The Mountain Campaign - Episode 19
Episode Date: June 18, 2024Whoops! Someone threw the Blep out with the acid bath! Luckily Blaine is back to guide Blep out of the acid river that he was dunked into, but who wil...
Each week, under dark of night, in a dining room in Encino, a group of warriors led by Brian Posehn plays Dungeons & Dragons and you’re invited to attend!
402 episodes transcribedWhoops! Someone threw the Blep out with the acid bath! Luckily Blaine is back to guide Blep out of the acid river that he was dunked into, but who wil...
Time to grab the recently revived Glibbles and fly through an acid waterfall! Wait, we are like, ONE person shy of flying everyone. You know what's a...
The resurrection staff in Pishposh's hands, it's time for what we do best: make logical choices! Clearly, Glibbles is about to be brought back, and we...
That's right, scheduling and time got away from us. Too many people weren't in California this May and we ran out of banked episodes. We hope you'll s...
Hopefully Dan is almost done torturing everyone with a torture room that is possibly the rudest, most effed up room he has ever made in this silly gam...
Everyone is on their last legs, both our heroes and the horde of blood-soaked quaggoth. Heroes fall, rise, and fall again. If they could just stop get...
The Quaggoth situation is only more and more bloody. Pish Posh is down, and Mordecai is managing a few status issues. And in classic Nerd Poker fashio...
The torture chamber has exploded in flame, and the crew now faces wave 2 of the quaggoth qreeps. There's the usual lackeys, another giant one, and now...
Wow so the torture chamber really IS a place where people could lose a limb? Our mountainy crew cuts through a wave of quaggoth and takes a peek at a...
Welp, the ol' Dungeon Master made good on his promise to for this to be a deadly campaign. And now a cheery lil' torture room full of death bears! Oka...
Our crew continues to engage in what is hopefully just a friendly game of drop-the-stone-scythe. So, time to wrap up this fight with the- undead demi-...
Oh an archfey. That's probably not that big a deal, just that thing that some people worship that cause trickery that undoes reality. And this is just...
New artifact! Giant ghost vanquished through persuasion! The crew is on a roll! So as long as the next thing they meet isn't, you know, omnipotent or...
Haunted mountain stairwell ahoy! The giant behind them and a Glibbles in their pocket, our crew get to ascending stairs that aren't for touching. Ther...
Sooooo this fight with a mutated giant and a pile of sentient viscera has been fun and all, but it feels like about time to get the hell out of here....
As Pish Posh begins some very unpleasant business with the Flesh Meld and Glibbles sits in Juniper's pocket, it begins to seem as though Dan is more t...
It is time to traverse The Pillars of Despair Murder! The plan to jump from pillar to pillar unseen obviously fell apart long ago, but Glibbles the go...
Behold! A mighty hero emerges from the heavens to alleviate the burden placed on our heroes. Finally, with the help of this powerful bastion hope, the...
It's time to head to the actual mountain! While the crew debates how to spell Mount Dukes, it becomes clear that yes indeed they picked the weirdest a...
Our heroes meet around Brian's table for the first time in almost 4 years! And some other heroes show up (the pencil and paper kind). There's two moun...