MFM Minisode #4
Episode Date: August 30, 2016Karen and Georgia read your hometown murder stories that include a poisoned milkshake, a field full of wheat and blood, a ‘cliche reckless te...
Lifelong fans of true crime stories Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark tell each other their favorite tales of murder and hear hometown crime stories from friends and fans.
955 episodes transcribedKaren and Georgia read your hometown murder stories that include a poisoned milkshake, a field full of wheat and blood, a ‘cliche reckless te...
This week, Karen and Georgia dive deep into the world of Lululemon with the Yoga Store Murder and then tell the tale of Tent Girl and The Doe...
In this special minisode, Karen and Georgia read your hometown murder stories that include a prophetic child, a heroic dog, the Easter Sunday...
This week, Karen and Georgia discuss serial killer Cary Stayner and the Yosemite murders as well as con man/murderer Clark Rockefeller (aka C...
Karen and Georgia discuss family-annihilator John List, as well as Warriena Tagpuno Wright who fell 14 floors to her death. Plus a hometown m...
This week Karen and Georgia share stories that are new to the other: the Durham Family Murders and the amazing story of Terry Jo Duperrault.S...
In a very special episode, Karen & Georgia share just a few of the hundreds of listener hometown murders that have been sent to us.See Pr...
Karen and Georgia freak out over presents from listeners, then get dark with two child murders: Mary Bell and Lisa Steinberg.See Privacy Poli...
New favorite TV show talk followed by the Christopher Dorner killing spree and the tragic Cheshire Murders. Plus Georgia is bested by a homet...
This week K&G discuss Karen's tragic hometown murder, Polly Klaas, as well as the truth behind Kitty Genovese's stabbing. Plus must-watch...
Karen & Georgia focus on their favorite survivor murder stories, featuring an escape from The Chessboard Killer, and the harrowing story...
This week Karen and Georgia give themselves the impossible task of making murders from the 1500s interesting. The Sawny Bean legend and the P...
This week the ladies go way off topic before launching into their favorite murders, which focuses on the Cleveland Elementary School shooting...
This week Karen & Georgia discuss the rape trial of Brock Turner before delving into The Night Stalker's victims and capture, and New Zea...
This week Karen and Georgia focus on the depravity of the human race by discussing Norwegian sh*t head Anders Behring Breivik and the unsolve...
Karen and Georgia's favorite murders this week are creepazoids Lawrence Singleton and Franklin Delano Floyd, and boy, do they fucking suck. P...
In minisodes Karen & Georgia read the hometown murders that listeners email in ( and play recordings of hometo...
This week's favorite murders include the killing of 13 year old Jennifer Moore in Novato, CA, and the murder-suicide of pro-wrestler Chris Be...
The ladies discuss their new crime show obsession, The Family, along with the murder of Chandra Levy and the sad story of Sylvia Likens. Plus...
The theme this week is "murders from the year 2000," with Harold Shipman and the Setagay Family Murders taking the stage.See Privac...