#592: Never Surrender
Episode Date: March 31, 2024Negative internet comments, SI pride, baseball, Q looks on the sunny side, eel hijinx, Sage Channels Winston Churchill.
Podcast by Bryan Johnson, Walter Flanagan, and Brian Quinn
344 episodes transcribedNegative internet comments, SI pride, baseball, Q looks on the sunny side, eel hijinx, Sage Channels Winston Churchill.
Ming the maverick joins TESD to talk podcasting, concerts, viral videos and million-dollar life insurance policies.
Two TESD residents vie for the position of Overkill host.
A charity drive goes awry, TESD gives advice to the lovelorn, Willie’s Chocolate experience, the ants start a grassroots campaign.
Q has a moral quandary, post apocalyptic TESD, Shane Gillis, Paul Stanley vs Dan Ackroyd, Frank5 recommends crummy TV
Bry’s going through his changes, hobbies, AI doom, Walt & Git em freeze their balls off, Bry, Walt, & Q celebrate ignorance.
Super Bowl parties, IJ cruise, Bry hangs with fellow podcasters, Q & Bry slobber over Fatone.
Q’s eye-candy status is jeopardized when John the sexy lawyer visits TESD Town.
An ant is on the run, Godzilla minus zero, SI goes belly-up, trains.
Git em gets the boot, Jewish tunnels, airplane snafus, Maribeth turns 30, Walt and Frank5 go to Detroit.
New year & Christmas recap, Q & Bry rethink their wave runner dreams, AI death calculator, book binding dreams.
Sage acts the fool, Q is impressed by his nephew, someone meets “Q” online, how much to get peed on?
What’s old? Blue October, Kiss, and Zombie concerts. What if Bry returned from the dead?
Thanksgiving, Black Friday blind item, Walt gives up on Git ‘em, JTHG is named mvp.
Q does LA, thanksgiving facts, Git ‘em surveils Walt, secrets to living to 100, Airport Plaza fecal follies.
Q’s webcam fetish, Robert the Doll part 2, Q faces a moral quandary, problems at Disney, TESD award categories.
The yarn lady dominates Hazlet plaza, Bry falls prey to superstition, Halloween costume snafu, a new Staten Island ‘park’. Intro drum fill by Australi...
Walt’s fears and costume no-nos. A special guest joins TESD for their annual Halloween show!
Q attends a gala, crazy revenge, calling people lazy, taking on demons. Enter to win a Four Color Demons guitar!- www.tellemstevedave.com/amsgiveaway
Ming joins TESD to justify his award. The TESD'Z season is afoot. Git'em's receipt controversy continues. Enter to win a 4 Color Demon Guitar from Am...