The Chris Voss Show

The Chris Voss Show Podcast is a top 1% most popular shows out of 3,254,177 podcasts globally. Over 15 years, 24 millions views of amazing interviews of top CEOs, BILLIONAIRES, Astronauts, the hottest new book Authors, TV & Print News & Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalists, Governors, Congress Members and other inspiring and insightful guests that will expand your mind. Our podcast guests are the CEO’s, thought leaders, presidential advisers and the hottest new book authors and journalists from all the large publishers like Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, Hachette, Harper Collins, Macmillan, etc. Interviewed guests include top journalists from news anchors & journalists from all the top media: CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, WSJ, NYT, The Guardian, etc. FTC Disclosure: Some guests pay advertising/production costs to appear on the show. See more at

1937 episodes transcribed