Presence of Restrictions w/ Nona Jones
Episode Date: September 7, 2022There’s something to be said about a woman that restricts her focus on the Lord. Ya know? Drinking her water & minding her business—real bad! This we...
Join Sarah Jakes Roberts as she shares her take on the week's top stories in news and entertainment!
178 episodes transcribedThere’s something to be said about a woman that restricts her focus on the Lord. Ya know? Drinking her water & minding her business—real bad! This we...
Chile, W.E. love breaking bread with the Delegation! But besides the Canaanite woman, who’s truly measured the weight of glory in a single crumb? Shif...
Yeah W.E. knuckin' and buckin' and ready to fight! You see, our toxic trait is…ANYBODY can get it. But Sis, shouldn't God’s promises fuel the fight? K...
Quick, get Alicia on the keys—'cause THIS girl is on fiyaaa! Our guest co-host, Rev. Alisha Gordon, is out here doing the Lord’s work & it’s LIT! As t...
Last month on the podcast, there was a Master reset! Now, let’s bring the heat with a revolutionary FIRE—God, if the Saints having a Hot Girl Summer j...
Liiisteeen, this episode is giving run up, get done up! ‘Cause W.E. woke up and chose violence—against the spirit of fear on today! Like forreal Sis,...
Chile, yesterday's price is NOT today's price! W.E. are added value in these streets, with a WORTH ethic to prove it. Helping the Delegation instill c...
Sis, set your priorities straight, so W.E. can watch you pop awf! Teaching us how to rearrange a thing or two, is newlywed & first-time mom Stevi Cart...
Ladies, W.E. are halfway through the year & hitting the RESET button! ‘Cause why not? Fresh perspective ain’t never hurt nobody. Empowering listeners...
When it comes to sisterhood, just know—the Delegation ain’t new to this, W.E. true to this! So, when God slides a bestie in your life who’s ready to s...
How 'bout W.E. rebuke the spirit of no new friends? Real talk, Sis! The enemy will finesse you into a season of loneliness or toxicity—whole time, you...
Be it praying hands or throwing hands, the Delegation gone step! 'Cause like the homies Mary & Elizabeth, W.E. are our sister's keeper. Kick it with S...
Speaking of #SisterGoals, our guest co-hosts have been in the game for a long time. They're giving ride or die, Ruth & Naomi, 'till the wheels fall of...
Sis, ain’t no hood like the one W.E. got! All month long, the Delegation is invited to embrace sisterhood in a REVOLUTIONARY way. Ever wondered what h...
Aht, Aht! Disappointment can't be living rent-free in your head Sis. Matter fact, turn SJR & Marissa Craft up in the microphone as they school us on t...
Chiiillleee, the Saints say W.E. are too blessed to be stressed & too anointed to be disappointed, but the devil is a LIE! This week SJR is joined by...
The doors of the podcast are open & W.E. welcome you to leave your side-eyes at the altar. Here to destigmatize mental health and normalize therapy is...
When it came to making her dreams a reality, Milan Harris understood the assignment! Sooo, what God-given strategy did she dabble in to become the fou...
The bestie SJR teamed up with her boo thang for this one & W.E. luv to see it! Let’s make some noise for author, entrepreneur, producer, and pastor To...