276: A Hunting Accident
Episode Date: November 8, 2023When Leonila Stickney died from a gunshot wound, her fiance Russell Bertram was quick to provide an explanation. The former police chief told investig...
The Let’s Go To Court podcast brings together two of the greatest legal minds of our time. Just kidding. *** LGTC ended in early 2024, but Kristin Caruso is still podcasting... and this time she has teamed up with her husband, Norm! Please subscribe to their new show, An Old Timey Podcast. It's well researched, wide-ranging, and deeply silly!
295 episodes transcribedWhen Leonila Stickney died from a gunshot wound, her fiance Russell Bertram was quick to provide an explanation. The former police chief told investig...
Well hello, everyone! We recorded this episode a few days after we returned from Obsessed Fest ‘23. … Though it’s probably more accurate to say that...
It was Halloween night. Doreen Erbert and her four-year-old daughter were cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie, when they heard a knock at the do...
Nicholas Firkus couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It sounded like someone was downstairs, trying to break into his home. So he woke his wife, Heid...
Imette St. Guillen wanted to have a good time. Her birthday was just a few days away, so she and a friend went out to celebrate. But when the bar clos...
September 15, 1963, should have been a typical Sunday at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. In the church basement, children...
When nine-year-old George Weyerhaeuser went missing, his family panicked. Kidnappings weren’t commonplace, but in 1935, wealthy families were on guard...
Mark Weinberger didn’t ask for much. All he wanted was an 80-foot yacht, a sushi chauffeur, a skinny wife, and a five-story townhome. Luckily, Mark co...
Alice Anderson was in a state of alarm. Her fifteen year old son, Bruce Brenizer had just called with disturbing information. His father, Rick, was mi...
Peggy Carr didn’t feel well. She was nauseous. She could barely speak. Her feet felt as though they were burning from the inside out. Her family rushe...
Martre Coles was no stranger to tragedy. When he was just 16 years old, his mother died suddenly. A month later, Martre’s father invited his new girlf...
BREAKING NEWS! We just discovered the biggest weight loss breakthrough of the 21st century!! It’s definitely not a scam!!!!!!!!!1 You don’t need to...
Bill Butterworth claimed he had no idea what happened. He awoke in a haze, hundreds of miles from home. He’d driven from Kansas to Florida in a car th...
Are you ready to get buff? Boy, have you come to the right place! In this episode, we learn from the VERY REAL strongman duo, Chop and Steele. They’l...
Plenty of people saw Michelle Martinko at the Westdale Mall on December 19, 1979. She spoke to a few friends, tried on a winter coat, and grabbed a bi...
The Haunted Castle at Six Flags Great Adventure always drew a big crowd. People often waited for more than an hour to get into the spooky, dimly-lit c...
Donna Palomba desperately needed the police’s help. She’d just been attacked in her home by a masked gunman. He’d raped her and threatened her life. D...
We’ve got big news to share… and boy are we nervous to share it. In this episode, we announce a change to the show’s format that will hopefully giv...
One thing is certain: *Something* happened to Thalia Massie on the night of September 12, 1931. She’d stormed out of a party at the Ala Wai Inn alone,...
Note: This is our last episode before we go on break! We’ll be back with new episodes in July, but if you can’t wait that long, sign up for our Patre...