Hamish & Andy 2019 Ep 42
Episode Date: March 6, 20191. Horgs – Power Moves book2. Behind the Music with Lord Kane3. Jack’s housewarming invites4. Slapping Skill5. Hamish the Medium
Australian comedy duo Hamish Blake and Andy Lee continue to taunt each other and their button-pusher Jack with a weekly show that is more about their listeners than it is about themselves. Hamish & Andy question and test the smaller things in life, no pondering too small. Visit hamishandandy.com
283 episodes transcribed1. Horgs – Power Moves book2. Behind the Music with Lord Kane3. Jack’s housewarming invites4. Slapping Skill5. Hamish the Medium
1. Jonathan Denholm2. Power Moves3. Coffee table book update4. H&A to the rescue 5. Bec's stuck6. Poppins Poppins Poppins7. Surprise for Jack8. Lo...
1. Jack’s sorry song2. Power Moves3. Friends Galore4. The chicken war5. The most special skills of the year
1. Andy’s swearing story2. Ghillie suit gets used3. Jack’s Christmas gift4. Million Dollar Minute cheat5. Special Skill – team guess...
1. Housekeeping2. Power Moves3. Tom the Shoe Guy4. Andy’s app addiction5. Made up trophies6. Ghillie suit update
1. Blow Something Wide Open2. Ballad writing for Amna3. Amna’s special skill4. Rules of chicken5. Peeping Tom
1. Power Moves2. Bee sting song3. Caught In a Rap4. The boy who can feel music – results5. Andy’s neighbours6. Merry Kris Smith7. Special...
1. Chicken challenge renewed2. Evil laugh3. War games4. AFL heights special skill5. What are your workplace games?6. Can you help the boy who can feel...
1. The next chicken chapter2. Song Sleuth3. New tracksuits4. Guess the actor – special skill5. Upset Andy6. Greg Loren7. Howe the Human Colour C...
1. Battle for chicken supremacy – merch results2. Chicken merch continued?3. Marvell facts Special Skill4. Sports drink interview5. Internationa...
1. Merch reveals2. Brett’s Simpsons special skill3. International Phrase Book4. Best ear piercer5. Power Moves6. We chat to Louis the Bog Conjur...
1. Lil Scrappy 2. Bec public transport prank3. Battle for chicken supremacy – merch designs4. Merch designs side note5. Special Skills speed rou...
1. Kris Smith2. International Phrase Book3. Hilliar millionaire quiz4. Power moves5. Government Grant Denyer6. A whole lotta’ merch
1. More messages of inspiration for Andy2. Harry the ‘Flag Man’3. Battle of the chicken ads4. The piss test5. The piss test pt.26. Border...
1. Tell us someone we haven’t thought of in a while2. Grand Stan Phone Scam3. Rory the Ballad Man4. Rory the Ballad Man pt. 25. Airport elevator...
1. Dad’s car correction 2. Dad’s car correction cont. 3. Chef chat 4. Mia the Microwave Girl 5. The Name Game 6....
1. Bec’s laptop2. Catherine – trolley guess pt 13. Trip to the supermarket4. Catherine – trolley guess pt 25. Power Moves6. Jingle c...
1. New tracksuit frenzy2. Andy wants credit3. Professor Silburn4. The People’s Junket5. Pick The Beat6. Token of No Value7. Lachie the Menu Guy...
1. Jack Post sightings in the wild2. Speak it backwards 3. Speak it backwards Pt 24. Nike tracksuit update5. Sam Pang6. Bonds tracksuits7. Offer on a...
1. Lana the language expert2. Placeholder tracksuits3. Horgs on True Story4. Royal Wedding update5. Special Skill - Divide by 76. Scotty Pup7. Hamish...