How to Avoid Embarrassing Meltdowns in Public & With Family
Episode Date: November 23, 2024How to Avoid Embarrassing Meltdowns in Public & With Family Your kids are more emotional, particular, and little things set them off. Their meltdowns...
Have a strong-willed child who doesn't respond to consequences, argues like an attorney, and refuses to do things your way? Good! You're in the right place. Celebrate Calm Founder Kirk Martin has given over 1,000,000 parents and teachers around the world practical, life-changing strategies to stop power struggles, yelling, and defiance NOW. Based on work with 1,500 challenging kids (many with AD/HD, OCD, ODD, ASD, etc.) in his home, and years spent in classrooms, Kirk's approach is refreshingly practical, honest, and laugh-out-loud funny! Questions? Visit us at or email us directly at
456 episodes transcribedHow to Avoid Embarrassing Meltdowns in Public & With Family Your kids are more emotional, particular, and little things set them off. Their meltdowns...
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