412: Dr. Keshe and the Plasmaniacs
Episode Date: February 16, 2025Named after its founder, The Keshe Foundation speaks of something called “Plasma”, which has absolutely nothing to do with any definition of the...
Terrible things, read with enthusiasm.
449 episodes transcribedNamed after its founder, The Keshe Foundation speaks of something called “Plasma”, which has absolutely nothing to do with any definition of the...
You probably don't know what The Pooh's Adventures Wiki is, but as of this episode, it has over 80,000 pages. Comprised mostly of fanon crossover...
Rosemary Doll is an online retailer of sex dolls that cost $2,000 or more apiece. And in addition to many many horrifying yet extremely funny pho...
Eva Draconis has had sex with multiple transdimensional lizard beings (Reptilians, Orions, and regular old dinosaurs) including a red Dragon Tur...
Shortstory1 is an extremely prolific author of (appropriately enough) short stories, mainly horror one-shots or absurdist premise pieces. Are the...
The website niteflirt is a directory of phone sex operators, all of whom are looking for customers interested in paying them $2 a minute (minus f...
The subreddit of r/morbidquestions is (I suppose) meant to ask and answer thought-provoking yet dark questions. However, this is a subreddit, so...
RAW Confessions is an anonymous confession site with very lax moderation. Naturally, this means the content on this website is extremely dire. So...
At some point in the 1970s, an American named John Swigart changed his name to Aajonus Vonderplanitz, insisted he had a PhD, and started writing...
Jo Joe Skies started a forum. On that forum is a single thread. That thread has 300,000 replies. If we exclude the posts made by bots, each and e...
Okay, so here's the premise: Neal sent us a document of Magicakal Recipes from Plentiful Earth, and Smallest Sasquatch sent us a document annoyin...
While the internet has made us more interconnected, the world remains a massive place. And travel is a way to build a greater understanding of Th...
One night, Lemon and four ridiculists read a document made entirely from stories from Not Always Right which were tagged as "inspirational". Then...
We're only one episode away from our 400th episode, and we're gonna spend it on the quadfecta of tumblr, reddit, fandom and deviantart. Today, we...
The term "Lightworker" describes a person who.... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... so uh, let's see, there's energy? And there's injustices in the world? Oka...
Replika is a service that provides AI-powered "artificial companion" chatbots to sad and lonely redditors, who then will immediately try to use i...
While their name might confuse you, the NoPoo community is actually dedicated to abstinance from the use of shampoo. They have all realized that...
The Anal Only Lifestyle is a community where heterosexual men who only like one thing can overshare about their hyperspecific sexual fantasies,...
The promise of the website Spells of Magic is very compelling: Over 16,000 spells to help you do things like turn into a dragon, make friends wit...
While potentially obscure, Natural Body Magic is an oblique and unhelpful term which describes a specific fetish for the removal and displacement...