she was succeeding academically in college she had somehow lost her sense of joyful...
Ann spent a winter day snowboarding in Oregon, but as she and her Saab tried to negotiate the mountain road home she smelled smoke and realized her ti...
Deb, Donna, Phil and Russell are waiting on hold for car advice, but Click and Clack just have to share a piece of further proof that Men and Women ar...
In a curious case of car vs driver, Esther is convinced that her Mercury Sable is to blame for several recent speeding tickets she's received. Traffic...
Mike from DC is at war with the Swedish embassy. Some diplomat's car has an alarm that goes off several nights a week for long stretches of time -a cl...
Apparently, erstwhile producer Doug Berman does more than nap at his desk all day. The evidence: What happens when he heads out of town for a while le...
Rebecca is a recent college grad living at home and getting financial assistance from Dad who's only request is that she jot down absolutely every bit...
After roughly 20 years of trying(and mostly failing) to help folks with their car problems, Click and Clack decided it was time to diversify and give...
Yasmina knows that she has transgressed by letting the sleazy repair shop on her street rip out her car's emissions controls, but will Click and Clack...
Kathy from Oregon is the Den Mom for her son's local Cub Scout troop and she's bound and determined to teach the little guys important lessons about c...
Did you know that Click and Clack's roots in car care stretch back to 'hippie days' and their 'Hacker's Haven' DIY Garage? Ed was a customer then and...
When John called us from '200 miles north of Hawaii'' it took Click and Clack a minute to realize he meant 200 miles 'straight up'. Boy, NASA budget...
It used to be that the biggest obstacle to getting where you were going wasn't a poorly built or maintained car -it was the guy behind the wheel. Men...
Despite broadcasting the show from a moving van every week for lo these many years it appears 'the jig is up' finally for our hosts as the FCC Chairma...
Theresa from Maine has a problem with her car sliding all over the road when she's braking. You'd think that would grab Click and Clack's attention, b...
Veronica's hubby wants to buy an old Land Rover for riding through the jungles of... greater Boston. Click and Clack explain that, while on the surfac...
While doing some maintenance on his Mercury, Bob from Washington used one of his athletic socks to keep things from falling into the car's manifold. A...
Max needs help keeping his junker going in Hawaii. John has to tell his Honda mechanic in the most tactful way possible that he's incompetent and Jill...