7.2 Andrew Jackson
Episode Date: September 15, 2018After New Orleans, Jackson finds himself one of the most popular men in the country. He has a head full of idea as to how the country should be run,...
We rate all the American Presidents of the USA
115 episodes transcribedAfter New Orleans, Jackson finds himself one of the most popular men in the country. He has a head full of idea as to how the country should be run,...
We now arrive at one of the more controversial presidents in US history: Jackson has a bit of a, shall we say, reputation. In this episode we explor...
After spending some time getting to know the Tzar and the war torn countries of Europe, John finds himself back home. He has plans. Big plans. He ca...
It’s not easy when your father is one of the most important men in the (albeit short) history of your country. There is a lot of pressure on young J...
Monroe arrives back home to find that his so-called friends are not being nice enough to him. But he will show them! he will run for president! He w...
It’s tough being the poor boy in the class, even when you own hundreds of acres of land and dozens of slaves. But one day the young James Monroe was...
It's time Madison meets Dolly. Fed up with politics, this wonderful woman reinvigerates Madison's zeal for political life. And he will need that zea...
Slight, small and stiff. This is how Madison was described by his contemporaries (about his personality - get your mind out the gutter). However, th...
Thomas becomes secretary of state after getting back from France, and from then on he is at the centre of Us politics. But how does he do? He has a...
This week we learn of the life of the third president up until his appointment as the secretary of state. Find out how Thomas came to write the Decl...
Adams arrives in Europe with his son, determined to get the fench on side with his team of diplomates. One problem: he hates his team, and he doesn'...
We start our look at the second president of the United States, the one and only John Adams (apart from the other John Adams who comes a bit later)....
We finish off Washington’s busy life by looking into how he went from winning the war, to being president. It was not an easy journey - there was pol...
So we begin! We start with George Washington pt.1 (from birth to the end of the War of Independence). If George wanted to be anything, it was to be a...
Hello! Welcome to the start of our exciting new podcast. We are going to decide just how interesting each president was. How were they as a statesma...